Reviews for From the Ashes: The Fallen Phoenix Saga
Lauriene chapter 7 . 12/31/2016
This story has been really entertaining with the right mix of humour and truth. I had never thought about Scott and Ororo being a pair before but now it seems so right. Keep up this quality of writing and I'll just have to keep coming back. Although, I am curious as to how far this story is going to span. Will it cover Kurt's resurrection? Or will it be finished before then.
bandeapix chapter 7 . 3/17/2015
you should definitely write more. Hope you didn't give up on this good story.
elohimoliverelmo chapter 7 . 2/20/2015
Good story
MF 22 chapter 7 . 4/23/2014
Leave it to the terrorists to resort to their usual crap. They never learn, and Stryker's the worst of them all. He'll murder anyone, maybe even his own mother, if it furthers his goals. And if the mutants do something, they're seen as the bad guys, even though they're merely defending themselves. If they don't, they'll be slaughtered wholesale, and they're still looked at as the bad guys by a sizable portion of baseline Humanity. Lose-lose situation, although there are *some* encouraging signs, such as some Humans showing they don't care about discrimination.

On another note, the Human Callie sounds pretty amazing. Doesn't take crap from anyone, knows what she wants and sets out to get it, and knows how to make things happen. I've always been attracted to women like that. The thing is, what about Rogue? They may be having issues, but if she sees Gambit with Callie, then the relationship could be over permanently.

Finally, I'm really glad you're not taking the path many writers are, and having Scott be completely out of character by cheating on Jean, and being an enormous jackass. A lot of people use that as a vehicle to pair Jean up with Wolverine, a character I used to like, but no longer do. I blame bad comics writers for trying to create drama where none needed to exist. Same with Peter Parker; why get rid of MJ? That's a different rant entirely, though. Point is, thank you for not going down that road. I really like how you're touching upon the close kinship Scott and Ororo have, and having fun with it. Add the fact the two leaders found much in common in regards to lost loves, and you really have something to work with.
Stormymegumi chapter 6 . 1/29/2014
Dang, just when things were getting hot and heavy for Ororo/Scott and so what Remy/Callie, trouble comes on knocking. I feel so bad for those kids being attack like animals. I hope the X-men can get to them at time. I thought Scott and Ororo was going to take things slow too. *Grins* Wonderful update.
Stormymegumi chapter 5 . 1/29/2014
Sorry about not reviewing the last few chapters earlier due to real life, but I'm here to finally review them now. I thought Ororo's and Scott's date was wonderful until the mutant haters ruined it in the end. But not all was lost. We got to see Ororo and Scott grow closer with each other and wanting things to forward with caution. Great set-up to the next chapter.
chocolate1 chapter 7 . 12/7/2013

I kept reading these last few lines over and over again with a smile on my face. I enjoy seeing this side to these characters bc now after all the pain and sorrow they are allowing themselves to give into each other, standing together not only as a team during battle but also connecting deeply on an emotional level.

These two are such great leaders who also look out for those who can't stand up for themselves. It also seems that Callie is finally beginning to understand, what a treat for Remy hahaha.

Feeling every inch of Scott yeah I am fanning myself whew hahahaha. Come on the next update has got to showcase some of their hot loving. Man I could imagine how the weather is going to be outside ;)
chocolate1 chapter 6 . 11/27/2013
OH my goodness Remy hahahaha. Looks like he got Callie all wrapped up so I can't say the dude aint got game :D On the other hand I was so looking forward to Storm and Cyclops pizza, movie and whatever else might come...and then came that dang interruption. I hope you allow them to proceed whenever they get another chance of being alone :)
chocolate1 chapter 5 . 11/15/2013
A slow build but you still have more heart anticipating that real, first intense kiss between these two. As they romance grows I do understand that this is unlike their former romances. These two are leaders and I know at times they will tend to disagree about a strategy but hopefully it doesn't get that awful that it interferes with the love growing between the two. So who is going to put two and two together first?
Stormymegumi chapter 4 . 11/13/2013
Great update! I get so excited when this story is update. You got to love Ororo for getting annoyed at Scott for sending her away on a mission with Gambit and her delightful and sweet reaction to the greenhouse Scott had Callie build for her. You really growing their relationship steady that when both of them finally admit there is something between the two of them, it will be explosive. Gambit is just wonderful here too. I love the fact he knows Storm in and out and can see there is something between her can Cyclops even if she doesn't want to admit it. The same for Callie seeing things between Ororo and Scott but her talk to him.

The date set-up was wonderful too, but I wonder how far they will get to enjoy things since it looks like there is trouble heading their way. Thanks for updating and I can't wait to see what happens next. :)
kendrat199 chapter 4 . 10/26/2013
Will Tony Stark make more appearances in this story? Hy the way where's Logan?! Additionally, I love your Gambit.
kendrat199 chapter 3 . 10/26/2013
I liked the introduction of callie, and an appearance by deadpool is always fantastic
kendrat199 chapter 2 . 10/25/2013
Man, I love gambit so! You wrote him perfectly, action and dialogue-wise to the point that I wanted a Scott/Ororo/Remy storyline. Damn! I like your that you were able to delineate between Cyclops and Scott Summers. Thank you for this story! I can't wait to read the rest tomorrow!
kendrat199 chapter 1 . 10/25/2013
I love this! The first fanfic I read was X-Men and coincidentally a Scott/Ororo pairing! That was years ago and yet, my heart has a special place for them! I liked the cameo of Emma as well. Thank you for this :)
chocolate1 chapter 4 . 10/25/2013
Wow Scott I didn't know you could be so romantic. How many men would have done that for Ro and I'm sure she's more than appreciative of the effort. Very much enjoying watching their mutual attraction for one another start developing into something more but looks like there's trouble ahead. Hopefully our couple can figure it out even through their romantic haze which I'm very much looking forward to :)
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