Reviews for In Whose Eyes?
S.Holmes J.Watson chapter 29 . 6/1/2017
I had to actually stop reading and put my phone down on chapter 29 because it reminded me of my dog.
knopflerpettybowie chapter 20 . 4/30/2017
The Princess Bride references :) battle of wits, Iocane powder, I love the movie and book!
Guest chapter 31 . 11/26/2015
This was such a great story! So glad it was a happy ending. I love happy ending stories. Sherlock and everyone else was super good in the way you wrote out their speaking and what they thought. It was really stick to the actual show. Like Sherlock was mean and nice and sarcastic, but then he could be sweet to others like Mrs. Hudson too.

I like your idea of Sherlock being blind or goof blind because that's a cool idea since he needs eyes to see stuff and solve crimes. I'll go read the second one. Dying to finding how John is like his seeing eyes.
Cool Story and nicely written.
meburleson chapter 22 . 8/15/2015
Ooooh, this spiderweb case is getting more and more interesting! I'm quite interested to see how it goes. I'm very curious to know what all of these markings mean and how they connect to each other and to the "spider"

I knew Sherlock would catch Lestrate and John talking about him.I hope he knows, they are just trying to help him. They don't want him to isolate himself, they don't want him to become depressed and reclusive. They want what is best for him, even if he doesn't see that.
meburleson chapter 21 . 8/15/2015
Ooooooh! I was wondering if Lestrade knew about Sherlock's condition and what he thought of it. I'm wanting them to find a way for Sherlock to continuing working for the NYS even if he can't see anything. Perhaps John could describe things sufficiently for him to still help. Although, that might mean John needing practice in thinking the way Sherlock does, in seeing the way he sees things. Perhaps they should work on this, oh ya know, now before Sherlock loses all of his sight and can't tell John what he missed on a case.
meburleson chapter 20 . 8/15/2015
Hmmm, Well, now I'm curious as to what I think is going to happen is going to happen since now twice you've said this story is more than just "merely telling about Sherlock going blind, there's more". I've expect this from the beginning, but now I'm curious as to whether I'm missing something.

I LOVE the varying points of view you give us. John doesn't want Sherlock to push him away. He is concerned for his friend and just wants to be there for him. I wonder if Sherlock would be there for John in the same way if the roles were revered and John was losing his sight instead of Sherlock losing him...Hmmm, oooo, would you write a version like that too? It would be interesting to see how Sherlock has to change him habits to accommodate his blind roommate. How he has to remember to keep things where they belong, to keep things picked up off the floor and help John with "mundane" tasks that he can no long do himself. Ooooh, I can imagine so many great things for such a story.

Okay, sorry, back to the story at hand. I do wish Sherlock would open up to John more. Does he know remember that his best friend is a doctor, who in fact understands what he is going through much better than most. I am interested to see if Sherlock is in fact able to keep doing The Work once his vision continues to deteriorate.

Excited to keep reading this.
meburleson chapter 19 . 8/15/2015
Yes! YES! I've been waiting for this chapter. For Sherlock to think about what's coming. For it to really hit him that he is going blind. I'm glad for an update on the condition.

I don't like that Sherlock is pushing John away.

Oh Sherlock...can't you see that John has been "taking care of you" for years. Making sure you get sleep, cleaning up after you, cooking for you, and so much more. It is not that this will change much after your sight is completely gone.

I can't wait to keep reading! You're doing an awesome job with showing multiple point of view to the story.
meburleson chapter 18 . 8/14/2015
I think I might need to go back and reread this one tmorroww. I think I missed something, by the end I was a little confused as to what had happened. Grant it this is probably nothing to do with the actual story and everything to do with the fact that I'm reading it at almost 3am.

I'm curious to know how Sherlock's current health problems are affecting his work, they don't seem to be affecting him much right now. Is his condition one that symptoms come and go?

John was doing some serious butt kicking against these criminals! I laughed at Sherlock staring down "Larry". Totally a classic Sherlock move!
meburleson chapter 17 . 8/14/2015
Ha! Imagining Sherlock cleaning? Wow, that is hilarious! I can see why Joan wanted to watch, but at the same time, I imagine Sherlock being like a kid cleaning, clean for two with something they found for ten minutes, then clean for a minute and find some other long lost toy to examine. Sherlock would be much the same in my mind. He would need constant redirection.

Where did that man go? Sherlock...tisk tisk. Hope they find him soon!
meburleson chapter 16 . 8/13/2015
Oh no! Sherlock is pushing John away big time. I mean, its expected, but hard to watch happen.

As I suspected, John was more compassionate than Sherlock expected him to be. As soon as he walked in the door, he knew what had happened. John is a medical professional, while he himself has not experienced what Sherlock is going through he understands better than more exactly what is happening, what will happen, and things that can be done to ease the transition-if Sherlock will let him help

Does Mrs. Hudson still not know about Sherlock's vision? Or did I miss her reaction to the news?

Will Mary and Molly be in the story at all? Lol, I know I'm asking questions that I'll know the answers to relatively soon since this story is complete, but I like to give reactions as I read, and that's my thoughts.
meburleson chapter 15 . 8/13/2015
Wow...flesh-eating bacterium experiment? Ummm... Wow. Sherlock and his experiments. Just wow.

I have a feeling John is going to be much more compassionate than Sherlock thinks here. But I might be wrong.
meburleson chapter 14 . 8/12/2015
Sherlock has a point. The time for "doing something" about his condition is passed. There is nothing he can do to prevent it, BUT he might be able to slow the progress if he took better care of himself, but of course, he won't. Stubborn man!

I love the last line. Its a great metaphor for what Sherlock (and John) is going through. He can see the doom coming, but there is little to nothing he can do to escape. Excellent job conveying this!
meburleson chapter 13 . 8/12/2015
Hmmm I'm interested to know exactly how Sherlock wants to handle everything.

I'm quite fascinated to see how you're going to have everything progress from here. With the condition in question, it could be weeks, months, ever years before he sees another decrease in his vision, let alone it gone completely (on the other hand, he could just wake up completely blind one day without warning of progressive deterioration)

Sherlock STILL avoided the question of "how do you feel?" John has his hands full with this one, that's for sure. But a better friend he will not find.
meburleson chapter 12 . 8/12/2015
Wowzeers! This. was. fantastic!

Seriously! This is an amazingly well written chapter. It contains awesome imagery, great background for the story, and interesting insight/development into the character.

I'm loving all this story, and all of it has been extremely wonderful, but this chapter, wow. I feel how Sherlock feels at the end of this a loss for words to describe how to form the thoughts coherently.

My favorite part (if I have to pick just one): "Little by little Sherlock's world would turn into a void of darkness. Something that made even the blackest starless night seem brighter than an eclipse." This line is so wonderful for summarizing and explaining what Sherlock is facing.

In summary, thank you for this chapter! I love it. It is probably THE best chapter of any fanfiction I've read outside my usual fandom (and even better than some CA related)
meburleson chapter 11 . 8/12/2015
Sherlock has taken the news as I expected he would. This is a devastating diagnosis for anyone at first, but to Sherlock, it seems like a death sentence. For him he can't imagine life without his sight. Without being able to deduce things using visual clues, understand the the details of a case, or simply see the expression on someone's face to determine that they are in fact not telling the truth.

I'm so excited to see where you take this and how Sherlock learns to live with the diagnosis, becomes independent, and learn to live life without sight.

I'm on this journey now and I'm extremely excited to carry on with you.
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