Reviews for Not heaven and yet
Veronica chapter 1 . 10/4/2019
Good tale. I liked Buffy's adventure in Westeros. I liked her POV and the character study bits. I liked Buffy getting a 20-years break from Slayer duties and a family of her own in Winterfell. I definitely liked how Buffy delivered justice for Ned and Jon Arryn and so many unnamed others in King's Landing. I DON'T liked the Hound being killed. Why was Sandor Clegane labeled a faithless dog? What he did? What Buffy knew about him to mark Sandor for death? I cannot remember anything from canon which justify to kill him at that point in time or merits to dump Sandor Clegane with the likes of Littlefinger or Joffrey. Barring that I liked this story of yours quite enough. I am forever looking for stories wherein Ned Stark is rescued from being executed by Joffrey's orders so I certainly enjoyed this one. ;) Thank you so much for writing and posting this fic. Take care and have a good weekend!
RuebyRose chapter 1 . 8/13/2019
Holy crap, this was amazing! I cried at the end, even knowing it was coming. 333
Stahchild chapter 1 . 7/18/2019
This is really good. I was a bit worried at the beginning that Buffys presence didn’t really change anything but then you saved Ned and then I couldn’t stop reading.

Thank you for writing this and sharing.
Davee chapter 1 . 10/14/2018
So intense... I love it!
gwmclintock9 chapter 1 . 7/20/2018
JulietteHeart chapter 1 . 5/15/2018
Wow... Seriously love this story, wish it could be explanded so then we could read about her adventures.
Hikari Nova chapter 1 . 4/10/2018
very nice and I would love to see a sequel for it about buffy's reaction to her waking up and learning how little time had passed on earth compared to her decades in Westeros
AquaMary chapter 1 . 10/23/2017
This is the best game of thrones crossover that I've ever read! I'd like more something like that
Prima chapter 1 . 8/13/2017
This is so good.
I love it. It did made me cry though.
Puffgirl1952 the 2nd chapter 1 . 8/11/2017
Now that was interesting and hope there will be another maybe of one where Buddy joins Daenerys...
nyx'godness chapter 1 . 5/29/2017
Amazing story, loved it!
quiltedGuardian chapter 1 . 5/12/2017

Holy *shit*

Heilige Scheiße

THis was so AWESOME
IoSolUno chapter 1 . 2/18/2017
Amazing and beautiful story! Love her closeness with Ned and Cat. And yay Lady Cassel!
B5B7 chapter 1 . 10/29/2016
This is a beautiful story. Has triumph and tragedy.
cakeordeath11 chapter 1 . 9/21/2016
Great story. Thanks for sharing.
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