Reviews for Parallel
Lennox13 chapter 14 . 1/1

Last updated five years ago!? I mean it is only just 2020 but still. Horror dawns at the prospect of never knowing more.

I know Inspiration sometimes unexpectedly dries up, so could you just maybe perhaps pm me what you had planned or where you were going with this, or how you got here, or why you decided to write this? Anything, really. I'm desperate.

What a way to end it all.
Lennox13 chapter 13 . 1/1
Her panic- wait, is she in morph? Was she trapped in a morph during the war and then regained the ability to take her own shape, like Tobias? I mean, I kind of questioned why she was alive or how rather, but why look a gift horse in the mouth, right? I still cry when I think about that last book. I'm guessing someone else died in her stead? Still... What happened? What is going on?
Lennox13 chapter 12 . 1/1
Ugh, unexpectedly informative. Just as I was prepared to just enjoy the ride, this chapter happens and fuels all of the burning questions I have been trying to stifle up to now. Gosh, I need to know more!

Only 2 chapters left? Nooooooooo!
Lennox13 chapter 11 . 1/1
I love how you so seamlessly mix the macabre with the mundane, how the serious moments happen right alongside the lighthearted ones. Gorgeous, breathtaking. Your writing has such a surreal quality to it. I'm so scared that I will blink it would just disappear. Beautiful.

I don't want to read on, already fearing the moment this will end.
Lennox13 chapter 10 . 1/1
Hehe, this was great! Whoo, this is a freakin roller-coaster. From death and grim memories to mayhem and plaguing nightmares to cuddles and friends and laughter. So well done, well written and well woven together. I don't want this to end!
Lennox13 chapter 9 . 1/1
Holy sh- See what I mean?! Kids these days have no idea!

Great, now I feel old.

Amazing, though. Simply amazing.
Lennox13 chapter 8 . 1/1
Perfect. You've captured the essence of why, at the age of 22, I still regard the Animorphs as literary masterpieces. People just don't get how serious these so called children books were. They shaped so many of my experiences as a child, growing up in a country where danger lurked behind every shadow and even within the brightest, latest places. It was the times that you felt most safe, that were the most dangerous. And I loved Animorphs for showing me something worse, I guess, and offering escape. Your writing brings me so much joy and summons so many memories. Thank you.
Lennox13 chapter 7 . 1/1
Glorious. It's been a long time since I've felt so much. Thank you.
Lennox13 chapter 6 . 1/1
Wrong? He smells wrong, as different or very differently wrong? Curiouser and curiouser...

Even though it feels like my fingernails are being pulled from their beds because of everything that remains unsaid, I love this. Torturous perfection.
Lennox13 chapter 5 . 1/1
Aaaaaaaagggggghhhhhh, for crying out loud! I am bathing in the warmth your words conjure! You have a gift for using so few words to say so much. I am, unfortunately, envious - sorry. I love this, everything you say and even more, everything you don't.
Lennox13 chapter 4 . 1/1
How can a handful of words stir my heart so much? Magic, dear Author, you make magic.
Lennox13 chapter 3 . 1/1
I honestly have tears pricking. Beautiful. I love this.
Lennox13 chapter 2 . 1/1
" he'd accepted that most of the women in his life had mildly psychotic tendencies a long time ago. Rachel, at least, is open about those tendencies" haha

As for the rest, I ache. I feel so empty and yet, so full. I feel like I am meeting old friends. I just want to cup your words in the palms of my hands for fear that they will escape. Hauntingly beautiful. I... I don't even know how to describe this perfection. Wow.
Lennox13 chapter 1 . 1/1
Shit. I'm breathless. How? Why? My word! How did you even come up with this? What made it click? Where did the idea come from? Wow.
Loyalist chapter 14 . 10/14/2019
I am wondering why Rachel is not dead and also why she left Tobias.
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