Reviews for The Man Behind the Thin Blue Line
The Sapphire Hunter chapter 17 . 2/7/2019
I don't know why but your oldy feminine renji had me in hysterics every time you wrote a secen with him in it.
xfang-girlx chapter 17 . 11/29/2014
I remember beta'ing this chapter. It was amazing then and it is still amazing now! :D

A couple of things which made me laugh: the moment at the beginning with Isshin and Riko/Uryuu/Renji at the shops. :)

Awwww that wedding. So cute. And that Uryuu moment.

An amazing ending to an amazing story! (I've said amazing too much, but it is true). I just loved this story. Sorry for the late review.
Frost is Sidhe chapter 17 . 5/2/2014
That was the most beautiful story I have read in years! Thank you for sharing this with all of us on Fanfiction net. You and your beta-reader have done a wonderful job with it and I look forward to reading more from you both. Your writing style is wonderfuly engaging and well thought out. It had my full attention from the start. You should consider becomming a professional writer in the future if haven't already.
Leyshla Gisel chapter 17 . 3/5/2014
APPLAUSE! Another fantastic story. :)
sweetdreams705 chapter 17 . 3/5/2014
TT So...many...feels!
sweetdreams705 chapter 16 . 2/21/2014
That's so cute Uryu got together with Mai! I'm glad he got a happy ending too. And poor Renji getting teased during this chapter. It's been really nice to read Riko and Ichigo's relationship. I can't wait for your next story _
xfang-girlx chapter 16 . 2/17/2014
Uryuu is just too cute! I'm glad he gets a happy ending, and a son by the sounds of it. :D

Ichigo, Ichigo, Ichigo... I don't think he'll ever learn...

:D :D :D A wedding! Oooo... this is going to be amazing. Hopefully there will be no drama involved since Grimmjow is out of the way. But I just thought that if something that would make them tense does happen, it would be Uryuu's father coming to the wedding? :/ I dunno. There still needs to be a bachelor and bachelorette party. And I'm sure Rangiku would want a say in the matter! :P

They're finally living together! :D It didn't take them long for things to heat up! :P B-b-but what about her apartment? :( That was an awesome place!

Great chapter! I enjoyed reading it very much. :D Cannot wait to see what happens in the next chapter. It feels like this could end at any point but I guess there are also possible ways it could go if you wanted to continue it. :)
Leyshla Gisel chapter 16 . 2/16/2014
Ooh he popped the question. Way to go, dude. Awh, Uryu is taking care of Mai and the babester.
xfang-girlx chapter 15 . 1/22/2014
At the beginning of this chapter I was confused, but then I remember that she had been captured! :o

I do like how she kept fighting even though there was a moment when she felt like giving up and then Ichigo was able to give her that push to fight again. :)

"Why the hell had this thing gone down to the bottom floor?" - Lol! I had no idea, of course when Ichigo and Renji came into view it all made sense. :D

:o Riko was shot! Thankfully it wasn't anything life threatening.

Awww, Isamu is all better now? No more needing to be in a bubble? I can't remember whether before this moment he had gotten through the treatment or not. Knowing that he is better and healthy makes me happy. :D

No chance of Uryuu or Riko. D: I did enjoy their moments together! And I'm sure I will enjoy the little moments they have in the future! :D

Great chapter! I loved it! So intense-filled. I cannot wait to read the next and am looking forward to it immensely! :D :D

"...perverted masochistic tendencies." - I think it's meant to be sadistic here?
sweetdreams705 chapter 15 . 1/20/2014
Awwww I kinda feel bad for Uryu! He needs someone to love! I think Grimmjow got what he deserved but at the same time I'm a little sad he died. He was always an interesting character when I watched bleach. Him and Ulquiorra.
Leyshla Gisel chapter 15 . 1/19/2014
ooh yay! everything is wonderful now!
sweetdreams705 chapter 14 . 1/12/2014
Hehe Uryu you jerk teasing her like that. God so glad they're FINALLY together! But now stupid Grimmjow is being mean 3 you just had to leave it there didn't you! Hope you can post soon! _
xfang-girlx chapter 14 . 1/11/2014
:O What just happened? Talk about an intense-filled ending!

You're such a tease with that Uryuu chapter before! I think it is safe to say the Ichigo is the one for Riko. :P

So the blonde was an informant and now she is dead. :/ I'm really hoping that the same doesn't happen to Riko. Though if she is still alive, I'm sure Grimmjow won't be able to keep his hands off of her. :/

This was a great chapter. I hope Ichigo gets to her before anything bad happen. I'm looking forward to the next chapter. :D
:O what if Grimmjow uses those plane tickets with Riko? Is it possible to get an unconscious lady onto a plane?
Leyshla Gisel chapter 14 . 1/11/2014
Oh man, some action movie time!
9thDimen chapter 1 . 1/11/2014
Ebdbdksnedb Grimmjow! I'm glad they've gotten back together, made me happy to see the two make up... and stuff, lol. Can't wait to read more! I do have a feeling that this is almost to the end, maybe?
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