Reviews for Monkey Business: A Midsummer Night's Dream
Amalley chapter 7 . 12/12/2017
So good ! I hope to see this completed ! Such a unique way to describe their relationship . I’ve never read a fic like this - it’s remarkable
Pocket Mouse chapter 7 . 8/25/2016
I was surprised but actually really pleased that Bulma’s routine was a complete disaster - it makes sense and fits her as a character. The shoe throwing was hilarious, and I loved that her attempt at sexy dancing wasn’t actually sexy at all - I know if I watched a tape of myself back trying to dance sexily in a club I’d probably die of embarrassment. I also like that there’s something her mum can do that she can’t? We all have our own talents after all!

Poor Bulma though with her press conference, I honestly don’t know if she’s going to be able to style this one out? Sweda’s going to be working overtime for a while I think!

I do love this story, it makes me so happy! Sometimes you need something silly, fun and lighthearted. I love your serious stories too, but they have me on the edge of my seat and I’m constantly worried something awful is about to happen to a character I love. With this one I know it’s just silliness (well written of course) and I like that! It brightens up my day!
froglady15 chapter 7 . 8/17/2016
Ha haa! These days I wrote about 80% of my stuff while at work. Even the NFSW stuff.. Tho its on my phone..

Anyway.. I thought it was a great relief for us! They FINALLY did it! (Not to sound pervy..) I actually kind of loved that Bulma's attempt as an exotic dancer was epic fail... I know a lot of us write her as this all confident, multi talented girl that's able to ace any scenario she's thrown in to, but the reality of it is highly unlikely she'd be awesome at it with no experience. I used to dance and am confident (Latin and jazz... not exotic) but I can move aaaand if I were thrown in her predicament I'm afraid the outcome would be rather similar. So I thought it was cool that she tanked. The whole awkward scenario was still very funny to read at her expense while I still sympathized with her.

I thought it was hilarious that Vegeta bailed when seeing his potential mother in law on stage... what guy wouldn't? But even funnier he shelled out for a private room, which is worse than being a spectator but his intentions were honorable... So it's actually kind of adorable in a way. Respectful. I thought it was really sweet how upset he was at the thought that Bulma was a courtesan and he's just one of many, however I could sort of understand how he arrived at that conclusion.. Though her clumsiness should have been a dead give away but testosterone being what it is, I can also see him overlooking that obvious fact and jumping to thr wrong conclusion. Ha haa he didn't realize he thought of her as exclusively his woman until this. Poor Vegeta...

The build up to the main event was great! The banter was smooth and still had great humor to it. "How do you know that's for you?" And she replies "Is it for my mom?"- Ha haaa! Way to deflate the mood! I still can't believe they hooked up in that room tho! Even got walked in on! How embarrassing!

Now is Vegeta ok with things progressing being that she mentioned she needed to maintain her pride and reputation and it was just that thing he was lamenting that he may have lost? Or is he still going to give her the cold shoulder for a few weeks?

I enjoyed this very much! Looking forward to the next installment! :D

Ps. I can't get the mental image of Nappa in a thong doing an exotic dance in front of Vegeta now... Thanks for that. XD "No, Nappa never did THAT." So the question remains... what exactly DID Nappa do? Lol!
rofl chapter 7 . 8/15/2016
this might be weird to you, but it's odly rather fun.
meoighjoiurhgaoi chapter 6 . 8/15/2016
Prl16 chapter 7 . 8/14/2016
I laughed so much! Bulma's dance on stage was so hilarious, every time she gave the fingers I lost it. And the stockings and the shoes, oh my god she throw them, hahahahaha. How can Vegeta thought this is what she does at her spare time, the woman had no clue at all. He was jealous of course. It was so funny. "Drunken master stripping skills" I'm still laughing at that. And Vegeta was so entertained watching her getting aggressive.

It was so funny when Vegeta entered the place, he liked what he saw and then realized it was Bulma's mother on stage, hahahaha, his arousal was murdered, that was such a fun part. As I thought, he was hiding somewhere in there, but what I didn't know was why, he was hiding from Bunny, the woman terrifies him hahaha. And he didn't had the chance to talk to her, so Bulma's parents are just crazy and that made me laugh even more.

And that private dance turned into something more was so hot, finally! Bulma wanting control and losing it and Vegeta not accepting he was turned on by her made things more interesting. And I loved that thing about my woman and my men.

What is she going to say at her conference? I'll wait patiently for the next chapters.
Adli chapter 7 . 8/13/2016
Oh, come on. Give yourself some credit. This stuff's hilarious. Good, light-hearted fun!
nancy103 chapter 6 . 8/12/2016
I'm thinking Vegeta will be getting a lap dance soon ;-)
Prl16 chapter 6 . 8/10/2016
Oh, no she wont! I can't believe she's going to do it! But of course she would, she's made something similar for dragon balls when younger hahahaha. And then, where is Vegeta?! Did he speak with her mother? Is that why she was so willing to go with her father, or are they just both crazy? Did Vegeta tell her the misunderstanding? Is he hiding somewhere in the club or did he left as she thought? Oh, God! I can't wait to know!

I was laughing so hard! Every time I was saying "oh, my god!" Over and over again and then laughing some more. All the circumstances were so funny.

Bulma's mother was so hilarious. She was all optimistic, I love her. That letter form her and she wanting custody of Bulma, hahaha that was so comical. And then remembering her past and thinking she was the one tested of the marriage. And thinking of Vegeta as a stray, oh my god, I'm still laughing. Her stage name! And she actually went to wax at the salon. All that was so fun and amusing.

And then there's Vegeta 'Send pizza!' Aw, that was so cute of him not having a clue how to order, the phone was still dialing and he was already barking orders. You gotta love that man! I was so excited when he decided to find Bunny, and it was by his sense of smell! Oh, my god! I was on the floor right then. And Bulma learning his reaction, so stoic is cheerful? Hahaha.

And Bulma's parents, oh, no, when he was tipping her, and that nude lap dance, no, I can't. I'm missing air from so much laughing! The horror of Bulma, hahahaha.

Thank you so much for the good times! I'm so happy there'll be more soon!
Anon chapter 6 . 8/10/2016
I can't even describe how hard it is for me to not be laughing out loud right now. Poor Bulma! It's so messed up and hilarious how her PARENTS left her in that situation. And now she's going to have to strip. I'm wondering where Vegeta is during all this and if he could somehow rescue her. But I doubt he could maneuver her out of the legal ramifications she is in, like Tony says, they've got a paper trail proving the Briefs family was there. Thanks for the update, I could have never imagined the turn this plot has taken, which just makes this story even more surprising and enjoyable.
supremewizdom chapter 6 . 8/9/2016
great chapter I was literally ctfu...can't wait to read about Bulma stripping hopefully she will strip to work another Rihanna song..I guess I'm a fan too
froglady15 chapter 6 . 8/9/2016
Ba haa! Bulma's going to have to perform?! Ohh boy. I think I'd DIE of embarrassment. I think I'd be calling my mother to get back down there to finish her contract for getting her in this mess!

I loved a bunch of things about this... Firstly, Vegeta arguing on the phone with the pizza guy was beyond hilarious! I can see it working out that way too. Is there going to be a bunch of angry Italians showing up now? That would be amusing too.

And going back to her stripper roots was the last thing I'd have expected Bunny to do... Though I do remember it being mentioned that it was what she did before she and Trunks got together so I guess if that's all she knows, what else is she going to do? I had to laugh at how unrealistic she is... 35 is not old! :( And the comment about her lack of personal landscaping and it not being the 80's made me laugh. Oh and does she not realize that Bulma isn't a minor anymore or is that just another testament at how simple she is? I felt really bad for her about having hurt feelings over the whole misunderstanding... She's so sweet. Im glad it was easily resolved even if it is at Bulma's expense.

Now where the hell did Vegeta go? Did he see Bunny on stage and go "That's it.. I'm not playing anymore. Screw this.. I'm going home." Lol! Which could you really blame him? So I'm going to guess he's going to wonder where she is and go back for her when her parents start getting roudy. Ha haa! And so he'll get a nice little show.. if you're a Rihanna fan she should do Rude Boy and if you really want to press the envelope with the raunchiness/smut factor, have her do the Rihanna song Cockiness as her second. ;) I think that would be absolutely priceless! Oh amd using Vegeta's sense of smell to "track" Bunny was really smart- Nice touch! (I'm obsessed with scent detection and tracking at the moment so I loved that bit)

Great job! Looking forward to the next bit! Hopefully Vegeta won't get himself an assault charge when he goes back to the strip club. Ha haaa! Im sure you've got something great cooked up!
Pocket Mouse chapter 6 . 8/9/2016
Soooo excited to see an update for this story, I love it so much, it’s so fun and silly! I’m glad to see Dr and Mrs Briefs have sorted out their misunderstanding, but poor Bulma! Haha, she has got herself in a pickel. I loved getting a bit of the story from Bunny’s POV, the way you write her makes me laugh so much - especially the part in her letter about getting custody of Bulma! I can’t wait for the next chapter and to find out how Bulma gets on in her new career as a stripper - Sweda’s going to have a heart attack I think!
DarkAssassin15 chapter 6 . 8/8/2016
Actually... I really hate this chapter. From Bulma being way too kind to the asshole and then starting to strip? This whole thing just made me mad. I hope someone pays in blood for this by Vegetas hand. Also when I say this chapter, I mean like whats happening in the chapter, not your writing or the plot.
wistfulmuse chapter 6 . 8/8/2016
Lol, I hope you are prepared to explain Vegeta's absence..*heres hoping that he isn't off, being a manwhore..
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