Reviews for Born For This
Me chapter 22 . 12/1/2019
Aww great story! Also what happened to Mojo?
RoseShower chapter 22 . 8/10/2018
Damn it. I'm crying again. I binge read this whole story, and in truth? I loved it. All, everything, except for Ramiro;Ramirez, whatever that ding-dongs name is, that jerk deserved it. (Nah but seriously, he was kind of a dumb but very plot out villain you created, even if, like, he kinda sucked at being a villain at times). This story was so sad, depressing, and heart felt. I love it. This made me cry 100 times, I kid you not.

The way you wrote the love and loss the children felt in this story reminded me of myself in a way. And the mothers in this story, dang, it's just so relatable. Even if I never had a child, I could somehow feel their emotions, the way they felt. I didn't forget about the father's too. (Except the villain Ramirez, he was a flick flacking dick).

It was crazy. It was amazing.

It was perfect, in my opinion.

And with the flashbacks, the past storyline as well, aw man, that had been so good. It had been so sad, knowing that things would never return to be the same.

Though, still, in the end, it was still happy. Because even if not everyone was there, they were at peace.

Maybe temporarily, but they were at peace.

Thank you for creating this story, I never realized how late I was, man, I wish I would've found out about this sooner.

Thank you.

jasmineflower27 chapter 22 . 8/6/2018
How am I just reading this now? When did it get completed and where have I been and OH MY GOD I LOVE IT SOOOOO MUCH!
I caught up with all the chapters I missed and then this last chapter made me cry buckets of tears, thank you very much for that. The girls at the house, the professor's room, the 3 windows, the girls breaking down...I am not okay. That was so well written, I can't even.

And I have to give a HUGE shoutout to the Benjamin/Hyacinth relationship because that was honestly my absolute favorite storyline, no shame hahaha. I'm wondering though if you had them planned from the beginning or if it just worked out that way as you went along? Also, I know the story's over but can I have more of them please? Pretty please?
And leave it to Brick to be a complete hypocrite. Blossom (always the logical one) is as badass as ever for calling him out.

I loved this story beyond words. Thank you so much for writing it and making this desperate-for-good-PPG-fics fan as happy as a clam :D

P.S: I'm still patiently waiting for the Poison and Wine sequel hahaha
Zero two chapter 2 . 7/21/2018
I know this is a heavy chapter and all but the ‘rectanuglar face of hatred’ just got me lmaoo. Good job though, this is a very intriguing story!
deactivating-128239 chapter 22 . 4/13/2018
That was amazing.
deactivating-128239 chapter 20 . 4/13/2018
Wait, wasn't Hycath with them? Where is she?
Anime Chick344034 chapter 22 . 2/26/2018
WOW...LIKE...I cant believe its finally over. Thank you so much for actually finishing this! Like I thought it would never happen but here we are. I LOVE the ending. Like everyone is still struggling but that's life. Its so PERFECT. The only thing I wished is for maybe Brick and Hacynith to talk it out or something. Clear the air because after all, Blossom WAS RIGHT. They are similar. Thank you for all the hard work! XDXDXD
minimateking30 chapter 22 . 2/25/2018
Dude, this story was fantastic! Utterly amazing! Got a very Terminator/1984/Dark Knight Returns vibe from it.

At any rate, keep up the good work! One of the best fanfics I've read in a very long time!
ROCuevas chapter 22 . 2/25/2018
Quite the story this was. Really amazing work.
Reading Pixie chapter 22 . 2/24/2018
Love It so much ni
givensjaikena60 chapter 21 . 10/13/2017
givensjaikena60 chapter 1 . 6/12/2017
Please Please Please update I luv this story sooo much
T-Dawg V.C chapter 2 . 4/23/2017
Look, I'm sorry if you think I'm being too hard on your story. But really I'm just giving my criticism on this story. I just think the story would have been better if you remove the "the world is now living in the villain's empire" sub-plot, maybe have either Mojo Jojo or Him kidnap the PPGs and RRB's children and the PPGs and RRBs have to save them, don't include plot holes, don't add in a humorless one-dimensional villain and his annoying children, have Professor Utonium in the story instead of killing him off prior to the events of this story and if you want the "a new, and sinister threat" thing make it Aku from Samurai Jack. These are criticisms I'm giving to help you become better so you don't make the same mistakes that you made in this story. As it is, I just don't like it. I still think you can write better than this.
T-Dawg V.C chapter 21 . 4/23/2017
*UPDATE* You named the villain after a sexual predator?! What were you thinking?! I'm sorry to say this since I know you mean well, but this is just going too far.
T-Dawg V.C chapter 1 . 4/22/2017
I gonna be honest with you, I didn't like the story at all. I sure you mean well, but this story has too many problems. The first is that it's litter with plot holes, so antidote X doesn't work on this villain then later it does? What?! Also he used it on the PowerPuff Girls and the RowdyRuff Boys removing their powers, yeah because he did that, they don't have powers anymore which means he would be screwed meaning he would be dead from the overpower chemical X! The second is the villain himself where do even begin? Ramiro Courtez is just a too generic and really nothing else about him other then he's been bullied his whole life and now he's EVIL! Ramiro is basically a combination of Malekith the Accursed from Thor: the Dark World and Rowan North from Ghostbusters: Answer the Call(the 2016 reboot), good grief I've been bullied my whole life as well but you don't see me becoming evil over it! And I hate to say it, but you don't want me comparing this villain to Malekith and Rowan, two of the most generic villains in film history! And the dumbest thing is that somehow he is able to rule the world? Wait what?! So Him, Mojo Jojo and an alien race that look like broccoli all have failed but this random schmuck comes in injects himself with chemical X with no consequences what-so-ever and is successful in ruling the world are you kidding me?! For crying out loud, you took some of the coolest villains in the PowerPuff Girls(with the expection of Him) and turned them into butt kissing lackeys to this one-dimensional villain! When I see "a new, and sinister threat" I was expecting Aku from Samurai Jack, not some random schmuck who been bullied and now becomes the bully(That's just lame, I'm sorry to say that). And there's the children of the PPGs and RRBs themselves, there just not interesting, their basically just carbon copies of their parents, what else can I say? And Professor Utonium and Ms. Keane are married? Have you ever watched "Keen on Keane" and saw how that ended? Look, I'm sure you mean well I really do, but this story in just not that good. I'm sorry, I just don't like it at all.
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