Reviews for Shadows
xxjaelee chapter 8 . 6/3
I miss this story so much. This story have a potential. Asdfghnkl hope someday you'll comeback. Stay safe
Haharuru chapter 8 . 1/19
I miss this story
xxjaelee chapter 8 . 5/5/2017
OMG ASDFGHJKL I really like this kind of story. I always find one but it's not finish or the story was already abandoned.
I like your story srsly! I bet Kyoko was one of the reasons why the OC died. Maybe Kyoko tricked her but then the Millifiore saw OC and she died. I always feel that Kyoko had an evil side lolol that's why I don't really like her that much.
Anyways, GIOTTO I miss youu lmao
I can't wait to see Tsuna's reaction to Giotto. And Tsuna is so dumb af, dudeeeee get the OC already! Hahaha It's too bad to see that it's been years since the last you updated.
Guest chapter 5 . 6/19/2016
Tsuna will taste like mint. I don't why..
Tsubasa should look like Primo, who looks like Tsuna. Get? Lel.
VongolAddiction chapter 5 . 10/3/2014
isn't it supposed to be nephew
VongolAddiction chapter 8 . 8/9/2014
Update soon please i'm begging you
VongolAddiction chapter 9 . 6/28/2014
Update soon
Neko and Niky chapter 9 . 12/18/2013
Neko: Arra?
Niky: New story!
Neko: Better update as soon as you can!
Niky: And we would love to read that new story!
Al Skyler chapter 7 . 11/16/2013
Awesome story! :D I hope you lift the Hiatus soon!
kimmyluvschu chapter 7 . 11/10/2013
(Damn auto-correct)
kimmyluvschu chapter 8 . 11/10/2013
I feel special, I'm mentioned twice inthe same part. Hehhe. Anyways, NOOOO I REALLY LIKE THIS STORY TOO. GOD DAMN RULES!
Ghitto is a cutie like Tsuna. :)
Syrlai chapter 8 . 11/9/2013


I'm quite sad that this will be on haitus but since you said it will resume by the end of the month, I don't quite mind waiting for it.

Good luck!
Syrlai chapter 7 . 11/9/2013
*silent screeching*

That's how I reacted to the omake.

Really, I wish this was canon because Kyoko sucks as a love interest. I like her generally but she's just so... perfect. She's an airhead and that's what's making me pull my hair out. Her brother is a bit dumb but Kyoko is something completely different.
Haru on the other hand, has more personality so I like her better.

Meh, but I still love this chapter :3
StoneLily chapter 8 . 11/8/2013
looking forward wen u will return
Randomreader1320 chapter 8 . 11/8/2013
Aw so cute that tsuna is getting nervous!
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