Reviews for Rabbit and Carrot: Trust
RukiaTif chapter 37 . 3/5/2017
Y love your story, omg *-* is very incroyable! Rukia is badass XD she is very very ** 3 (i am french, sorry, me and english...)
GHOST6301998 chapter 37 . 5/20/2015
awesome story i read rabbit and carrot and then this one and enjoyed both . possibly the best fanfiction i have read
Guest chapter 37 . 8/6/2014
NomadicStrawberry chapter 37 . 8/4/2014
And it's done! Fantastic ending to a fantastic story. Was super happy the way this ended with Byakuya waking up, Rukia becoming pregnant and her finally telling Ichigo how she really feel about him. Perfect! Thank you for everything and good luck in the future!
Nuzeeha chapter 37 . 8/3/2014
I started giggling and crying all at ending that fits perfectly for them,I am sad that it ended and happy that you wrote this beautiful story,I loved it thank you for posting and updating this luck in your future
hunterofcomedy chapter 37 . 8/2/2014
Yay! Happy ending! YAY!

So, this is the final, final chapter right? No sequel after this? I don't think it's needed really, because this has ended on a such a great note! And putting in the fact of Rukia being pregnant actually helped solidify the ending. I was a bit disappointed that we never found out what happened to the idiot small gang that tried to take Byakuya out but I can easily assume what happened!

In any case, this has been a fantastic story and I loved every moment of it! I'll be on the lookout for more of your work in the future! :D
NomadicStrawberry chapter 36 . 7/30/2014
I'm gutted this is over but you did not disappoint at all. You truly did a wonderful job with this story. The suspense, the ups and downs, the plot developments were all simply sublime and i just want to thank you for keeping at it. I love a happy ending and you certainly gave us that. Thank you again!
27kirune12 chapter 36 . 7/28/2014

...YOU HAVE TO MAKE A PREQUEL WHERE YOU WOULD INCLUDE THE FIRST CHAPTER OF RABBIT AND CARROT-where Ichi was a doctor and they were adults and married... maybe you could add Ichigo's mini-me! AWWW YOU HAAAVE TOOOOO! " *,* ,,,
hunterofcomedy chapter 36 . 7/26/2014
Ah! So there will be more! I was wondering about the whole Byakuya coma thing and now I get to find my answer, albeit later.

Such a lovely ending to a lovely story! I'm really going to miss all of the suspense and thrills but, as you know, I'm a sucker for a happy ending and this was the perfect way to end this story! And I loved the last few lines! It was something Ichigo would certainly do and I just loved that the tough, dominant, badass Rukia went weak in the knees because of a single kiss! Absolutely beautiful!

Overall, this has been one of my favorite stories and I won't say it's over until I read that epilogue! So, as always, keep up the amazing work and happy writing! :D
hunterofcomedy chapter 35 . 7/26/2014
I thought I had reviewed this chapter! But when I went back to read other reviews, I noticed that I didn't!
Sorry about that!

Anyway, the chapter didn't feel rushed at all. We finally discovered all about Nobuyuki and it was surprising to say the least! He was her first love and the first innocent person she killed! That's pretty heavy and explains so much about her! And it also makes sense as to why Ichigo had such a hard time getting into her heart.

Honestly, I like that Ukitake and Shirayuki weren't completely evil in this story. They were motivated by vengeance and it's a sick disease that cuts deeper than anyone can realize. And although they did such horrible things, I can't help but pity them.

And then Ganju's forgiveness (kinda), really made it all worth while! Plus, it's great to see that Rukia notices that she's changed herself and knows who to be thankful for it! ;)

Another great chapter...and now, on the final one!
Liam G chapter 36 . 7/26/2014
How about a small part where Ichigo asks Bya to marry his sister?
NomadicStrawberry chapter 35 . 7/20/2014
Wow what a great chapter, absolutely gutted the next is the last one, but still plenty of things to look forward to in it! All of my favourite stories seem to be finishing at the moment and whilst I'm glad, I'm really going to miss getting excited about seeing this in my inbox.

I loved the little flashback, my heart broke for Rukia, you could easily tell just how hard it was for her. So excited for the last chapter, keep up the amazing work!
hunterofcomedy chapter 34 . 7/11/2014
...At least now we're getting to the bottom of this mystery, kinda. I'm still anxiously awaiting to find out who Nobuyuki is and I hope that the next chapter I get to find out. I kinda had a feeling that Shirayuki wouldn't be that tough, considering that she only watched when Rukia took out all of her men some chapters ago and she didn't even try to stop her. Honestly, it was a nice twist though.

Oh, and just so you know. When I woke up this morning and checked my phone, seeing this update, I had to regretfully NOT hit the snooze button on my clock so that I would have time to read this before work! But damn was it worth it!

Still wondering how Byakuya will end up in a coma, since he was like that at the beginning of the story. That must mean were still in for some action later on! ;)

I'm excited to see where you take this next and, as always, keep up the amazing work and happy writing! :D
hunterofcomedy chapter 33 . 7/4/2014
I don't find this situation that cliché, considering everything you've thrown at us until this point. And while I was expecting Ganju to have a bigger role, there's still plenty of time for him to come back. Anyway, the idea of using common people as prey was absolutely brilliant because the group was so intent on just having to protect themselves. They never saw it coming and neither did I! It was a great surprise! :D

I actually tried to click on the chapter select thing because I thought there should have been more! I wanted more right away and I can't wait for the next update! Keep up the amazing work and I'll happily wait to see what you come up with for the finale! Until then, happy writing! XD
Chiruka chapter 32 . 6/29/2014
I really like your story.
Btw in the previous chapter you misspelled 'prey' (pray).
uh, looking forward to your new chapter...?
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