Reviews for Unintentional Infant Acquisition
Aquacoral14 chapter 1 . 1/3/2016
Oh this is so sweet. Baby Myka sounds completely adorable.
killer4853 chapter 1 . 10/19/2015
yourewastingyourtimevoldemort chapter 1 . 6/9/2014
Oh my gosh, cutest whammy EVER! I love this story and I love the way you included Claudia's past so much!
Charity Angel chapter 1 . 5/21/2014
This is so adorable! Myka would definitely have been an adorable baby, and it makes total sense that Claudia would bond with the babies in her foster homes, and I'm sure she will be a great mom if/when the time comes.

You definitely have come up with a realistic way of having a baby without any weird, contrived method of said baby coming into being, and baby Myka is just right for her age - she's not unrealistically advanced at all, which is really nice for a de-ageing fic.
oldmoviewatcher chapter 1 . 1/4/2014
This was adorable! I wish there'd been info to the cradle. I know the artifact was simply used for the story, but it would've been cool! Either way, nice story.
DrGiggles chapter 1 . 12/31/2013
Oh my gosh, that was such a sweet story! It takes me a long time to find good Warehouse 13 fics since I don't ship Bering & Welles and hate high school ones. But this was so awesome.

I loved seeing a sweet, motherly side to Claudia and how everyone, even Artie, took care of baby Myka. I wish I could know how the artifact came to be, but that's okay. You did an excellent job writing a realistic baby, I know this because I'm from a big family and I babysat MANY baby cousins for the past 8 years.

Thank you for writing this, it's definitely one of my all time favorite Warehouse fics :)
Irisa Nolan chapter 1 . 8/26/2013
Guest chapter 1 . 8/25/2013
this was so good. i loved it so much. i wish it was multi chapters though. but it was awesome and i wouod read it again and again.
curiositycollection chapter 1 . 8/25/2013
This is a GREAT story. LOVE the title. And I love the Pete-perspective, at the beginning!

"He's debating which will cause less panic, when Myka apparently makes the decision for him and begins to wail."
- LOL, great line!

"Claude, is this a lullaby version of Bohemian Rhapsody?"
- Hahaha :)

This is a great Claudia-centric story. I like the background reasons you set up for how and why Claudia would be able to care for a baby. Well done! :)

Friendly suggestion: When your story/chapter is in Doc Manager, insert the horizontal break line after your Author's Note. That will help readers to see where your story-text starts. :)
Also, the line breaks are helpful for scene changes.
adelaidybug chapter 1 . 8/25/2013
This made my heart melt. Oh my gosh.
MottsKid chapter 1 . 8/25/2013
Delightfully clever story. Using Claudia's foster experience to explain her proficiency with caring for baby Myka was brilliant! It makes so much sense, and this insight into Claud's personality is refreshing. Since we've really only seen tiny bits of her character's experiences in canon, and with her describing a only a bit of her foster experience to Nick so late in the series, I'm really impressed with your intutative adaptation. Thanks for writing!