Reviews for Being Superman isn't easy (ON HOLD)
HPfan1221 chapter 54 . 7/4/2018
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milou03 chapter 54 . 9/1/2014
Wow ! i liked very much . It's so sweet and beautiful . So peaceful ! I hope that we 'll can see Darry and Jenny 's wedding :) ! I am really happy because I didn't wait to know the sequel of this story so earl ! I wonder where Soda find the money for to buy the DX ? I have a suggestion for him to find a nice girl ! It's something that I thought since longtime,since the chapter where we saw Darry and when the war and his bestfriend died ! Darry has promised something to him,I thought that,maybe,Soda could to meet the wife of Darry's best friend . Otherwhise,I find that it's sad for Two Bits and Steve . I wish that the things will get better for them ! Yeah,I was really really glad to find you again ! Do you continue your others stories too ? It will be great ! :)
milou03 chapter 55 . 6/24/2014
Well,I believed that it's the new chapter . Don't worry I understand that you will be very busy and all . I hope all the same that you will update soon,especially this story . You know that I love very much all your story(I have say that I miss Man I Scewed so much ) but I am dying to know the sequel of Being Superman Isn't Easy . I will wait,it isn't serious ! Past good holidays ! Stay Gold . milou03 .
delgados chapter 54 . 6/18/2014
Yeah ! Amazing ! I am so glad ! I miss you so much ! Great ! I am so glad to be able to read again the sequel ! I wait impatiently the next chapter . And OH MY GOD ! I wait the return at home to Darry with so many impatience . I can't to wait for to see him meet his adorables twins kids . And I am so imaptiente too to see his wedding with Jenny . I want that they are at last happy ! Oh you are a great writer . Update soon,please ! 3 3 3
Brittany-Mel chapter 54 . 6/18/2014
I can't wait for more!
Lovelaughlive00 chapter 54 . 6/18/2014
Wow. This is a truly amazing book, I may have just binge read this... :) I'd love to read more of this story!

Thank you.
milou03 chapter 54 . 6/17/2014
Well,very happy to find you again ! This chapter is a little short,but it seem is a preview to the reunion and the reconciliation of Darry and Soda ! I can't wait for to know Darry return at home at last ! And meet his twins babies ! I wish too see again Two Bits and Steve,to know how they lived all this period without Darry,because we know for Jenny and Soda and Pony but we don't know for them ! Oh,and the wedding ! I am dying to see it so much ! I wonder if Pony is starting to write something about all what happened ! I wonder,I don't know . At last,I hope that you will update soon ! Really happy to read you again . I miss you and your story ! I suppose that it's soon the end of the story,but anyway,it's great to read this story again ! You are great ! Congratulations to your team to be the fifth on the state level,it's real good ! Update soon,please .
DreadfulStar chapter 54 . 6/17/2014
What ever happened to the baby?
delgados chapter 53 . 4/17/2014
Wow ! you don't know how many I am happy to can to read this story again . I was patient,but I can to say you that I couldn't to wait for to know what happen in the sequel . About this chapter I am relieved . At last,Soda forgive to Darry . I hope that we can to read more about their reunion,because I believe that they need to talk . And Darry need still to cure of his trauma physical and mental to his captivity . I have to say that I am impatiente to know how he did for to escape . I can't to wait too for to see his return at home . He is a father now,I am so impatiente to see when he will meet at last his children . I am really sure that hewill be a good father . I am glad to know that Two Bits and Steve are fine and that we will see them soon . I am a little sad to know that the story will be end soon . But I hope that there will be few chapters more . And maybe a sequel,who know ! You are a so wonderful writer ! One of the greatest . Update soon,please .
xoashleylynn chapter 53 . 4/17/2014
Amazing story! Can't wait for the next chapter!
milou03 chapter 53 . 4/16/2014
Hey,really happy to read you again ! I understand that you were very busy,don't worry . At last ,I am glad to know that the story is come back ! This chapter was very great ! I couldn't to wait forto see the reunion,at last,to Soda and Darry . Happy that Soda forgive to Darry . I wouldn't want to see them fight for still longtime . I liked very much to see the POV to Pony . I like his reflection about how many now he understand how Soda felt as to play the peacegardian role . In the last chapters it's Pony who play this role . The reunion between Soda and Darry was moving,even if I would wish to see more about it . And I think that they need still to to talk about all this . At last,Darry will can to return at home and meet his babies kids ! Two Bits and Steve will be so happy to find him too . Happy to hear that they are alive . Because in the last chapter Pony said "like we lose Steve and Two Bits",so I wondered . And above all I hope that we will see a wonderful marriage to Darry and Jenny . And about the promise did by Darry to hus friend at the Vietnam,I wonder if he take it . I am sure that he did,knowing him . Well I make an account for to talk with my favorites authors during your absence . So if you want that we talk about the story or anything,it's ok ! You know how many like your stories ! Again,great to find you again ! Update soon,please .
milou03 chapter 52 . 3/22/2014
Hi,I wonder when I will can to read the sequel ! I wait it since so longtime now ! I am very fan to your story ! I want to see Darry's return at home,to see him to meet his littles twins babies ,to find Two Bits and Steve,to marry Jenny,and sure to see his reunion with his brothers,especially I hope that Soda will end-up to understand him and to see the moving reunion of the two brothers . I wait since so longtime,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE UPDATE SOON ! You are great !
Outsiders fan 29 chapter 52 . 3/19/2014
I just want to say i think this story is truly amazing. The Outsiders is my favorite book and movie, and I find it really cool that someone is making a story that takes place after them. I was going to try to, but I couldn't think of anything. This is amazing.
delgados chapter 52 . 3/15/2014
Hey ! There is very longtime since the last chapter ! I hope that you are alright and that you will be able to update the sequel soon ! I am dying to know the sequel !
milou chapter 52 . 2/24/2014
Please,please,please UPDATE SOON ! I want so to know what happen . I wishes that Soda will heard What Pony said (I like to see Pony in responsible young man) . He is great in this chapter . I wonder where is Jenny . And why there is longtime since we hear about Two Bits and Steve . I wait to see at last the reunion of the brothers . Soda need to understand that Darry has do what he does for him because he love him . Soda is his little brother and he would do everythings he has do for to protect him . Soda need really to understand this . Update soon,please .
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