Reviews for Into the Desolate Night
Special Dork chapter 7 . 2/15/2019

Me and YYPS are chattin while I’m reading this— “Especially with what she has planned for ITDN?”

im gonna strangle someone— my boi Yugi is runnin, runnin— Im sorry XD I thought of Runnin (Adam Lambert?) when I saw TDG lmaooo

We cant wait for you to come back!
metallicbubbles chapter 6 . 10/12/2018
Decided this would be a good re-read on a stormy night. :) Still agree with my previous review on this, well-written!
Princess OtakuGeek chapter 7 . 9/1/2017
Are you going to continue this story because you're off to a good start. I recommend you keep this up.
metallicbubbles chapter 7 . 4/11/2017
Awww this is written so well and so interesting! Feels like I read a real novel. But I am sad to see it hasn't been updated for over two years... and likely not soon. :/ Such a shame because the plot finally picked up (after all the character introductions of course).
YamiYugiPuzzleshipper chapter 1 . 3/11/2016
First I'm going to say I love your description. Especially with the way that it flows excellently with the atmosphere you created. You get a keen sense of the events taking place, and it's even more well-defined through the characters' thoughts and the laws that are in place. The characters seem rather flawless as far as your execution of them goes. I've never been able to see Yami going into a situation like a political play without getting a keen feel of the opposing figure and waiting for his moment to make a move. The fact that he waits it out like that makes the whole scene a lot more realistic to me, in all actuality. Another thing I wanted to note about the scene before Jonouchi returned is the tension that Kaoruko feels simply highlights the presence that Yami always seemed to have/make in the series and is portrayed beautifully without being so obvious (something that I am definitely going to have to work on so thank you for that reading experience~).
Hahahaha Oh my gods. I forgot how great the description of Joey was in this when Kaoroku was paying attention to him. It's pretty great because I feel like if she had ever had a romantic interest in him in the show it WOULD have been his smile over anything else. Beyond his loyalty-which I know he wouldn't really be able to show in a club of all places-there aren't really a lot of reasons to take a second look at him in all actuality. His smile and his eyes are definitely his greatest assets for that, especially to lure someone like Kaoruko or Mai.
Her reaction to Yami's absence has to be one of the biggest plays at subtle tension I've ever read. Yami being gone is more disturbing than his actual presence there in the first place and it seems more realistic that way. It delivers well and the effect of it is brilliant, including the way that it seems to torture Kaoruko so terribly.
The description of the hunt seems really natural, so I applaud you on that. I'm pretty sure I would have messed that up. Badly. The way she seems to go back and forth in her thoughts with Jonouchi, almost like a simple girl getting swept off her feet by a courtier is oddly adorable and incredibly enjoyable.
Yami's return to the scene is entirely TOO satisfying for me, honestly. I love that he suddenly just seemed to drop his cover and make it clear how much more powerful and dangerous she could ever have originally assumed he was. The cockiness that he displays in that moment is both somehow obvious and subtle and the whole effect is incredibly satisfying and well done. I also love the way that Kaoruko sees Jonouchi's attempt to speak to Yami as exactly what it is: either a misguided death wish or a chance for her to escape. The fact that she left her meal like that after such time courting him also puts a bit of emphasis on how powerful Yami truly is, even if she didn't really focus on that beforehand.
The lore that's mentioned is rather great, especially since it's (of course) full of speculation and scorn and dismissed by both parties involved (the shifters and vampires). The way their interactions go from Kaoruko's point of view always manages to make me cringe. Poor shifters. Their existence just sounds like one massive ache for them as a whole. One question that I'm curious about though, and I could have misread it, which is possible cause I sometimes do that when I'm excited, is this: Did the shifters get used to fight FOR the vampires as slaves when the dragon dynasty fell or did they just lose a war that they were not prepared for as a whole? I'm not going to lie though, Kaoruko's thought alluding to shifters hunting vampires like that makes me SO happy~ Although them playing as humanity's guard dogs is a weird thought to me lol I honestly can't see why they should bother with the way people treat(ed) them...
I can't even put into words how perfect her idea of getting to Yugi and having Yami get to her first was for me~ I honestly fell in LOVE with that. It reminds me a little of season 0 (my absolute favorite) with Yami working in the background and Yugi having no clue of it all happening.
All in all, the style is great. The wordiness is entirely necessary to tell the story properly and I feel that if you took anything away you would be doing it a clear disservice. It's a rather unforgettable beginning to the story (especially considering I remembered it even after having read it the first time almost four years ago and could STILL recall a mass amount of it as opposed to most stories where I can only remember the most enjoyable parts and phase out the rest). And the fact that the prologue takes place only mere moments from the events of the first chapter makes it seem more vivid and gives it a nice flowing quality that most stories lack where prologues are involved. The characters are extremely well done and I can see them interacting this way without having to struggle and squint to picture it. The whole thing seems natural and if the characters were put on such a world, I could honestly see it playing out this exact way. Also, the fact that people are so oblivious makes me pretty happy, though I do remember the exhibit with the shifters (it made me cringe oh my gods, my BABIES!) so I suppose they can't be entirely too in the dark though I do remember them thinking that they had exterminated them so I guess they are still pretty secret lololol Anyways, that turn of events seems more natural than everyone being completely oblivious. I've never really understood how that was possible, or at least not without the body counts or amount of missing people being highly suspicious and provoking some kind of reaction to make them go dormant again. So thank you for not hitting on one of my pet peevs by doing that. I normally grow REALLY impatient with an author when something so obvious is left out. If the area was NOT heavily populated-by either-it would make sense but in a place like Japan? Not so much.
The choice of Kaoruko as the main voice was great. She's not often used and you did well in keeping her in character, which makes it even more apparent the skill you have for storytelling.
Miqu chapter 7 . 1/3/2016
*expecting Yami to come save the day*

had to finish reading this XD
Bananarock509 chapter 7 . 6/30/2015
I wonder if he'll run into Yami?
hama431 chapter 7 . 4/23/2015
Update the next chapter please
Will yami fall for yugi and vice versa
Alice's-Love chapter 7 . 1/31/2015
I don't normally read AU, just cause I like to stick to the original story line as much as possible (other than YAOI that is).

But I absolutely loved this! Your writing is good which made me keep reading in the first place, then I forgot this was about vampires and werewolves for a chapter or two then BAM there they are!
I really liked the whole river and puppy dream, it was a really cool idea. ;)

Can't WAIT till you post chapter 8 (7?)! ugh this is definitely a page turner! (if it was a book that is)
Sorry I tend to leave long reviews when I'm excited.

lone goth-kitten chapter 7 . 1/27/2015
It's terrible what happend to Malik, but the emotions in this chapter are so overwhelming I could really feel the paranoia and fear, aswell as the urges to help and the rath. I am so reading this multiple times!

Love it! and needless to say, but Senji ins my team, down with urukai
Killua17 chapter 7 . 1/27/2015
Ushio got what he deserved!
I hope Yami finds him, and fast!
Shamise chapter 7 . 1/27/2015
Yeeeess. I had been wondering when this would come out. XD It's been a few more months than usual. Wonderful chapter! I love how you have illustrated the feelings and motivations.
Guest chapter 5 . 1/26/2015
Pleeeaaassseee...! Update soon! This story's great, its very original and you left it off at such a good point.
Jena chapter 6 . 11/12/2014
I did read all your chapters the other day. It takes me a while to gather thoughts for reviews, so sorry for the delay.
I do like how you didn't just have Yuugi in the Senjiyuu, and that Yami couldn't just take Yuugi in because of the politics involved. That shows you keeping an in depth plot. Seems like a lot of other stories just get the pairing together asap. Of course there's nothing wrong with that, just makes it rushed or like a no plot story, of which this is not.
I am enjoying Ryou's friendship with Yuugi. There are not as many stories with them as close friends, mainly because of Bakura's antagonism towards Yami or some other reason. And you didn't make Ryou so submissive here. If something or someone was important enough he will stand up even against Bakura. That is a good thing.
You are adding even more twists now with Malik and his sister. Poor guy seems conflicted now. Can't wait to see how that all pans out.
You also keeping the typos and such to a minimum. Awesome job. I hadn't read the first version of this, but this rework is a real pleasure to read. And I can't wait for the next chapter. Thanks for sharing!
Jena chapter 5 . 11/11/2014
Wow. I really liked Yugi's dream/near death scene. The way you showed how Yugi perceived the wolf or infection entering him is something I haven't seen in a story before. Well done!
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