Reviews for Unnatural Causes
beckini chapter 1 . 1/19/2018
Wow! What a really really good short story! I'm so glad that I found it! I found it by searching through the favorites sections of some of my favorite writers. I think it was Menthol Pixie's profile I followed you from.
Jade chapter 1 . 3/21/2016
I was bout ready to kill a bitch, and then it got good. I especially liked how you pulled the grieving Dean card without having the actual dead Sammy in the end
sUnKiSsT chapter 1 . 1/28/2015
Loved this!
NoilyPrat chapter 1 . 11/22/2014
Always love the Jerk-Bitch between the brothers...

Totally terrified that Sam had DIED. WOW, what a whammer you pulled! Had to go re-read several times. Loved what you did.

Vi-Violence chapter 1 . 2/11/2014
This is sweet.
TS chapter 1 . 11/5/2013
Oh how I love hurry Sam/protective Dean! It was as wonderful the second time reading as the first. Great job!
JuseaPeterson chapter 1 . 11/4/2013
That was really good. I knew something had to have happened with the smoke that went in Sam's face. That was really freaky with what Lundi did. I like how you had this though. Back when things were just a bit simpler and all was well enough. I loved seeing the love between the two brothers and when Dean was Sam's anchor when he was coming back.
A thought is a spark chapter 1 . 10/11/2013
I loved this!
JaniceC678 chapter 1 . 10/6/2013
Just what I needed this the mood for some great casefic but no time for a multi-chapter, so this suited perfectly! Great story and I LOVE stories set in N.O. There should DEFINITELY be more of those...the place if a perfect setting for the boys to play. Awesome way to start my day!
sapphireswimming chapter 1 . 9/30/2013
This was a really interesting one. Going with the traditional voodoo stuff was definitely a change of pace from what we see on the show, and having that turned against Sam and Dean... to the extent that Sam was a zombie with orders to kill his brother... that was some really intense stuff. And man, I was thinking about that Twilight Zone episode once I found out what was going on. At least that guy could move his pinkie; Dean would have been able to pick up on that!

Really loved the back and forth between the two of them throughout this one. You were able to explore a lot with the timing of this one just after Jess and meeting up with John again. I liked it.

My favorite line (aside from the very end) was: Then Dean was holding his hand like it was precious, whispering promises Sam wasn't supposed to hear and Dean couldn't make, sounding so completely broken.
Soncnica chapter 1 . 9/28/2013
Loooved it. Loved how you compared how Sam is and what Katrina did and yeah ...awesome!

Nana56 chapter 1 . 9/25/2013
Whew! That wore me out! Poor Sammy, having to be aware while all that was happening to him! But, poor Dean, having to go thru that with his brother, especially since it was so sudden. :(

You really portrayed the fear and grief strongly.

Nicely done. :)
pandora jazz chapter 1 . 9/22/2013
I always love visiting the brothers again from the first season before heaven and hell decided to fight over them.

Your story caught me by surprise. It seemed to be normal day post hunt and then Sam dies.
You captured Dean's thoughts of grief and shock so well.

When Sam showed up at the motel room, I had no idea where the story was going, except I knew there had to be a way Sam could be saved.

I love how Sam earlier had thought about Dean not knowing about ATM's or espresso, but Dean is a hunter and he knew exactly what to do when he saw his little brother standing there. 'There were so many things wrong with this picture, but this was finally something Dean understood and knew how to deal with.' '...that and the sickening row of stitches told Dean exactly what he was facing.'
It was such a tense scene you helped us picture with your words as Dean reached for his knife, the salt and then talking to Sam waiting for him to recognize his big brother.

I felt sorry and horror for Sam when it was revealed he had been awake for different parts of his ordeal and 'death'. 'That was when Sam had started to scream. And nobody heard him.' 'The first prick of the needle in the fleshy part of his lower lip sent Sam into a new frenzy of—utterly useless—attempts to move. By the third stitch, his head was swimming...'

I love how well Dean knows his little brother. 'Dean still managed to understand his intent, in that kind of telepathy you had with someone you'd shared space with almost all your life, the kind of in-tuneness Sam had never managed even with Jess.'

I have always liked how you have the brothers carry lidocaine in their bag of medical supplies.

When I first read this story, I wasn't sure if I could get through the zombie part, but you always write the brothers voices and thoughts so well and that is what all your stories are about, Dean and Sam.
Thanks for sharing another story with us. :)
Guest chapter 1 . 9/16/2013
You... you are brilliant, you know that? I mean, the plot of this, the location, the timing, all of it. It's absolutely brilliant.

As always, beating Sammy up physically and Dean emotionally is a giddy-good-time, and you do it so well!

"There was a pause, while Dean chewed his lip. Then, "Guess you' stuck wi' me for 'while," Sam whispered.
Oh, God, I hope so."

This is line is so very them, and very poignantly sums up the whole thing, I think. Love it all, but especially those lines.
TS chapter 1 . 9/15/2013
Ahhh, it's so nice to have some good ol fashioned season 1 h/c whump. Nicely done
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