Reviews for Embers
1983Sarah chapter 1 . 10/23/2013
This was really great, I feel so bad for Merlin. I love that someone else saw the beauty in his magic. His mother is so great too, you characterize her well.
chele the original chapter 1 . 10/20/2013
Such sadness
for Merlin.
Good for Will
and Jess.
Ealdor has
a lot of nasty people
in it.
Well done.
Excalibur.vs.Riptide chapter 1 . 10/20/2013
That was so sad and beautiful at the same time. I loved it! Please write some more Ealdor stories like this, maybe even change it up a bit and have older Merlin talking about his childhood to Arthur, Gwen and the Knights. I would totally read that. This story was perfect! Great work!