Reviews for Halo: Civil War
sulou chapter 67 . 5/22
Just wondering what happened to you? I miss reading your stories. I hope you are well.
mojoman420 chapter 29 . 10/15/2019
Some 4th wall shit here.
finstermunker chapter 1 . 8/9/2018
sulou chapter 68 . 8/1/2018
Not sure if I left any reviews for this one. . . I was just wondering where did you go? I know real life happens, interest wanes, and lots of stories are left unfinished. In any case, I've truly enjoyed reading your Halo stories, and wish you well.

Nemoskull chapter 68 . 5/24/2018
congradulations. you spent 200k words to tell a 40k story.
cannonfodder43 chapter 68 . 4/3/2018
And so I come to the current point in the story, man to imagine things will get even stranger... oh boy.

Chances are I will be reading the earlier stories to this when I get the chance, but I must say that this story has thus far has been truly something. Blending your personal philosophy and outlook in an incredibly mature, grim and engaging story. What I at first thought to be a political thriller has morphed into something bigger and has not even faltered when the new subplots were introduced. A thriller drama with a (unhealthy?) dose of cosmic horror and mystery at the side.

Did I mention your metaphysical philosophy and outlook? That you have managed to weave that effortlessly into this story, going as far as to break the fourth wall. And it makes the story so much better due to its importance to the story and how it makes it all the more self-consistent. You have achieved something with this alone that no story I have read has ever done.

That you have done this while taking the existing Halo material and weaving your own vision and interpretation into it is a masterful act.

I could say more, but alas I am not educated and intelligent enough to express what I see and have experienced. I look forward to more patiently and will begin reading more soon.
cannonfodder43 chapter 67 . 4/3/2018
Not only does John have a thousand forms, we see Blue Team through out history as well. And the hunt for Walter continues.

I really liked this chapter in particular. Visceral, emotional and vivid in its own way.
cannonfodder43 chapter 66 . 3/29/2018
A small fourth wall break, death and now the tales of John's past actions against Walter.

All in a days work in your stories.
cannonfodder43 chapter 65 . 3/29/2018
It is hard to express my admiration for this chapter. Masterfully written and paced, with John now being confronted by the Devil, an omniscient entity in his own right. And powerful did you make him.

I must say that I really like how you had Walter force John to confront his own crimes and get him to react like that.
cannonfodder43 chapter 64 . 3/29/2018
Apples, crucifixtion, and a lovecraftian hell. And now the Devil, oh boy.
cannonfodder43 chapter 63 . 2/12/2018
You really set up the pace of John's march toward the artifact well. The environment it was held it, described as a place containing imagery that I struggle to comprehend and visualize.

And what happened when he opened the lid... just wow as always. Visceral and scary.
cannonfodder43 chapter 62 . 2/11/2018
Goddammit people like Hoya are the worst. It is a wonder he was even selected to be a Spartan.
cannonfodder43 chapter 60 . 2/4/2018
That dream sequence, powerful and vivid. As one expects from you.
cannonfodder43 chapter 59 . 2/4/2018
Multiverses, fourth-wall straddling and compelling. One would think that given how dangerous that artifact was that taking it and outright destroying it through other means would be preferable.

And now it has been lost in the rubble, great going guys.
cannonfodder43 chapter 58 . 2/4/2018
Oh boy the Artifacts travels through the multiverse. I can see thing building up to something.
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