Reviews for Manly Magi Kamina Magica!
Guest chapter 22 . 12/25/2019
Fue increíble, de verdad me encantó leer cada capítulo, creo que representaste muy bien la personalidad de todos los personajes y es lo que más aprecio de un crossover.
Muchas gracias por crear esta historia tan maravillosa 3
Dragon Install chapter 22 . 6/7/2019
i've come back after a couple years to read this again, and sure, maybe it doesn't hold up as well as it did all those years ago. maybe it's because my standards have risen immensely or i've become too pretentious, but irregardless of all that, irregardless of the problems i have with the quality, this story is still such a fun read. there's not many stories that can get a big emotional rise out of me even on repeated readings, but this story is definitely on that list, and I'm so very glad it is.

it's a shame you never finished it despite being so close, but the conclusion we have is still satisfactory nonetheless. even if you never come back to finish this, i'm still so glad you stuck with it for as long as you did. so thank you for making this. it's been a wild ride
A fan chapter 22 . 6/2/2019
I must admit, it was a shame you were never able to finish that finale chapter. You were so close too! But even then, the story you have given us is more than enough. This is more than just a “fanfic about Kamina in Madoka Magica, this is a fanfic about giving the entirety of madoka magica a satisfactory ending. And even then, there are a lot more reasons to read this. So once again, I thank you for giving us this wonderful story
piekielneciastkozrodzynkami chapter 21 . 12/24/2018
I love how Kyouko went full-Viral there. I love the whole fic btw
Matt Egan chapter 22 . 12/19/2018
I came back to read this years later, and I have to say, it's just as good as I remember. It's a fanfic that builds so well on both shows and helps drag the depressing horror of Madoka into something that's fun and cathartic. I know it's unlikely you'll finish this anytime soon, if ever, but it was good to go back again to look. You've brought back some good memories.
No Idea What to Name This chapter 22 . 4/7/2018
JunAhrkSonaak chapter 22 . 9/30/2017
I hope you come back to this. Still a favorite.
Geomon123 chapter 1 . 6/21/2017
This is beautiful...



ticksFIRED chapter 22 . 3/4/2017
"in the next and final chapter"
doesn't update in 3 years ok
KomnenosAlexios chapter 22 . 1/30/2017
Hey, nice job with this story, all in all. It got a bit predictable at certain points, especially when the second part kicked in and the story essentially became a rewrite of part two of Gurren Lagann. Love interest gets abducted by Anti-Spirals, Mugan/Ashtanga Arc, Lotus Eater Machine, Anti-Spiral Fight, Part One Villain self-sacrifices, Anti-Spiral dies. I do love Gurren Lagann's radically different theme and mood superimposed over the PMMM universe and how that factored into how things went. Though I doubt this story will ever get updated again, as it's been essentially 3 years since it last got an update, I still thoroughly enjoyed how it went.

If the last chapter is anything like the material in previous chapters, I'm going to guess that Madoka will get her wish, and all Magical Girls will be saved. However, she will still fade away a la Nia. How Homura takes this can really go anyway, I think. On one hand, Homura could have the option to not accept this and to turn back time, but that would be a total subversion of the TTGL themes in this story. It would sadly hold up the themes of PMMM, but I don't think you'd go as far rescue all the other Magical girls PLUS Kittan to do that. On the other hand, She could have accepted Madoka's wish and learned to accept the fruits that it's gotten everyone, but then separate from the group to travel the world a la Simon. If you still get notifications, it'd be super cool if you shot me a message detailing what you wanted to do in the final chapter!

Spin on!
Neo-Devil chapter 1 . 1/20/2017
yep...kick logic out the window and do the impossible! THATS THE WAY OF TEAM DAI GURREN!
MABfan11 chapter 22 . 9/11/2016
was hoping you mirrored the final battle from Lagann-hen, because that was even more epic than the anime

also, when is the last chapter coming?
SoulboundAlchemist chapter 22 . 8/12/2016
DUDE! This was AWESOME! Now wher the HELL is the final chapter?!
divad relffehs chapter 2 . 7/20/2016
They don't need Grief Seeds to replenish their magic, they need them to purify their Soul Gems. Why is it that nobody ever asks what happens if they don't purify their Soul Gems?
kinigget chapter 1 . 6/23/2016


All I can is yes
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