Reviews for Except For When They Aren't
Thoughtmirror chapter 1 . 5/16/2019
I really loved this one! Both chapters really capture the personalities so well. Are you going to do a chapter on Mikey? I would love to read it!
XYZArtemis chapter 2 . 4/21/2019
Great job!
Guest chapter 2 . 1/20/2019
Damnn. It's so beautiful 7_7
Contra-Donnie chapter 1 . 10/5/2017
Thank you so much for these glimpses into the complexity of Donatello. Too often characters are treated as one dimensional with only certain modes of operation. These stories explored the deeper aspects of Donnie and really brought the character to life. Fantastic, thank you!
Contra-Raph chapter 2 . 10/5/2017
I love how these short stories explore the complex dimensions of Raphael that are often overlooked. I especially enjoyed "Raphael-the Rebel" and how much he relies on Leo. Thank you so much for your amazing writing! :)
Khrysalis chapter 2 . 8/17/2016
Just as well done as the one before. You just understand them so well. It takes great skill and understanding to show Raphael's nature so clearly, and yet still be able to show him in a perfect moment of peace.

I see that it's been a spell since this was last updated, and I'm just a little bit sad the promised chapter on Mikey isn't here for me to read. I would have devoured it eagerly, and Leonardo's as well. I won't give up hope, though. Perhaps someday you will write their parts.

Until then, thanks for taking the time to write these. They were beautiful.
Khrysalis chapter 1 . 8/17/2016
I can't decide what's more impressive, your splendid writing and way with words, or your impeccable characterization and imagery. Donatello has always been my favorite, so this was particularly delightful to me. Describing what he is—except when he's not. Such extremes too—funny, when he's dressing down his brothers for destroying the toaster again. Bittersweet, as he considers his place in the world and all that April means to him. Horror, triumph, and his own persevering genius as he works to save his brother's life. Thank you. This is wonderful.
Created to Write chapter 2 . 4/8/2016
Oh man, these chapters are so true! I love it where you have a title they are accustomed with being called and then show when they /aren't/ like that!

I'd really love to read one for Mikey and Leo! These are amazingly written, capturing the characters so well.
amasongrain chapter 2 . 3/16/2016
I really like this, it's immensely interesting to see them break out of what's normally thought of them and you do it in such a way that their characters stay intact. This is so beautiful and just gah! I don't know what else to say other than I can't wait for the Mikey chapter and the rest of the characters chapters! Seriously, this is in depth and amazing and yep. I'm just going to be going now...bye...
SunflowerSundaes chapter 2 . 9/9/2015
Aw the bromance T.T can't wait to read moreeeeee !
thechildofmischief chapter 2 . 5/9/2015
luuuuuv it XD ur awesome cat wait for the next chapter
Stars chapter 2 . 2/23/2015
These two chapters have been fantastic and I do hope you can finish it some day!
flikaroo chapter 2 . 2/16/2015
I'm looking forward to reading about Mikey and Leo. Great job showing Donnie and Raph's characters and how they support their brothers in their own special ways.
mikeysgirl228 chapter 2 . 12/1/2014
I liked that raph kill part that movie was the best 2007 tmnt or die
flavumetrubrum chapter 2 . 8/21/2014
I absolutely love this story so far! I think it's exceedingly common for authors within this fandom to place each of the turtles into a box of stereotypes and leave no room for them to venture outside of shallow expectations. Obviously the characters are who they are and behave in usually predictable ways, but they are complex and there is a lot more than meets the eye. You're doing a great job of showing the depth of these characters, and I can't wait to read Mike's and Leo's!
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