Reviews for All Aboard The Rosaria
DefendKebab chapter 29 . 6/8/2019
I love this story so much!Ahh it was so great...You are a great writer!This was the best pirate spamano story I have ever read bless you and bless your soul Author-Chan!
PotatoPasta chapter 29 . 8/6/2018
Can’t wait to read the next part! Pls come back to write this someday ;( ;( ;(
PotatoPasta chapter 28 . 8/6/2018
This is cute! This is like a supplementary story right? How interesting!
PotatoPasta chapter 27 . 8/5/2018
This is wonderful! Everyone met and Roma and Lovi apologize to each other! Plus Feli is getting married! _
PotatoPasta chapter 26 . 8/5/2018
The next one is an epilogue? Already?! ;( and I’m sorry for Lovi... I know Roma loves her, and I completely understand why he did it but hope they apologize to each other some day
PotatoPasta chapter 25 . 8/5/2018
PotatoPasta chapter 24 . 8/5/2018
Roma is literally the poorest guy in the story xD he’s gonna lose both of this granddaughters and not about Feli but Lovi is leaving the house lmao
PotatoPasta chapter 23 . 8/5/2018
At this point I wished that Artie hadn’t shot Toni ;( everything is getting complecated!
PotatoPasta chapter 22 . 8/5/2018
Tbh although I’m frustrated but I completely understand how Roma is acting... he’d want to kill Toni the worst ways possible :/
PotatoPasta chapter 21 . 8/5/2018
Things are going happily! Everything is gonna be alright! _
PotatoPasta chapter 20 . 8/5/2018
Yes! About time to have change of heart Artie! And omg Toni! U can’t die on Lovi
PotatoPasta chapter 19 . 8/5/2018
Things should go well ;( do something Artie! Listen to ur girl!
PotatoPasta chapter 18 . 8/5/2018
How cute and funny little tale! xD they’re meant to be together even when they were young!
PotatoPasta chapter 17 . 8/5/2018
These Vargas sisters do know how to make their men to feel good :D I hope Toni could be with Lovi and get back to his crew
PotatoPasta chapter 16 . 8/5/2018
Well I’m sure Lovi would find a way to save Toni and his crew! Right...?
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