Reviews for The Love Reciprocation
JheremyC chapter 2 . 2/15/2015
You do a great job of telling us the story that won't fit in the 1/2 hour show as well as giving us a glimpse at what might be. Thank you for sharing.
PopTart Fan chapter 1 . 9/11/2014
Loved both stories! They did it in the car!
Guest chapter 2 . 9/11/2014
Yea! They did it in the car! Thank you for a great story!
Guest chapter 1 . 9/11/2014
This was so cute! I'm so in L/P withdrawal, this was perfect to perk me up! Thank you.
MollyBananahammock chapter 2 . 3/9/2014
Ahh the feeeeels! This was so good getting a bit of the thought behind Leonard deciding to get Penny the car. I like that he was so excited he just kinda rambled on to the salesman about why he was getting the car for her and stuff even though the guy didn't really care. Also i liked his reasoning behind not putting a big ribbon on it and making it a huge deal, he was just getting her it because she needed it and thats it really. Its so sweet im getting feels just thinking of it! And Pennys bit was so good too. Obviously i just love the love bug thing :) Leonard is totes taking tips from me :P And ugh the whole 'she had him' thing is just so fuzz inducing i love it. I really like when you add these little bits to what happens in the episodes they are always so perfect and written so that you can actually just imagine it happening in the show. So yeah, i liked it. Oh! And wahey and oi oi for sexy times in the car and soon to be sexy times in the lab! Woop!
Tensor chapter 2 . 3/8/2014
I really think you captured their feeling and thoughts so well here, based on what we saw on the show. Like the description of Leonard buying the car.
Nogravitasatall chapter 2 . 3/8/2014
Yup, she's a lucky girl. And we are lucky readers. Cute. And the one shots are good because of my limited attenti...
hokie3457 chapter 2 . 3/7/2014
First his thoughts; then her thoughts. Excellent structure. Loved each of their inner voices. A wonderful extension of the amazing Leonard/Penny segment of "The Friendship Turbulence". Loved how they "christened" the car; love the snowflake; love the keychain and love what will occur later on in his lab. Nicely done T/W!
mjc45 chapter 2 . 3/7/2014
that was a great boyfriend, thinking of
penny first. i am with you only the proposal
would be the best.
zhalen565 chapter 2 . 3/7/2014
A perfect follow up to an amazing episode, the tokens of their love and relationship. Their thoughts about each other and they christened her new car. A great piece in such so short time.
5Mississippis chapter 2 . 3/7/2014
You have absolutely killed me with this! Absolutely simply amazing! The Romance Ninja, the Love Bug air freshener, the Snowflake Key Chain ... THUD! I'm done! Beautifully sweet and tender story that is extending my bliss from last night's show!
deleted account 88 chapter 2 . 3/7/2014
Sex in the car! And now in the lab! But, gah, this was so, so sweet. I loved getting both of their perspectives here, and just seeing how much they love each other. Penny being so thankful to have Leonard and so in love with him, and Leonard being really supportive and in love with Penny. Just beautiful. And the Love Bug air freshener and snowflake key chain are adorable. :D Great job!
Fluent in Fangirl chapter 1 . 11/23/2013
Oh my goodness, this one-shot is so adorable. And this review is long overdue. If you have email notifications turned on in your settings, you've probably noticed that I've favorited a bunch of your stories. I'm usually so caught up with stuff for school that I only have short periods of time to read fanfics. But now it's the weekend, so I wanted to take some time to write a nice review for your story, because your Leonard and Penny fanfics are some of my favorites on Fanfiction. I have loved every single story of yours that I have read, which is probably at least 12 or 13 of them. You always portray the characters so well and your story-lines are all very interesting. I just enjoy reading them so much. Again I'm sorry I haven't reviewed until now, but just know that I love reading your stories almost as much as I love watching the actual show and I look forward to reading whatever you write in the future (unless it's rated M lol).
deleted account 88 chapter 1 . 10/26/2013
Aw, this was so sweet! Loved getting this from Leonard's point of view as well as Penny's. That rose might have been my favourite item Penny showed him simply for the "Just because". Because gah, Leonard, how are you so perfect?! Great job!
mjc45 chapter 1 . 10/21/2013
you are to good to "all of usl".
it was so sweet of leonard to do for penny.
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