Reviews for Like A Rockstar
rxvloid chapter 1 . 10/5/2016
Guest chapter 1 . 9/12/2015
Please update soon! I know it's been two years but I hope you contuine this story!
I really enjoyed it
Erakun chapter 1 . 1/27/2015
Spechless... Just love it! Good job!
exhaustedpillow chapter 1 . 7/8/2014

it's kinda OOC with the usual makoharu personality, but blah WHO CARES.
wwwww anyway, it's a good story, a very goood smut and I really hope you make a sequel out of this...
thank you for the story!
Midori Yoshida chapter 1 . 12/13/2013
Wow that was hot! I'll be in my bunk! .
mintpudding chapter 1 . 11/10/2013
I can literally imagine they did it with their va's MOREOVER SEXY MAKOTO WITH SEXY TATSUHISA-SAN'S VOICE I CAN'T11!1!1!
and shhuush this really makes me remember about series called Nana. The theme is something like this too aarghh and I love that killer whale type makoto hmph and haru looks like he's enjoy to be spoiled by makoto gahahahaha

Uuhh argh somehow i do hope you will make this into some chapters about their daily life or whatsoever I WANT MAKOHARU SMUT IDC WITH MY LIFE ANYMORE
mochiusagi chapter 1 . 10/29/2013
Pppppdftttttt agahhahhahahhahahha that was great!
Lilly The Late chapter 1 . 10/25/2013
Reading this during class was not a very good idea; especiallyat the end with the g-string. So hard not to laugh, lol.

Great writing style, I loved it. c: I'll look forward to an update.
KhAeL chapter 1 . 10/24/2013
this is GORGEOUS. this is HOT. this it PERFECT. I LOVE YOU D:
anonnnnn chapter 1 . 10/21/2013
oh my god that was good. well written smut sexy plot i just cant omg loving this so hard
Anon-chan-san chapter 1 . 10/19/2013
So sexy /

And the ending of the chapter is hilarious looool

I'm looking forward to the next chapter ;D
NyxLied chapter 1 . 10/19/2013
OMG HOT HOT HOT! I utterly love your story. How can you write so well? The details, story, personalities and THE SMUT were fantastic. I like plot going along with smut, so hopefully you focus in both :D. It just makes the smut come out more naturally.
I liked that the way Haru and Mako talked seemed to be like real life. The chat during the sex wAs great and you can realize how comfortable these two are around each other and know each other. Even adding the beer, cigarettes (mako drinking snd smoking hell yes) and even adding the conversation about the weed made everything more natural.
DomMakoto and a sensually submissive Haru is my weakness. Haru with those stockings, jeez I bet he looked delicious with them.
Nagisa as the manager lol. I bet Rei is the photographer uh? (A bit weird but nice guy that called Haru beautiful). I want mako to go to one of those photoshoots and see sexy Haru modelling. Also mako and Haru should be found together by the media. They're going to be very hot stuff! Mako is hot and Haru is do gorgeous, ppl will get excited to find out the mystery bf of mako
Anyway great great story!
Guest chapter 1 . 10/18/2013
Bahahahahah this is amazing
Aiasaka chapter 1 . 10/18/2013
Are you kidding? What a hellish sexy chapter!

It was crude and deliciously hot and I just loved it with passion! I see Makoto as a hot dominant and demanding sex God and Haru as a submissive compliant provocative brat to him and I always rejoice when I read fics so gorgeously written like this with my headcanons! But what an amazing endurance!

Jesus, I'm even *blushes* kinda turned on... Sorry!

Concerning your question, I don't know! I love mindless smut, but I guess a bit of story is nice?! But just do what you feel like doing! I will read it and appreciate it anyway!

I loved this first chapter and cant' wait for the rest! Thanks a lot for sharing!
Ophis chapter 1 . 10/18/2013
Hey there, nice AU! Apparently, I really like rockstarMakoto (or maybe it's just because it's well written ).

Anyway, it's very interesting so far. The sex was very well written (usually I just skip sex scenes in fanfiction because they're boring and badly written) and quite hot (well, if you have Haru in stockings, it's bound to be hot), but I also liked the communication/story so it'd be great if the rest had as much of their plain daily interaction as possible.

All in all, this chapter was great, I'll be looking forward to reading the rest!