Reviews for Jardin de la Torture
annevic chapter 25 . 10/24/2019
This fic is SO GOOD. Seriously. I came here after reading your other story Fettered and I love this dynamic you have set up. You write the main characters flawlessly and I also enjoy how you include things about the scene that are also relevant to the plot. Just AGH. I can't get over how much I enjoyed this.
Guest chapter 25 . 4/13/2017
Wow, for one of your first fics I commend you; this was amazingly done. The revelations and the suspense that has built up over time as is readers wait for each character to actually DO something is the one thing that I love about this. Actually, it's what I love about your writing in general. I don't know if you're still writing, but I'm sure that you've definitely improved and wherever you are now, I hope you continue to do these things.
Guest chapter 9 . 4/11/2017
Just when I think that I've read the best of them, I pick another that manages to surprise me once again. I can't believe I'm saying this but I think I'm rooting for William just to see Sebastian crumble
Guest chapter 1 . 3/7/2017
Please please update soon. You really have me hooked onto your story right now and your story line is just amazing
Guest chapter 1 . 3/7/2017
Oh my god! I just finished this story and I can't even describe how good this is. I really love your story line an plot, it has me hooked. Please please update soon.
Guest chapter 25 . 3/7/2017
Oh my god! I just finished this story and I can't even describe how good this is. This is absolutely amazing. I love your story line and plot and you got me hooked. Please please update soon.
polar.amity chapter 13 . 6/4/2015
FUCK! Why would you cut off there!? NOOO! I promised myself this was the last chapter I was going to read, it's 4 o'clock in the morning - and you're giving me blue balls! ...okay, im calm. That was intense. In fact, I got incredibly turned on just by Sebe's description of the change to pleasure and how turned on he got just thinking about it. That was a GREAT bit of writing, perfect. I cant wait for more.
polar.amity chapter 12 . 6/3/2015
I too am now "Team Will", even though I came here for Sebastian-no pun intended. That being said, holley hell was that hot-I actually had trouble reading it, I kept drifting off in a spell of it
Guest chapter 8 . 6/3/2015
Just got through reading chapter 8. It was very disconcerting due to the similarities between undertaker's assessment of Ceil and its relation to some of my own psychological issues. I'm a little frightened to see how the story will go lol
polar.amity chapter 5 . 3/30/2015
PSSHHH "found parking" on Halloween night in the Castro-that's the most fictional part of this whole story.
polar.amity chapter 4 . 3/30/2015
Wow, talk about brave, I can barley write plain story with people in the room let alone smut-"have no shame" indeed.
I feel a bit like Sebby in this one-I wanted Ceil to put up a fight, and for him to break Ceil down in a sexy dark way. As of now, Ceil and Alois seem like teenage girls, fawning over older crushes. Not that it isn't hot-i'm still reading after all, but I'm hoping for more as we go on.
Guest chapter 2 . 3/30/2015
"Oh snap"
yoli ravioli chapter 25 . 1/3/2015
I finally give in and read the story and when I come across this chapter, I see that it hasn't been updated since August... I cried inside...

Love this story A LOT and hopefully you'll be up to speed on rewriting the story for you to update it soon.

Guest chapter 9 . 10/21/2014
I love this fic! Its nicely written, your settings, backdrop, and character development is great! Also I adore your playlist! It really sets the mood going. I know the story has been put on hiatus, but I can't wait for this story to update. I also read your other fics and they're really great too.
So until next time, happy writing! :)
xLittleFoolx chapter 1 . 10/4/2014
Promising beginning, I can't wait to
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