Reviews for Fruits Basket: TRUTH OR DARE!
Hetaliafan98 chapter 15 . 2/2/2015
I dare the Max to wear a sign that says
I ship Kyo/Tohru harder then fed ex
for one whole chapter

{Laughs evilly}

Also for truth
Kyo, why do you hate leeks?
kyohater chapter 15 . 3/18/2014
yes i hate kyo now soo yuki i dare you to torture him with a chainsaw by the way i used to be kyoluva
LOLnotes chapter 15 . 2/11/2014
you should do momiji has to shoot tohru
like literally
bring her back to life later or something
kyo luva chapter 15 . 1/23/2014
Thx for doing my dare i hve another dare mwahahaha *flames come up behiend me* kyo must go on a date with.····· kagura good luck kyo yuki gets to······go on a date with a fan girl good luck kisa must sing the cuppy cake song
RpNicole chapter 15 . 1/22/2014
Ok... So you finally come back... I dare the Sohma family to perform What Does The Fox Say like the one in the video ( watch?vjofNR_WkoCE ) You can replace some of the animals with the ones in the zodiac. Make everybody who has posted reviews for both yours and Princess Rainbow 123's Truth or Dare be the audience. Let's drop from the sky! And yes, maybe the fan people should drop on their favorite character. You can also invite people from your favorite animes or something and transport us to a bigger room so we can all sit. Fans first! It's gonna be awesome! Then again it doesn't have to be What Does The Fox say... You decide! A show with free stuff like popcorn, drinks, tomatoes, magical stuff( Like a temporary gift of a vial of magic), etc. Would be nice( After all this is fanFICTION so the stuff is mostly made up)
Insertanimelovingname chapter 15 . 1/22/2014
So... can i dare yun yun to find a really thick wall and live it this wall for a week.
and kyo to kiss arisa. ;)
asel1 chapter 14 . 1/18/2014
Uhm. This isn't a bad story, but reading it is hard on the eyes because the paragraphs are too chunky. The characters are rather OOC, but that is to be expected with Truth or Dare fics, I suppose.
Just so you know, every time a new character speaks, a new paragraph should be started. In example:
Momiji thought for a moment. "I think paragraph structure is important to a story! Long, cluttered paragraphs are really daunting to a reader!" He glanced at Kyo.
"Ah, yeah. If the different characters each had their own paragraph of dialogue, reading this fic would be easier," Kyo said. Tohru smiled, and began to speak.
"You'll be more popular if you follow correct writing structure! It'd be nice if we were more in character as well, but I guess that's not that big of a problem." Tohru smiled.

The end!
So, not a bad start to writing. There could be improvement, but you are on the right track! :D
You have a plum!
winrykatbell chapter 14 . 1/7/2014
I dare you to let them go and kidnap the
wrighter and make them wright season 2
kyo luva chapter 14 . 12/30/2013
Yuki shall wear a fluffly pink dress and tiara and make up for 4 chapters mwahaha truth for kyo ask him if he likes gingers with olive green eyes ps a ginger is a girl with redish orangeish hair and FRECKLES gotta luv de FRECKLES
Talena Mae chapter 14 . 12/7/2013
Oh I love FB! however I really am sorry to point this out; but first off, your posting here is a little hard to read, dialog should go on a separate line for each new character and this type of interactive story is against the site rules (

Maybe you could try to tweak it into a story somehow? I am happy to give you suggestions on how to go about it if you wish?

Member of Critics United.
FearlessSun chapter 14 . 12/5/2013

I apologise for my exessive caps and repeated letters
ME chapter 14 . 12/3/2013
Wow, took you 12 chapters to figure out what a paragraph is. Amazing.

Reported for rule violation.
Spirit of Paladin chapter 14 . 12/3/2013
Interactive works are not allowed in this page per the rules you agree to follow when you publish something. Please fix this, you already got good suggestions about how and that will help you not getting reported.


Critics United
MrGoodyTwoShoes chapter 2 . 12/1/2013
Entries not allowed:

1. Non-stories: lists, bloopers, polls, previews, challenges, author notes, and etc.
2. One or two liners.
3. MST: comments inserted in between the flow of a copied story.
4. Stories with non-historical and non-fictional characters: actors, musicians, and etc.
5. Any form of interactive entry: choose your adventure, second person/you based, Q&As, and etc.
6. Chat/script format and keyboard dialogue based entries.

Your story is not allowed under sections 5 and 6 of the guidelines.

Try making it non-interactive by not asking for questions via reviews but maybe a link to a forum or to have them PMed to you and then using those ideas within the actual story as the characters use them as interactive stories that as for questions/dares are not allowed here.

MGTS of Critics United
Mrs. Flamer chapter 1 . 12/1/2013
You've already been told before by other people that interactive stories are not allowed. A good solution would be to specifically state you only accept dares/truths through PMs, as opposed to reviews. Doing that would get your story in the clear. However, going on as you're doing on is a violation and will get you reported. Consequences of that include the deletion of this story or even an uploading ban.

Lots of love,

- Mrs. Flamer.
Member of Critics United.
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