Reviews for The Wings of Freedom
SHSL Caffeine Addict chapter 11 . 6/8/2017
This story really strikes a chord with me because I suffer from ADHD/OCD/Anxiety/Depression. The struggles that both Eren and Armin face are really something that I can empathize with which makes this one of my favorite stories for this fandom. I do hope someday you continue this story!
Marinaaxoxoxo chapter 11 . 11/26/2015
This was the saddest thing i have ever read. Words can't even describe how powerful this story is. I don't think i could name even one person who wouldn't be in tears through the whole story no matter how hard i tried. I seriously need to thank the author for writing this. I have never been so indulged in a story before and i have read and watched so many different stories from many different genres i wouldn't be able to count them all. This is just absolutely astonishing!
sapphireblackrose chapter 11 . 3/20/2015
Oh my god. Words can't even... Aurgh this is so wonderful and the jearmin and the feels and the WHOLE STORY is just so...I can't even comprehend right now. This fic has rendered me speechles (in a good way. A VERY good way).
I can't wait for the next chapter and I will love to see them graduate.
CALIC0 chapter 11 . 2/2/2015
aww... this chapter is so sweet. kinda sad at mikasa and armins conversation. but at what jean do for eren...that's so heart warming. and i giggle when eren hug his mr kevi, hahaha
keep updating, pls. XD
Guest chapter 10 . 11/14/2014
Please update please update please update jearmin is awesome this story is AWESOME AWESOME my favorite snk fic EVA UPDATE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY UPDATE I'M BEGGING YOU
rockstone848 chapter 10 . 10/8/2014
I think yes, you should change the summary. And i think you should put in a jearmin tag, and a mikaeren tag(if that's what's going to happen later on) because when i first started reading this i was really confused by the parings. I thought it was eremin at first XD
CALIC0 chapter 10 . 6/5/2014
how could i miss this incredible fic?!
even reading all chapter in row is still not enough for me
i can't wait for more. keep writing and good luck with your community service
Hayashi Mikako chapter 7 . 6/4/2014
I am literally screaming



ummmyeah i shall keep up my "reputation" as a critic...

Good job on this story. It's quite interesting, and really did get me laughing. The only problem is it's difficult to tell who's speaking and often you don't describe things well enough, you never really focus on describing images or actions. LIKE I GIVE A CRAP THIS IS THE CUTEST FREAKING THING IVE EVER READ


i swear this is like an Armin harem XD

- mikako
NameMeLife chapter 10 . 6/2/2014
Omgosh! So awesome! You don't know how happy I was to see it updated! And before I say anything else, I just want to let you know that it's totally alright to take your time! It sounds like you're doing good things and life should always take priority over a bunch of obsessive fans.

This chapter was just as amazing! You're doing so well at integrating the snk plot points into the your AU! As for the eremjn feels just... Uahhh! I loveLoveLOVE it! Your characterization is great as always especially Mikasa (even though we didn't see a lot of her, I think you get her very well).

I really don't care how long you take, I'm just happy you're continuing this, because damn... It's so awesome!
rilexhorton1001 chapter 9 . 3/27/2014
Eeeeeee! All the Jearmin feeeels! Great chapter Charm! I can't wait to find out what happens with Eren. Is there gonna be Ereri..? I'm not gonna say whether there should be or shouldn't be because its sooooo your decision. I was just curious..

As for the summary.. I do think its a bit too simple. The fact that this is a jearmin fanfiction is definitely worth mentioning! Dont completely change it, cause I still really like it, but definitely add a little bit for clarification purposes :)

Also, do you have a tumblr?
Peach eats Smiley chapter 1 . 3/23/2014
Mikasa's "bad habit" seems more like a symptom of dermatillomania and perhaps even OCD to me. Which is good, I suppose, because especially the former disorder is imo horribly underrepresented in fiction of any kind.
spector.grand chapter 9 . 3/22/2014
I really liked the story (this is the first story that i read that was not one of my OTPs) but i had thought that it was Eremika from the description not Jearmin so you should probably mention that.
SkyiMello chapter 9 . 3/19/2014
Loved it! Just asking, are you going to pair Eren and Levi together since Levi has to watch him now? Anyways, update soon:)
Peach eats Smiley chapter 9 . 3/19/2014
Aww C'mon just kiss already 3

As for the summary, it worked fine for me (the unmentioned jearmin was definitely a pleasant surprise I was kinda hoping for it since Jean was listed as a Main Character), but if you decide to change it anyway, I think maybe you could do it like this:
"[insert description of basic plot] - Modern AU where Armin likes to..."
IDK I'm kinda really bad a explaining or describing stuff...
NameMeLife chapter 9 . 3/19/2014
Ahh... I liked how this chapter started aligning with some parts of the anime and manga. I always like when au's still manage to work their way around similar plotlines as the original story.

As for changing the summary and what-not, I can only hope that you still keep up the OT3 leaning towards EreMin that you've kinda had going on. This is totally your story and whatever direction you see fit to go towards is what you should do. Non the less I personally really don't mind the JeaRmin as long as there's enough EreMin to counter it. (Because god damn that ship has struck my heart! You write them so well together and with just the right amount of fluff so it's not overbearingly uncomfortably out of character fulfilling my EreMin needs! That sounded a lot less creepy in my head...)

You're awesome and whatever you're most comfortable writing is what's really going to bring out your most beautiful potential! Can't wait to see what you choose to do! *gets down on knees and prays to the shipping gods for my OTP*
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