Reviews for Written All Over Your Face
AgentKalGibbs chapter 1 . 7/3/2019
Lmso! Love it!
alleemaria chapter 1 . 9/26/2015
Oh, that was so sweet haha...
solveariddle chapter 1 . 10/21/2013
First of all... poor, underpaid Loker. Really! I always liked the character and as funny as it was how Cal pushed him around, he deserved better story lines (and probably better payment) on the show. Sorry, got sidetracked. ;)

This is a really sweet story. I think you got Cal's and Gillian's reactions absolutely spot on. Cal would HATE it that everybody knows and is talking about him/them not because their secret is out but because he is no longer the one laying down the rules. And I can totally imagine Gillian being as relaxed and "so what?" about it as she is in your story.

Thanks for writing and sharing this lovely piece.
hllokitty chapter 1 . 10/16/2013
Yessss! Thank you soo much for writing this, I thought I was the only one drowning in my own tears about LTM being cancelled and missing this couple like crazy. It was way beyond adorable and very in character, great job! I hope to see a 2nd chapter...maybe the betting pool finally being broken? lol Thanks again :)
NElaineR chapter 1 . 10/16/2013
That was too cute!
silviaa29 chapter 1 . 10/15/2013
Love it!
Beloved-the-Fool chapter 1 . 10/13/2013
I love how you pack so much fabulousness into such short little packages.

Kind of like Lightman himself :) Heh.

Loker-fail is such a win.
CommonFlower chapter 1 . 10/13/2013
Oh god. How I love you and this and I don't know I just always say the same but I can't express anything else. I just re-read 'Bis an's Meer und zurück' (was that the Title?) and it's my favorite really. Or, everything's my favorite and now it just all makes me want to write another story and somehow try out the stuff you do. But really? I thought about it yesterday and I couldn't because I had no scenes in mind. And then you posted this and - EEP! If that wasn't on purpose. Whatever. I just wish I had your talent! And I loved too that little one: "I certainly hope so, sweetheart. I mean that's what you told me." - I love just that you make Gill that sassy cute ass that she really can be. I love her. Ok. Now let me drown in everything because I can't form beautiful things like you do.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/12/2013
so much fun,really like stories like this,relaxing ang interseting
deenikn8 chapter 1 . 10/12/2013
Loker was always good at annoying Cal.

Love that Gill is so calm about it "...this is serious, Gill." "I certainly hope so, sweetheart..." I LOVE that!