Reviews for Heirs of the Founders
abbidabbers chapter 21 . 7/25
OH MY GOD! I’m in love with this story and the world-building that you’ve done. I’ve never read a story quite like this and I’m just dying for more! I hope you get the chance to come back to it one day. All the best, abbidabbers
spartahab chapter 1 . 7/15
relyt118 chapter 3 . 6/26
The romance feels forced, and there's far too much of it for a couple of pre-teens
arata7kasuga chapter 2 . 6/7
You lost me at Magic not existing and Harry knowing physics. Magic isn't muggle science or muggles would be able to do magic.
r.martin2004 chapter 21 . 5/11
I love this story and would love to see it updated so I can see how this wonderful story says out
isabellaevamara chapter 21 . 5/6
great story so far, hope it is completed someday. want to find out more about hogwarts and the grangers and the goblins and harry and hermione.
isabellaevamara chapter 14 . 5/5
great story so far, but last few chapters are starting to get frustrating...things are busy and slightly difficult to keep track of and keep somewhat linear, now there is this danielle girl and already daniel is being put where danielle should be and vice-versa so i keep having to look for mr. granger or another indicator somewhere else in the paragraph or personal pronouns to try to figure out who is talking/being talked about, distracting slightly from the story and immersion and just reading through for enjoyment as i have to stop and piece meal it together...

most frustrating thing though...the parents are not being parents enough... the grangers and narcissa for the most part seem to be exceptionally gifted/great parents...but instead of sitting harry danielle and hermione down for a series of much needed as soon as possible discussions to find out about the rings and the letters and the founders and the school and how they are adjusting to that and to each other and to magic being real...
for a whole nother series of discussions about feelings and the talk and that kind of things...and now another much needed discussion if the three adults don't understand a golden magical bond/tether then how are a 10 year old a 11 year old a 12 year old going to possibly understand such confusing things...the adults earlier in the story all saw signs of this already...but no conversations have been had's frustrating bordering on infuriating in some respects...

and finally after over half the story it feels like so far daniel granger sits down with harry to try to find out about harry's past and explore the signs of possible abuse to try to help harry, and he starts out by threatening harry over exposing daniel granger's personal kinks and lurid tendencies...behaving in a threatening manor is not a good way to start a friendship or even a casual professional relationship between adults much less a parental/guardian type relationship...i can't help but feel yet another "adult" has totally failed harry potter during that scene.

and the 3 "adults" instead of doing any of this instead of looking after their young charges/children, instead of seeing if hermione is getting ahead of herself or if harry is right for her or not, instead of doing any of the things they should be doing they are two busy with heavy flirting and innuendo with each other in front of the children.

in a way i guess it shows despite how great they are overall they arent perfect and still fallible after all. just a bit frustrating...the story is so amazing and great and filled with love and protection and all the right things and finally harry has allies against dumble dore and weasleys, and even snape and mcgonagal seem to want to switch sides and do the right things for a change, and flitwick helping instead of being a non-existant/watcher type figure..its all amazing...just seems like harry is just being tortured, being oh so close to actually having a family yet still on the outside looking in, with the person he's told to go to and tell all his problems daniel granger, that is supposed to help sort him out from his grief and abuse, help him figure things out that the magicals can't help with bc they have no clue about, help him figure out what hermione is talking about with all this alternative lifestyle/ D/s stuff totally going over harry's head for the most part when hermione brings it up to him, help both hermione and harry figure out that is what is actually going on here...

harry and hermione seem to be in a whirlwind since the beginning of the story, learning about magic and that they are magicals, then add in that they are likely bonding since first sight/handshake on the train, then add in another laying of bonding on top of that with hermione seeming to have submissive tendencies towards harry specifically and harry instinctually wanting to protect her in much the way a dominant would, then add on top of that that both harry and hermione seem to have instinctual old fashioned nobility traits and tendencies wanting to protect and nurture and support those around them the way a lord and lady would in the really old story books...

it could just all go so horribly wrong for them if one minor thing here or there is out of whack or made fun of or misunderstood or something at the wrong time...and it could largely be prevented if an actual adult would just sit down and talk to them and give them some extra information to help/assist them in processing things and make their own decisions about it all as they age...instead of letting them go in blind because the 3 adults in the house can't seem to keep their hands off each other long enough to have even a 5 minute casual conversation during breakfast it almost seems in this chapter... and its more infuriating then it would be otherwise because they asked harry and hermione to stay specifially so emma and narcissa and daniel could get to know harry and decide about both the guardianship and the issue of him being good enough for hermione and the fact they spotted the D/s signs between the two of them and knew they needed to talk to them about that and prepare them a bit etcetera..then they have all the magical and family business to attend to that they all kids and adults know they are time crunched on...before dumbledore starts plotting too much.. and they all know the goblins and professors and parents arranged this time away from school for just those reasons...those purposes...

but no lets flirt in front of the kids then send them away so we can play again even though we just did that all night keeping our daughter awake half the night with our squeals/screams...

hopefully andromeda comes over as planned and knocks skulls together or sets them straight or something...

anyway...still a wonderfully detailed and immersive story so far and a great pleasure to read...for all my nitpicking it's still a fantastic story very well written greatly enjoyable and relaxing, and offers an amazing window into D/s, and offers it in a way that just reading about it in an article or informative website or in a factual book can't really provide, in a way that is in context instead of outside of context, an example instead of a general vaguery, just seems to help make certain things make more sense in my head and be less terrifying or scary to me.

people say its a weakness and maybe it is, but sometimes i just need an outside source/entity to help make sense of what is in my head. i have so many ideas viewpoints frames of reference experiences bouncing around in there...i am easily influenced by other people's emotions sometimes just from passing by them on the street if what they are feeling is intense enough it totally change my emotional state for the better part of a day or several hours...

some of the things i was taught growing up are incredible confusing to me...i tend a lot of times to be very cut and dry or straight forward and only able to walk one path or be/exist in a certain way...i just have this intrinsic often times overwhelming need to know what is expected of me what my confines/ground rules are, how best to stay in them or near them as much as possible, how to think out of the box and creatively while staying safely inside the box at the same time...speaking of safety i am intensely risk-averse to an almost laughable extent/extreme degree..i need to feel safe and calm before really being able to let go or do much of anything at times.

being taught contradictory things is almost painful because it leaves me paralyzed and clueless on what to do or how to proceed...

being taught to be strong independent free spirit stand up to bullies protective of others...

only to be punished for it or so it felt like to me...people don't always want protected sometimes liking the bullies and loathing the one who tried to stand up for them or loathing them for doing it when they felt it somehow infringed on them and protecting themselfs or made them feel like they couldnt protect themselves

being carefree only to be beaten down for it everytime i let that trait come out in the slightest as all it ever got me was accused of being daft stupid misbehaving acting out embarassing the family...just for acting how i was told/taught to act in the first place and how all the other children around me behaved, just for being a kid...and when the few times i could stop and talk to an adult and spell it all out they said i was correct and nothing wrong with the behavior..but still always had adverse consequences to me anytime i relaxed and acted like a normal kid or even a normal person...

on the flip side acting "properly" and "mature" got me accused of being an old soul too adult and not enough like a child, prim prissy stuffy, etc and worse

my sister now years and years later often asks me when subjects like this occasionally come up and we end up in a serious conversation about things/life in general/stuff, she asks why i care or why i care so much about other people if all my problems would magically vanish/dissapear/go away if i just quit caring what people think of me.. that would be nice..but it leaves me struck dumb how to answer her...because its wishful thinking...been there done that and tried that never helps and often makes things much much much worse for me...not or even pretending not to care what other people think just makes them think i'm arrogant or immature or rude or cynical or cold/cold-hearted...etc and worse.

fact is for all my sister has her head in the sand and assumes people dont care or notice or that it doesnt affect you what others think of you and that each individual person is independent and takes care of themselves and only needs to care what they themselves think etc and so forth...from my experience none of that is actually takes a village to raise a child as the saying goes...everything is interconnected...there is quite literally not enough time in a day week month or year for someone to be truly self-sufficent even to the extent of farming/growing their own fruits and vegetables in most people's cases much less building their own home and repairing and maintaining it or anything else that needs done...most people barely have enough time to eat properly sleep properly bathe use the restroom and work a 8 hour a day 5 day/40 hour week job and end up needing someone else to help them by cooking and cleaning for them so they are healthy/rested enough to maintain/hold down that 40 hour a week job. everyone and everything is interconnected matters what people think...i've lost count of the times even more then 5 years later someone comes accross me again and still remembers something that was trivial to me i said to them or helped them with that i often don't remember but made a crucial difference in your life...similiarly one wrong word said in the heat of the moment or in anger can ruin your life, and harry and draco not shaking hands and making friends on the train set in motion a massive chain of negative events in both their lives for the better part of a decade to come in the harry potter stories, and things like that and worse really do happen sometimes in real life as well sadly.

another confusing thing growing up...

my mother insisted she wasn't a witch, that there was no magic in our family anywhere not even our extended family...
but many of the things she taught me growing up when i mention them to someone years later they swear up and down something has to be going on with my mom or my family for me to be able to know certain things i was taught...talking to people on wicca websites and naturist places and things a few of them say she had to be a witch or that i basically had a magical type education at home from my mom somehow.

she said we had nothing to do with magic but she swore magic was real and dangerous and stay away from it/be careful..made me promise over and over and over again from the time i was like 3-5 years old or maybe a little older...

she taught me books and words have power, some words should never be said and some books or certain words/passages should never be read, not even to yourself/in your head, that if something feels even remotely off close the book or skip the passage, all kinds of precautions drilled into me from the time i first learned to read and was allowed to read on my own instead of being read to.

she said if a suspicious person especially a male was at the front door, stay in the playroom or go upstairs, do not under any circumstances go out onto the sunporch out to the actual front door, i always thought it was silly since the door between the porch and house was made of glass panels top to bottom and fully see through and the door from the front stoop to the house had 3 large windows in it so anyone at the front door could likely see in to where i was...but mom swore up and down i was safe and protected as long as i didn't leave the house proper and kept behind the original front door to the house, the door between the sunporch and the house. mom taught me this as part of the golden rule teachings about doing to others only what you are ok with them doing to you, but i later found out that her teaching me about whatever you do will come back to you often times thrice over...that everything any energy thoughts words etc good or bad comes back often multiplied often by 3x...i later found out that is the law of return or the three-fold teaching from witchery/wicca...if my mom ever wore a mask or any kind of costume when she took us trick or treating it was always as a witch almost without fail..etc and so on...

she always told me to do my best never to leave blood nail clippings hair clippings anywhere someone could misuse them potentially...just things that seemed strange later on when i learned most people don't learn any of these kinds of things...most people don't have a expandable dining room table with two extra leaves and a buffet table and accompanying china cabinet for displaying important dishes and an normal modern dish cabinet for normal tableware in their dining room, that most people don't have a rug/wall tapestry on their wall that apparently was in the family for a long time even before i was ever born...reading some of these harry potter fan fiction stories i am shocked at how much parts of my upbringing seem eerily similar to what is described when these purebloods and their manors are talked about...its startling and makes little to no sense..why would my family raise me that way when as far as i can tell my family has always been on the poorer side of things and very hard working and in alot of ways i had a blue collar/no collar upbringing and definitely not a white collar upbringing or silver spoon one.

then you have that i was taught to behave differently at home with just my parents and sisters, then i was taught to behave around extended family, or at family reunions, or at school, or at work...almost like i had to be a different person or version of me depending on where i found myself...i've yet to really encounter anyone else or its very very rare anyways to find another person brought up that way...most people call me a liar or just gape or are astounded or seem to pity me or say i didnt get much of a child hood or a decent one if brought up like that...but to me it was perfectly normal until i was about to start college. in my family the way i was brought up was lenient, almost liberal, and i was reminded of that incessantly at times and how lucky i was, to be treated better then just be seen and not heard or else the belt like i'm told was the common parenting method from generations past no less recent then 2 generations before my time.

then as my parents got older once i was in college and then made to move away and stay with my older siblings, they would say they never raised me to behave like that or that i must be misremembering things or acted like i was suddenly temporarily delusional or unbelieveable or something..

so much gets crammed in my head so much of it is contradictory, it almost makes me want to cry out or scream at times.

then you have other things...things that made me seem weird to even myself growing up...boxes and bits of rope were better toys to me usually then actual toys at times, books or drawing paper were usually better still or blocks to build with...i was fascinated by ropes since i was like 8-10 years old, not just climbing with them or pulling things or any normal uses, i would try to tie myself to a tree or something with them sometimes..i just liked how ropes felt sometimes to hold them or wrap it loosely around my wrist or something, i really liked bracelets and toy handcuffs and couple times even had metal replica handcuffs as long as they had an actual key to let me out of them so i wouldnt get stuck in them..

then you have other things like how probably the most common nickname i had other then some variant of my name was "doll" even adults would often call me "doll" when they passed me on the street as a term of endearment.

even though i was supposed to play with the boys in school i ended up usually having female friends, even in kindergarden i either played/read by myself or was invited to play kitchen/house with the girls, the boys never wanted a thing to do with me and that never changed until highschool when i was friends with some of the cheerleaders or other girls and a boy/jock would try to use me to be introduced to them or something...eventually even some of the nicer jocks were treating me almost as if i were female even suggesting sincerely without malice or hate or spite that i consider trying out for band or cheering or silks if i wanted/had interest/was allowed by my parents.

my one uncle when i was 5 or so had given me a hess truck toy and was confused why i didnt seem excited as much as he had assumed i would be or wasn't playing with it right away or why i then upon it being remarked about and being gently chastised by my parents played with it enough to let him know i did truly appreciate it and enjoy the toy, only to go back to what i was doing or play with something else right afterwards i forget now, but shortly afterwards later in the evening once he calmed down, he came over to me and asked me if i was a girl or not...without even really needing to think about it, i answered yes instantly/within like 3-5 seconds or so. it just felt right/natural and came out of my mouth without thinking or needing to think about it.

i was never pushed into acting like a boy or like anything in particular either, i've always been grateful to be allowed to learn to think for myself and grow up naturally however i was meant to grow up for the most part..

my siblings from my dad's first marriage were all girls, i'm the only boy out of his 5 kids, he was so elated to finally have a son. he did always try to teach me things like fishing or carpentry and such but he would teach a girl the same things if they wanted to learn...i found out years later my oldest sister was always good at math and interest in computers, and that my next to youngest sister liked computers carpentry farming amongst a bunch of other things...i ended up never pushed into either gender role, it didnt matter to me or to my parents, it doesnt matter much to my sister now, it only seems to be the outside world that cares at all.

i ended up deciding i'm female at least on the inside, after college and living with my sister now and finding something called second life and being able to explore myself freely online, that helped solidify that as well as make me realize i'm not just polite and caring and kind and like a doll in some ways, that it goes slightly beyond that, that i'm submissive as well, at least to a certain extant, i like being safe/protected, living safely within rules/guidelin
deathwearsblack chapter 21 . 4/12
I like this story.
Guest chapter 7 . 3/23
Felt like you could have done that last conversation in half the words without losing anything important to the story.
morcheller chapter 20 . 2/26
Alack and Alas; the characters are introduced and their roles defined, the stage is set and ready for the action to come but sadly, this wonderful story seems to be abandoned.
I suppose that at the current rate, the completion of the story would require a million or two words and can see how the author could be overwhelmed but, it would surely have been nice if the story could have been completed.
Tracey Young chapter 21 . 2/25
I hope you continue with this.
Jestrbob chapter 1 . 2/4
I hope in time you can finish this could become a masterpiece of the writing stays consistant

carick of hunter moon chapter 21 . 11/13/2019
carick of hunter moon chapter 1 . 11/13/2019
Re Found your story and it is a pity it not been updated for time it well worth finishing
I do hope you find time to update but real life must come first
so all the best and thank you for what you did post
observentuser chapter 19 . 9/29/2019
I really hope that you find the time, energy and inspiration to continue this. It's quite unique and very enjoyable.

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