Reviews for Gravity Series 4: Fire & Ice
sonogal chapter 22 . 8/21
I absolutely love this series. It is one of my favorites.
sonogal chapter 21 . 8/21
I'm happy that Edward is spending some more time with Sammy. He spends so much time showing Bethy how to do things. It is Sammy's turn. He is quieter and Bethy takes over most things, so he doesn't jump in. He needs one on one with Edward like Bethy had when she was little.
sonogal chapter 20 . 8/21
We can't loose Kurt.
sonogal chapter 7 . 8/19
They don't know what a mad and angry Edward can do.
sonogal chapter 6 . 8/19
Edward is a pro, but I still worry about him. I don't want him or Poppy hurt.
sonogal chapter 5 . 8/19
Poor Poppy.
sonogal chapter 4 . 8/19
This one is an adrenaline rush.
BethMasenCullen chapter 22 . 6/1
This was another beautiful, exciting, perfect story! Great work!
NarMaVeg chapter 22 . 5/26
Once again congratulating you on this beautiful story ! I suffered, cried, laughed, fell in love ! This fourth installment of your story was wonderful, thank you very much for allowing the translation by AlePattz ! I keep reading and again congratulations it is a wonderful story ! Greetings from México.
leinchen chapter 22 . 5/24
I so love to take these journeys with the lot :-)
Thank you for writing and sharing another story for this series!
Greetings from Germany,
Lion-and-Lamb1901 chapter 1 . 8/6/2019
What’s funny is that when I first read this I thought Igor was this really cool far fetched idea that could only happen in fiction but now we have the Alexa system from amazon and now this isn’t so crazy anymore.
glo4twilight chapter 22 . 6/30/2019
Wow! I absolutely loved it of course. Thank you so much for an enjoyable and sensational read as always.
You and your team are amazing! I'm glad i can go and read your latest gravity instalment! Just can't get enough
glo4twilight chapter 21 . 6/27/2019
Oh i love camping especially with a group of family members. Loved this chapter.
glo4twilight chapter 20 . 6/27/2019
so glad boris made it! this chapter was frickin awesome. love bellas archery skills and that she could've beaten the shit out of paul or let edward do it. lol. these two always find time for their smexin which i just love.
glo4twilight chapter 19 . 6/26/2019
Awww damn i hope boris survives. So sad. But at least they got the goods. Hope nothinv else comes up. Hmmm
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