Reviews for Fragments
theypreferthetermpeople chapter 4 . 2/14/2017
Okay I'm always a sucker for small twin so I was going to love this regardless... but this was such a good story! The "picking up the pieces" repetition was very sweet and I really loved getting to see the two differently kids' separate reactions and the two moms' responses. Thanks for writing!
ficdirectory chapter 4 . 11/18/2016
IDK how but I JUST found this story TODAY and it's amazing and I love it. Jesus and Mariana are my favorites on The Fosters, and you captured their dynamic so well. I loved the role-reversal where Mariana was protecting Jesus because we don't see that as much, but I think it is very true. (As a twin myself, we do protect each other.) The part where Mariana tells Lena why she picked up the shards of glass and when Jesus was pacing in front of Stef BEGGING her to just hit him because it was what he was used to? :( Broke my heart but I found it so believable. Great job on this!
Allypallycally1 chapter 4 . 9/14/2016
Omg I love love love this story so much the emotions were so real! I especially loved your portrayal of Jesus' ADD that was fab! I'm always such a sucker for angst I loved this!
Junebugsm chapter 4 . 7/16/2016
Aah I loved this! I love stories like these.
sciencekitty chapter 1 . 8/5/2014
This was so good I can't even adequately form enough words to tell you how much I liked it! Everything from the way you captured Lena and Stef, to the relationship between them, to the headspace that each twin was coming from and them covering for each other was incredibly perfect. Jesus with his honest confusion as to why Stef wasn't smacking him around damn near broke my heart. I think I might go gorge myself on the rest of your stories now. )

Oh, and also...because I read your author profile too, this part stuck out at me:

"I love musicals. My iPod is like, all Broadway. Even when I work out. What's better than jogging to the soothing voice of Idina Menzel belting out Defying Gravity?"

I would just like to agree with you that there is nothing more soothing than Idina belting out "Defying Gravity" (love it!), though lately I seem to have a soft spot for the slightly more hopeless/angry/defeated "No Good Deed". Then again, let's be real here, the woman could sing me the phone book (they still have those, right? lol) and I'd gladly listen to her. ;) And speaking of Idina Menzel and musicals, Rent. Rent is awesome and "Take Me or Leave Me" is a stellar Idina song.

...and I'm rambling. Sorry about that. Now off to read your other fic! ;)
goddragonking chapter 1 . 8/5/2014
great chapter , love the way this story is going, keep up the excellent work! Keep the good writing and hope for more updates soon and Really awesome story, can't wait to read more:)
Guest chapter 4 . 5/11/2014
Awe I loved this so much
Guest chapter 4 . 4/23/2014
This was great! :) thanks for posting!
LoveElissa chapter 4 . 10/23/2013
Oh my goodness, why have I not come across this before? This is so amazing; your writing is amazing. Mariana and Jesus and Lena Amd Stef were all in character perfectly. I feel as though this actually happened pre-pilot. This was a really amazing and lovely little story.
Lavenderangel chapter 3 . 10/4/2013
Ugh, this fic is so, so great. The interplay between Stef/Lena is wonderful, and this glimpse into baby!twins is great. I like the tagteam nature of both sets of relationships, no matter how misguided poor Mariana is being. Keep it up! :)
Guest chapter 4 . 10/4/2013
i love this story! can you make the twins older though?
Guest chapter 4 . 10/4/2013
love it! update soon!
BelovedMaeve chapter 4 . 10/3/2013
I really liked they way Lena and Stef were able to console each child. Their worry and dread were kind of feeding on each other, and it was better that they be pulled apart for the moment so they could calm down and listen to reason. I can totally see Stef trying to learn to skateboard, just to see Jesus smile.
obsessedatopia chapter 4 . 10/3/2013
I ain't no damn nice person most of that doesn't work. Thank you m'dear - and you are very welcome.

Well - a round up of this story? First off this chapter. You captured Jesus' frustration and confusion so perfectly. I could just see that poor little boy, so battered, having to face a completely alien situation of unconditional love and understanding. Stef was perfect and you managed to keep in the Fosters fluff to lighten the mood.

Overall, you know how much I loved this concept and how you wrote the young twins. I think you made the right choice with the divide and conquer (especially based on the way you've done the relationships in Bridges) and I think that you got the perfect balance of humour to ease into the story. Everything else I have already said.

I think you and this are fab - as you know, and you know we want another fic asap so get it together, T!
RL13436 chapter 4 . 10/2/2013
Oh, I just loved this fic! Jesus's fear (poor thing) and Stef's well done. Can't wait for more!
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