Reviews for Bound, Bonded and Betrayed
ILOVEGAARA chapter 84 . 4/21
Another cliffhanger but also another great chapter. Thank you for your well wishes during the Pandemic I work in healthcare and it isn’t for the faint of heart so I appreciate that so much along with the update it helps me unwind from the day. Stay safe and like always can’t wait for the next chapter._
SMO chapter 84 . 4/19
Oh how I love Queen Une! I bet that was a shock and a half to both Heero and Duo. I love this story so much, thank you for updating during this difficult time.

I hope you and your family are all well and staying safe. We will all get through this together.
Gus Kinney The Prodigal Son chapter 84 . 4/18
ooooooooooo whats this cure you speak of with duo...
Snowdragonct chapter 83 . 2/2
Lanie Chavez chapter 83 . 1/24
Well I just read through 83 chapters in about 3 days between work and family. You sucked me in and I could not stop. I will admit that I only skimmed some of the racy bits. I am enjoying it and hope you find time soon to add to the story.
ILOVEGAARA chapter 83 . 1/9
Another great chapter. I hope you get the a much needed break and that you get that full time position. Looking forward to the next chapter. _
Minifrench chapter 83 . 1/9
The updates of your lovely stories are like nuggets, rare and precious. Thank you for not abandoning any of them and all the best for your job, you deserve a great year with lots of joy and time to write.
Happy New Year ShenLong1 !
Hikaru Itsuko chapter 83 . 1/9
Hey, that's really a lot of effort you have done, so I'm pretty sure your hard work would have a really good recompense!

Happy new year to you too, my best wishes to you.

Now, I'm loving the Queen at this moment, with her non nonsense attitude, Heero just have to suck it up and listen to mommy.

Great chapter Shen!
Gus Kinney The Prodigal Son chapter 83 . 1/9
hu-oh RUN!
ILOVEGAARA chapter 82 . 10/6/2019
Another great chapter, can’t wait for the next update. _
Hikaru Itsuko chapter 82 . 10/2/2019
Well, it's time mamma bear do her thing and set Heero straight in but not in the literal meaning.
Lol, Great chapter
Gus Kinney The Prodigal Son chapter 82 . 9/30/2019
Damn dude
SMO chapter 82 . 9/29/2019
I can’t wait to see what plan the Queen comes up with. Leave it to Duo to be doing field work when he’s in our Lord when he has people to do it for him. I can’t wait for the next chapter. Hope all has been well with you and your family.
snowdragonct chapter 81 . 8/2/2019
Well Heero managed to botch things up pretty well. Maybe he should have asked Duo what he wanted, rather than assume. Seems Duo would have been happy just to stay with Heero! he adjusts to freedom, maybe he'll gain confidence enough to express his wishes too. They both need communication lessons. Lol! Thanks for the update!
Crockett Rocket chapter 81 . 7/29/2019
Tch. Of course Heero totally overlooks Duo's declaration of love in the outburst. And was it really a good idea to leave someone who's been a slave all his life on his own, without any support? Are the approaching men the workers or someone more dangerous? Even if it is the workers, can they be trusted or will they dispose of Duo and take the farm for themselves? I just don't see this ending well...
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