Reviews for 12 The Return to Asgard
RemRory23 chapter 29 . 1/19
This entire thing has been bloody awesome. I’m in love with your writing style. This could be years too late, as I have not looked at this particular pieces publish date but oh my, it was a ride!
anonymous.individual chapter 29 . 7/13/2019
So good! Thanks for writing! :D
Sylphrena33 chapter 29 . 1/7/2019
I love this. Really, you did a wonderful job with this. I thoroughly enjoyed this whole story, and I liked how well you wrapped it up. I've said it before, but I love how you portray the various platonic relationships in this series, especially within this story. Really great job.

I love Clint's bond with the wolves and his little wolf pup. I totally saw the pup coming and I wholeheartedly agree with it.

I also love Clint's battlefield speech. It's super epic, and it makes me happy. I would love to see Fury's reaction to watching a video of it that Jarvis took through Tony's suit. Or Phil's reaction. I think he'd be so proud.

Anyway, overall, this is amazing and I'm truly enjoying reading this series. Thank you for taking the time to write it and to make it so great.
Katie MacAlpine chapter 29 . 5/3/2018
I just binge-read this story over about 36 hours. I could not put it down! I almost did about half way through when Clint was rejecting Natasha, but then everything got better with the war won and the city free. I could not believe my eyes when Clint killed Odin and then Thor. How could he do that? How could he give in to that bitch! The truth was revealed and I was able to relax. The best part was the end. Clint had Arrow and Natasha and he was happy!
Katie MacAlpine chapter 2 . 4/28/2018
Poor Bruce.
Katie MacAlpine chapter 1 . 4/28/2018
Shannon E chapter 29 . 9/27/2017
Oh. My. Goodness. That was seriously epic.

I can't even describe how much I love this story, but also the entire series. You did a phenomenal job capturing the voices of the different characters and effortlessly balanced drama, suspense, humor and downright adorableness.

So thank you so much for sharing this with us.

A girl's gotta ask though... what happened to Chapter 11?
Guest chapter 29 . 8/2/2017
Wow, that was an amazing read! I love how you made all the characters so lovable! And of course Arrow sounds adorable 3
sarah.clarence.1 chapter 1 . 5/5/2017
finally got through the first 11 stories, and now I can start the one that drew my attention to your page in the first place. it's now noon on Saturday, and I have no plans for the weekend ... let's do this
Ms.Natalia Barton chapter 29 . 9/8/2016
Ok, I know this story is quite old, but, Oh My Goodness, was it good! I am officially obsessed with your stories. All of them have -by far- proven to be on the list of my absolute favorite Avengers fanfiction stories. You are one amazing writer! I have indeed found myself on the edge of my seat as I read this piece. Especially around the last five chapters or so... Also during the end, I found it quite impossible to stop grinning like an idiotic goof ;) 10/10 rating from my part.
Unterflieger chapter 23 . 5/12/2016
realy good
Ande chapter 29 . 4/27/2016
Wow. This was crazy. I've been looking for fantastic fics about Hawkeye aka the all fabulous Clint Barton. And this was a treasure trove. Your series and fics on Clint is mindblowingly amazing. (That's probably not a word but I don't really care)

And Arrow! But of course something like that would happen to Clint. He's the most mortal one in the Avengers (discounting Tony mostly cause he has that armour) and he came from a dirt poor background (comparable to the other Avengers, but everything he went through... is quite likely far worse than what the others had, maybe except Bruce, but yeah well.)

Clint is by far the strongest character in the Avengers, like all that pain and experience and shit that happened to him and yet he's a stubborn kid who refuses to die and just keeps getting up and doing his job as if nothing matters. Loki was right in many ways on Clint having heart, mostly it could be cause he literally is like the heart of the Avengers. And damn, I'm so glad I found all of these of your fics because I know I will be rereading and rereading them again and again in the near future.

_ Hope there'll be more fics about Clint in future! Thank you so much for writing.
Jesuslovesmarina chapter 29 . 1/14/2016
wOw. Definitely the best of the series! (That I've read so far :p)
Jesuslovesmarina chapter 28 . 1/14/2016
Aww! Puppy! Odin and Frigga are so much more entertaining in your stories than they are in the movies. The Thor movies feel depressing and random to me, I don't know why. This makes Asgard come alive in such a significant way that the movies can't seem to pull off.
Jesuslovesmarina chapter 27 . 1/14/2016
AHHHHHH! SO AMAZING! Loki acting grey again, true to his nature (:
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