Reviews for The Bind Releases
arata7kasuga chapter 7 . 6/8
Yeah that was definitely out of left field. Kind of ruined the story imo. Why force him to forget Fleur..
arata7kasuga chapter 6 . 6/8
Well, that kind of went all over the place. Also, if Godric is trying to help Harry with Aurora, why in the world did he place her with him in Gryffindor?
arata7kasuga chapter 4 . 6/8
Aurora seems kind of rude. Why not just give her surname since he was gonna find out anyways? It seems kind of unnecessary to try to withhold it for such a short amount of time.
arata7kasuga chapter 3 . 6/8
This is getting kinda cliched xD Also, never do A/Ns like that in the middle of a story, it breaks immersion. Also, why is Harry using a dark spell? I hadn't gotten the feeling he was going dark, not that I am against it, it just seems kind of sudden and random with no buildup.
Guest chapter 8 . 5/8
R chapter 1 . 2/25
Wow. Harry sees a pack of degenerates about to molest two girls, so he flings about a few stunners and jinxes as if it is going to stop them in thier tracks, or send them running.

Brilliant, Harry. Im sure those sociopaths will be enlightened by your mercy.
kellen23 chapter 8 . 1/26
Nice story so far. Hopefully it gets updated again
AlernateReality chapter 6 . 12/13/2019
Yeah... this has no character development. I swear the save at the World Cup is overdone, then you gave him metamorphmagus powers for no reason. Plus he instantly looked at her and was like "I am crushing on you" and doesn't give a second to any other girl.

Overall, it doesn't make for a compelling story.
AlernateReality chapter 5 . 12/13/2019
I dislike how he immediately falls for fleur after just looking at her. That's straight up what Fleur DOESN'T want
REVIEWER chapter 8 . 1/2/2019
xSean chapter 3 . 12/30/2018
What do I think? I think that I can't take this seriously. It's all well and good that Harry is sticking up for himself and what not but to rescue multiple women from people just cause it's convenient is stupid. Even more so that it's Dudley and his gang in London doing the harassing. Yet another step further when Harry uses such a curse on his own cousin knowingly, even if he is a total arse.
Guest chapter 3 . 10/21/2018
Hi , i would like to clarify the fact 5hat vol-de-mort actually mean rob the death. So Voldemort is actually meant to say that he robbed death of his privilege.
Paddybee chapter 3 . 9/4/2018
Hi -this intended as polite constructive criticism with regard to two things.
First one is this: Please do not put authors notes within the text, it really spoils the flow of things and jars the reader. Put them either before OR after the narrative (Not both), this gives the reader the choice to read without the notes if they wish.
Second one is pure grammar error. You consistently use the word 'of' where you should use 'have'. "should of, would of ,must of , wouldn't of" are all incorrect. The contractions "should've", "would've" etc are contractions of "should have" etc.. a common mistake because the contraction sounds like "of" and not "have".
Hope this helps
Constructive chapter 8 . 6/9/2018
I am not particularly happy that so much of his memory got erased. I thought it would have just been the duel.
Joseph Blomberg chapter 3 . 4/18/2018
For the record, I like the story, bit I want to get this straight, voldemort means flight of death, not from
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