Reviews for It's Always Darkest Before the Dawn
Sally chapter 1 . 10/19/2019
So...I know this is your story...but you had to start with Kirk still being Cryo? Could not just focus on say Pike? Guess I am just tired of reading all the Poor Hurt Kirk fan fic stories based off the Abrams Universe.

Not going any further.
atymer chapter 6 . 12/15/2016
I find the idea of Pike alive pleases me. I hope the author still has a feel for this after all the hard work of school being completed. I am most interested where this would go.
cyiusblack chapter 6 . 9/18/2016
good chapther update soon
Troy08 chapter 6 . 9/14/2016
Very happy I found this story..., I too was sorry that admiral pike died during khans attack...I like the fact he is the father figure that him never had. Also like the fact that Carol is in the story...always thought they made a great couple.
demonbookworm101 chapter 6 . 9/14/2016
Love the story
Can't wait for the next chapter
Im glad chris survived
Jim will need him
Delete-account-please-6878249 chapter 5 . 7/17/2015
Loved the story very good work please update soon.
Delete-account-please-6829121 chapter 5 . 7/17/2015
Very good story so far can't wait to read more so please update very soon.
cyiusblack chapter 5 . 5/4/2015
update soon
Guest chapter 5 . 2/21/2015
Awesome too wanted pike to be alive...pls continue...
twifantasyfan chapter 5 . 1/13/2015
I also wished that Pike didn't have to die in the movie, so it's nice that you let him live. Very nice ties between all the characters here.

Very interesting story thus far. I've been there and done that in terms of school, so I understand being busy. Still, I hope you plan to continue this at some point.
bloodynbeaten chapter 5 . 3/18/2014
I love it!
knightphoenix2 chapter 5 . 2/25/2014
Great story!

And Spock is showing emotion?!

Will wonders never cease? Hope not!
colla voce chapter 5 . 2/24/2014
yaaay you updated! I love this chapter its so sweet :)
demonbookworm101 chapter 4 . 12/2/2013
Love thestory
mysweetkat chapter 4 . 11/18/2013
Wow I'm so glad to discover this story. We see these characters at their best in the films but you have given us a view of their other side - their natural bonding as colleagues, friends and family. It's refreshing to see how all the command crew and Pike interact with one another in mutual respect and love. I am looking forward to the next chapter. Update soon!
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