Reviews for Nightmares
Deathlylover chapter 20 . 7/7/2014
I've never even heard of calling it man-juice before. XDDDD So awesome! Light and L are so cute I'd also enjoy some Kira x Light action
L Lawliet Ryu chapter 17 . 7/5/2014
This was the funniest chapter ever.!
L Lawliet Ryu chapter 2 . 7/5/2014
The end of this chapter made me happy because it is so like them. The banter is dead on! :)
AlohaHannah chapter 20 . 7/4/2014
This is by far my favorite Death Note fanfic! Love it!
The Lord of Insomnia chapter 20 . 6/23/2014
I loved this chapter! Poor Light haha Update soon!
sukebanangie chapter 7 . 6/21/2014
I JUST found this story and OMGITISSOGOOD. I am only on Chapter 7, but I decided I would fav, follow and review - so here is that review. Hi! Plz keep writing. Thank you.
Sarysoda chapter 17 . 6/20/2014
You know what, I'm just gonna pretend that none of them saw that.
Sarysoda chapter 12 . 6/20/2014
I love the conversation between Sayu and L XD It was funny that he had no idea how she knew those things because he usually knows. And Misa is so cute. I think the reason people don't like her is because she sticks out like a sore thumb. Her and Light don't seem compatible either. But her being just friends with Light and L is cute. I also felt a lot of peace at the idea of her letting go of worshipping boys and just being the best she could be. I think Misa and Matsuda would be cute. He seems to like her. But I don't think that even those two would be compatible. Maybe another pop star dude that's like her lol. Eh I talk too much.
Sarysoda chapter 4 . 6/19/2014
I am glad you defended Misa lol. I feel ya. I think she appears stupid because she is so loud and says things with out thinking...actually I think that is stupid lol. But she has done some smart things on the show.
MiineSilvestre chapter 20 . 6/17/2014
OMG I LOVED L doing shit without his cortex approval hahaha I believe you've mastered the skill of describing a sex scene, congratu-fuckin-lations lol Even though I had a bit of a trouble to figure out what position they were in (sitting? standing? laying down?) but that can be my poor english vocabulary's fault. Anyhow, that was a really great chapter! And about your computer - Having two antivirus can cause conflict between them sometimes and they don't actually do shit right! I think it's better if you would keep just one?
UNICEPHALOS chapter 20 . 6/17/2014
Nice update! Also, I totally get what you mean about what people use to refer to a penis. "Member" (I seriously don't even know when or why people started saying this) and "manhood" always made me giggle though now it is only the latter. The former I've built a tolerance for but still don't like reading. If the context is REALLY bad or funny then I'll still giggle though. "Need" never really made me laugh. I usually don't focus on words referencing penises too much instead focusing on what's actually being done and what the characters think. Certain phrases like "shot his load" or "exploded" make me cringe a bit, too. I'd rather read "climaxed" "released" "orgasmed" or anything else. I would rather someone say semen as opposed to seed too. I dunno. Terminology is a tricky business with lemons, huh? Oh, and "sex" in reference to a penis makes me laugh hard. I've read that too, haha. I'd prefer words like dick and cock to "sex" any day. That ones the worst for me. The others are forgivable to me if I'm in a good tolerant mood, but "sex"? Haha, never. I can NEVER take that seriously. But to each their own preferences. Depends on the mood of your writing I guess. I usually use "erection" or sometimes "length" if I feel I used the former too many times. I think I maybe used need once too, but I'm not sure. I rarely if ever use that one. It's like a backup synonym for erection, the one I use most often alongside arousal. Repetition can be just as annoying as bad terminology to me. I know some people laugh at those words too though. Meh whatever it's me. And I rambled like hell. Damn it.

Anyways great update and I love how you write, but you already know that, lol.

Love you and your story,

Fluffy Dream chapter 20 . 6/17/2014
Indeed, L, that was just soooo cute! Awesome job, me super hentai hentai ultra love it! :heart :3

AN You're right, you're right! That's funny, indeed! Just read it aloud: L's need was vibrating inside Light! XD XD
Ahdieifne wbbemsldo chapter 20 . 6/16/2014
Another great chapter. I feel bad for saying it but my favourite bit was definitely the opening. L thinking about love was refreshing. Oh, and I also loved that thing about his self control and how cute he was! Aw! Anyways, great work! See you next time.
WinterSpirit13 chapter 20 . 6/16/2014
You are so lucky... I am in school still. Thanks for updating, finally. *reader is just naturally impatient*
Anyways, great chapter I guess. It was very well written and-dammit I can't complement this without feeling like a perv, so just know that it was good or something.
pffffft man-juice. hahaha.
See you next chapter!
Magic chapter 20 . 6/16/2014
You mat notice me reviewing from the name "Magic" instead of "Themagicianthatmagicsthings" or "The Magician That Magics Things" Because that's how I do. Plus I can't be bothered to log in. I like this chapter, as it was the only one this week. Not only that, but It's well written. And all of the other good things. It even tastes like ice cream. Maybe. I like the SNES and Mortal Kombat. Bye.

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