Reviews for Girls und Panzer, to the sky
Guest chapter 2 . 3/9
Lol I was imagining this same exact story exept I was a p51 mustang ace and a p47 thunderbolt ace
delta2177 chapter 4 . 8/28/2016
Ok this is pretty decent I hope to see more of it and that all is well with the writer.
Thorthemighty321 chapter 4 . 12/28/2014
When will it continue? Who knows their might be a HE-162 single jet engine fighter sitting in the bowls of the ship.
Tobi-Douchebag-666 chapter 2 . 8/18/2014
What an asshole
Theralion chapter 4 . 11/26/2013
You should show, rather than tell. Instead of saying that "most of (Chris's) friendships ended," you should have scenes with his friends before and after the death of his mother, showing how his relationship with his friends changed.

That revelation does possibly cast Chris' father in a new light, though. Might it be possible that his wife's death affected him much like it did Chris? Is his decision not to allow Chris to dogfight out of a desire to avoid seeing Chris suffer the same fate- which would be well-intentioned but possibly allowing his grief to come before what's best for Chris?

Going back to the issue of originality, I can think of at least two other Girls Und Panzer fics in which the male lead lost someone to a similar piloting accident- the plane burning up after a landing gone wrong. There's also the question of why we should care about Chris' mother without anything showing the kind of person she was (you told us what she's like, but you should show her instead), and more exposition would have helped. As such, the death of Chris' mother accomplishes little except making us feel bad for *Chris* (as does the end of Chris' friendships).

To sum things up, I think that you need to elaborate on some parts of the story and show, rather than tell, to make it as compelling as it can be.
Corporal Tommy chapter 4 . 11/9/2013
Let's see what will develop from here
killjoytommy chapter 4 . 11/8/2013
nice looking forward to the next chapter
killjoytommy chapter 3 . 10/25/2013
great chapter a bit, well a lot, late seeing this but its good looking forward to the next chapter.
Corporal Tommy chapter 3 . 9/30/2013
Just like there Panzerfahren group, planes of different nations in the same group
killjoytommy chapter 2 . 9/29/2013
good job just an idea maybe including some bombers such as the G4M or the B-26 just an idea though i'm looking forward to the next chapter
Theralion chapter 2 . 9/29/2013
When you write fanfics, it's likely that your fic will have the same idea as someone else's; there are a fair amount of common plots in general, and in each respective fandom, enough so that people often write a story that is very similar to another one without realizing it. Boys getting involved in WWII-era dogfighting is one of the latter type for this fandom; people often want to get boys involved in tankery somehow, and seem to see dogfighting as a way to do it. However, you should avoid deliberately using a plot a lot of other people have done, unless you intend to do it differently.

Chris also seems very similar to Miho, (possibly intentionally, as the description draws parallels between him leaving his old school, and Miho leaving her old scohol) although his father's treatment of dogfighting seems closer to Hana's mother's view of tankery than of Miho's mother's, and he seems entirely willing to get involved in dogfighting. It might be worthwhile if you plan on comparing or contrasting Miho and Chris, but Chris should have at least a few traits that enable him to stand on his own as a character.

The story need a fair amount of proofreading, especially when "Saunders" is constantly mis-spelled as "Sunder". It would also be good to give more exposition as to the characters' thoughts- why is Chris' father so against tankery? How does Chris feel now that he's no longer allowed to dogfight? Description would also be helpful to make the scenes come to life.

Above all else, you should ask the question- what can this story do that hasn't been done before, to set it apart from the other Girls und Panzer fics that include boys and fighter planes? I'd be interested in seeing what your answer is.
necro nickole chapter 1 . 9/26/2013
Its meverlist but will you have ocs
Corporal Tommy chapter 1 . 9/26/2013
Nice Story! Let's see the next chapter as soon as you are finished!
Jetstream Artorias chapter 1 . 9/26/2013
"I have read a lot of GuP stories, I have noticed that some of the ones involving males had the males in WWII warplanes. I decided to do the same. "

This has to be a joke right? You've just shamelessly admitted that you want to just rehash someone else's idea. If you're going to do that, why are you writing this story, because there is no way you're getting paid for it. While there is nothing new under the sun, you could at least try add some new seasoning or spice with your dish. And really, a prodigy in a combat sport loses a match and shames their organization, and then transfers out to get away from the sport in question, but after the transfer, is asked to reluctantly lead a ragtag bunch of newbies into a tournament that they must win in order to save their new home. Are we talking about Miho or Walsh here?