Reviews for SoulMate - Part One
Tonia Hogarth chapter 1 . 7/13
Loved the story
Kat chapter 1 . 8/22/2014
Wow, I really loved this...can't wait for the next installment! The sexual attraction is sizzling!
Marion chapter 1 . 9/23/2013
I love the story hope next chapter is coming soon.
Azucar chapter 1 . 9/14/2013
Eagerly awaiting your next update! Hurry back soon!

Sidebar - any plans for a halloween fic? V's got his costume... what will C wear? Just hoping to throw some inspiration out there: )

ChiefPam chapter 1 . 9/7/2013
Hot! Please continue. Poor Vincent, still trapped by how he thinks sex *should* be and not understanding that what they're doing is okay (actually, way more than okay!) ... there is nothing for him to be ashamed of! He needs to realize that the only two people who have any say in the matter is him and Catherine; nobody else's opinions matters.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/4/2013
You know, i don't think the writers of the show did a good job at the end of season one explaining how Vincent was starting to make peace with this beast. Your story is helping me make some sense of it (I least I think that is where you are going). This is a great angle. Vincent is such a tortured soul... You bring that our of him in a beautiful way. I can't wait to read where the rest of the story goes. Thanks for sharing it.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/3/2013
You made me swoon again! Love it and can't wait for the next chapter! JT kept me hanging in his "Its you Vincent..." line.
Ruth Cassidy chapter 1 . 9/2/2013
Love it! Love how he is over thinking everything as always but worries as to which direction it is going! Thank you!
Debbie Green chapter 1 . 9/2/2013
You had me at "Vincent let the cool night air blow over him..."! I love the sensuality and passion between Vincent and Catherine, but I also love the interaction between Vincent and JT. As it happens every time I get to it...the.. To be continued...had me grinding my teeth in frustration and anticipation. Cannot wait for part 2!
Denise chapter 1 . 9/2/2013
So nice to have you back! Please continue soon! Thank you!
bookworm0612 chapter 1 . 9/2/2013
The sexy parts are awesome! Though I love this drama even more! Wow. How's V going to react to JT's news? How's he going to cope? He won't give up on Cat of course so he has to figure it out. I look forward to the next part.
pscoordsen chapter 1 . 9/2/2013
Wow! So passionate! As always my heart is racing, head swimming! So sweet and sad too! Perfect!
Guest chapter 1 . 9/2/2013
Great story, can't wait to
Imagination1234 chapter 1 . 9/1/2013
More please. Xx
Azucar chapter 1 . 9/1/2013
So happy your back : ) Looking forward to the next chapter - such a big baby V -of course Catherine is being truthful when she says she likes what is happening even if she didnt know the whole why behind everything just yet. If V could just accept himself and come to terms with his alternate side - which is an understandable hurdle - he could enjoy his intimacy with C better.

I understands V's struggle morally because these are the concerns of any considerate man and his partner. I think if everyone is happy at the end of the night Im thinking everything is okay : ) Great job !

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