Reviews for Forbidden
zaubernuss chapter 16 . 7/29
I have no idea if you're still reading reviews, but this story is just so incredible! I'm so happy I literally stumbled over it when searching for something else entirely. I love what you did with Snape - he's sooo in character and absolutely brillant! The whole story is ingenious, funny and just ... wow!
sakshiagarwal017 chapter 1 . 6/29
Would be a pleasure if you read one of my book sakshiagarwal017
Guest chapter 3 . 5/25
Good one.
Tabitha Sullivan chapter 20 . 1/23
Write more please?!
Desideria79 chapter 18 . 8/10/2018
This was so great. thank you for writing it. I really love this snape-character
pottersparky chapter 18 . 5/30/2018
Wow! Severus turn out to be better headmaster than Dumbledore could ever be. He took charge to change school for better and change Harry life by acting like real parent that he needed. Lily would be please with everything he done. Whatever bad choices he made before this makes up for it. I know that been honor to read this and wish you best of luck in writing more stories in future. Thank you.
slytherinsal chapter 12 . 4/23/2018
well, who knew, the YMCA has sports stuff? And I thought it was just a place for young men to live until they got themselves a job
slytherinsal chapter 11 . 4/23/2018
what on earth is the Y? all I can think of is the YMCA, but he is staying with the Dursleys, and I don't think the YMCA takes youths under 16 anyway.
amritasrivastava03 chapter 20 . 3/10/2018
oh my god! that was fantastic! I'm completely blown away. love your work. hope you keep writing! good luck... :)
Guest chapter 18 . 3/31/2017
That was very clever. I liked how he accomplished all his goals and the way he visualized them.
Var Emreis chapter 7 . 12/11/2016
interesting premise...
but the whole thing of 009 and superheros
reads like a children's book.
I do like your writing and i have the feeling
that there's more to this story.
All the best ;)
badholt chapter 7 . 11/17/2016
I loved this chapter! The humor was so spot on that, once you're done laughing, it really makes you wonder what the parents were doing all the time in the books. Geez... Also, I liked how you kept the Weasley bashing somewhat light by showing positive sides to their family, while Snape is poking fun. The only part that seemed off to me was the mention of the basilisk turning to stone. I'm not sure if that's just a description of their petrified state or it's part of the AU.
Guest chapter 18 . 8/5/2016
A very funny and creative take on the 2nd book
Guest chapter 3 . 8/5/2016
Makes sense that Snape will like that
Harriverse chapter 18 . 7/18/2016
I think Dumbledore would match the personality of Flitwig's better than McGonagal. What am I saying? He couldn't wear dresses!

Delightful tone and plot idea.
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