Reviews for softspoken
xXHaruXiaOTPXx chapter 1 . 5/17/2016
lewilder chapter 1 . 4/2/2015
Wow, this was beautiful! I loved the exploration of the weather after the comet; it's an aspect that isn't explored too often in fics and I love the way you rolled it into the larger telling of your story. You portray Katara and her emotions so well and I love the Zuko/Katara dynamic here.
chromeknickers chapter 1 . 10/3/2013
What a lovely use of descriptions. The imagery is beautiful and your choice of words exact. You very much drew me into Katara's emotional mind-set. A lovely ficlet. :)
Boogum chapter 1 . 10/3/2013
Oh, this is just lovely. It was recommended over at Promptbending, and I can see why. Very moving and lyrical and just so tender and simple. I really, really enjoyed reading this. Your flow of writing is very poetical and vivid; I could see everything in my mind. I also instantly connected with Katara and felt a strong bond with her throughout the one-shot-a testament of your excellent writing and ability to gently weave her emotions/thoughts into your narrative.

I had to admit, for a moment I was worried you were going to kill Zuko off, so I was incredibly happy when she woke up to find him also awake and moving. I love that they just hug rather than kiss, and I especially loved this line:

/because she would have waited forever to see those startlingly sunlight yellow eyes, and that explains the depths of her love for him, that is what tells her it is real. She would have waited forever to see him well again./

It could have been cheesy, but you pulled it off. Really, this fic is just a beautiful 'missing moment', and I'm really glad the story did get recommended otherwise I might never have read it. Just lovely!
Advocaat chapter 1 . 10/3/2013
This was so freaking great! Just, wow. You made all the feelings wriggle around in my chest like spastic little bastards. Bravo!
caspasta chapter 1 . 9/28/2013
zutara :) ashjdf;lkahjsdfkl
foolish intentions chapter 1 . 9/21/2013
This is absolutely lovely and the imagery is vivid and your diction is beautiful and dkljaskldja
Princess Unikitty chapter 1 . 9/15/2013
very interesting story.
storyoftheunknownfangirl chapter 1 . 9/13/2013
Oh gosh I just exploded, great job!
songofhopeandhonor chapter 1 . 9/13/2013

ahem. right. i shall strive for coherency.

you are the pain in this marriage hush yourself. and it shows because oh my god i love this, i love how she stayed with him throughout his catatonia, i love the way she told him stories. i love love LOVE the jetara-zutara parallels. i love them so much, and it hurts. i'm so happy that you included that-"i should be thanking you" comparisons-and i love the powerful bender thing EHEHEHEHE. i love the descriptions, the sheer poetic beauty of your prose.

i can find no fault with this, none at all. unless making me cry counts but i think that's a good thing?

and it makes me so happy that she said "i love you", in whatever sense she meant it and dsfjosdjf

thank you for writing this you immensely talented lady ;;