Reviews for The Conversation
J-Eastman chapter 1 . 10/24/2013
This is so perfect. It's a crying shame they were never able to continue the conversation. It might have prevented a wise Jedi Master from accepting that the Council will do nothing to realize the truth and instead, seeing there is no way the Jedi can be victorious, joining the forces of those who will eventually be the victors.

I always considered Dooku being the "least evil" among the Sith. He must have had his motives for going to the Dark Side, something other than being trained to be a killing machine like Maul, or having a personal reason like Vader. I'm pretty sure Dooku had an alternative to Palpatine's Grand Plan and I also believe he was going to dispose of Palpatine in time, one way or another. After all, if the plan was to have Palpatine as head of the Republic and Dooku as head of the Separatists, and also to have the Separatists lose the war and the Republic win it, wouldn't that solution have been deadly to the Separatist leaders, like Dooku? As in Revenge of the Sith, I'm sure if Darth Vader's little introduction to the Separatist council never happened, Dooku's allies would have been executed some other way anyway. How could they have gone away with executing Gunray, Tambor, Hill and the other leaders, but not Dooku? I'm sure he felt that he is kept by Palpatine to play the charismatic Separatist leader, but then again, he would be disposable after the Separatists are beaten and the Empire is established. So I'm sure he was planning to get rid of his master eventually, but he was caught off guard by Palpatine-influenced-Anakin cutting his hands off and the rest is history.