Reviews for What Goes Bump in the Night
abcabcabc123123 chapter 9 . 9/17/2015
ahh this was amazing!
chocolate and vanilla swirls chapter 9 . 7/11/2014
Nice plot twist! I wasn't expecting it :)
meels234 chapter 9 . 1/13/2014
This story has had me laughing for the past 20 minutes. Absolutely love the ending.
Liar2198 chapter 9 . 12/9/2013
This story made me laugh out loud! And i absolutely love the twist at the end!
Bagilia chapter 9 . 11/9/2013
HAHA, I love that according to everyone on here, I'm a haleb fanatic. And please, II would like frame those sheets. Like seriously. SOMEBODY OFFER HALEB MY BED, RIGHT NOW.

Woah, I went a bit cray cray for a second.

Man. Geez people, stopping taking it out on Hann, she just needs some time to figure thing out. Like me.

OOH, THE ENDING. Man, Alison masks on the Christmas tree? Yeah, totally.

Or y'know, run Hanna over with a sleigh.

But tots, beautiful ending to a gorgeous story, which I have loved.

Thriller! Hell yeah.

"Let your passion run wild" Pshht, my haleb babies always have their passion running wild. They're my haleb babies. Whom I love.

Spoby, getting it on in the Lake house. HA! take that Spence! even you just need to do it in there,

I'm willing to bet anything that haleb's gonna have sex in the lakehouse next halloween.

Alright, well, I'm all caught up love. and I've loved this story. It's given me such comedic relief from a terrible month I've been having, so thanks for that.

Can't wait for your new story, sounds amazing.

Do I want a personal response? Well, sure!

K. That's it.
Bagilia chapter 8 . 11/9/2013

Lol, I'm laughinf so hard right now, also I'm a tad bit sad that it's already ended, and that it's over :'(

Hanna and her neglected sex life.

Of course the Lake house is a hotbed of hormones, c'mon Spence.

Man, the entire ghost thing just makes it so much more funny, man.

Argh, the coffee.


Okay, I'm like super sleepy. Despite coffee.

And I was thinking of a double update. Tsk.
Bagilia chapter 7 . 11/9/2013
HALEB, FTW! Catching Red Coat n all :) my haleb babies always win at the end of the day.

LOL, Ezra thought Spencer was that old chick. HAHAHAHAHAHAH! Laughing so hard right now, I swear the cup of coffee I have with me right now, is like flying everywhere. And I hate coffee stains.

You are officially responisble for them.

Paige and Caleb. One of the bet friendships, Can't wait to see what happens.

HAHAHA, that baboons line.

And please, haleb's just gonna need to to do it on those Persian rugs. You just know it.

Poor Aria's stuck in the attic.

All alone, on a dark stormy night.

Cue witchy laughter.

So my reviews are dwindling down.

Bagilia chapter 6 . 11/9/2013
LOL, am I the only one who's finding this like ridiculously funny?

DAYYMM, that Spanna scene in the beginning, the entire, "My Nana's couch" HILARIOUS!

MEAN GIRLS! Love me some mean girls.

Ezria, and ghosts and Spencer, and Eleanor. Gawd.

Paily to the rescue.

And of course my haleb babies need to do it, it's their sexual tension. You know, with all the lip biting ad the eye fucking, and the teasing.

Just typical haleb.
Bagilia chapter 5 . 11/9/2013

Poor Spence, first her Nana's couch and then the master bedroom.

On the other hand, haleb just needs to do it in every room of The Hastings Lakehouse, right? Next up, the kitchen. whilst making Dong Po.

Okay. #HornyCaleb. Which is actually really hot.

HANG ON, SPENCE AS A GoT CHARACTER?! HOLY MOTHER OF GOD YES! Love GoT, thanks to my darling brother, who troubles me to no end, but yeah.

Don't even try tricking her Toby, don't.


Moving onto the next one.
Bagilia chapter 4 . 11/9/2013
Alright, let's do this shit. *cracks knuckles*

Hallo love.

Yes, I exist, and I'm alive. And I updated! And I got your review. Which I love.


Oooh, Spencah and her lock smithing skills.

Tbh, don't really like Twilight that much either, but sometimes, when you have crazy obsessive friends, it kinda rubs off on you. All though, without her, I wouldn't even know about PLL, let alone haleb, so I love her for that, but yeah.


"Do you know where the one percent keeps the alcohol?" LMAO, seriously. Also, I feel that nobody uses these short forms anymore, so, LMAO all the way.

CHRIS! Man, DW chritmas special with all of them, and all of their heart warming companions, would just be like too much for my heart, which is already breaking down with TFiOS. But yeah.

Haha, Ezra. You'll never guess who I went as for Halloween, although, it was possibly the most fail costume I've ever done.

Alright, let's move onto the next one.
treaanne chapter 9 . 11/8/2013
I really like this even you think the last chapter is all over the place.
ShadowsTakeAll chapter 9 . 11/8/2013
*curls up in a ball of nope*
*sobs softly and drowns in feels*

When I PM you (which I will, promise, I know I'm horrible and taking ages to reply and I would understand if you hate me) I'm going to elaborate on how I feel about this chapter - because to be honest I have no idea. I was not expecting this (shame on me, I should be prepared for anything) and it was both adorable and horrible (cue my Sparia heart breaking). I mean I know this was all fluff and whatever, but it's not often I'm caught by surprise and this definitely did it.

Touche, m'dear, touche.

(Can't wait for your other stories, btw, and expect to hear from me sometime in the not-too-distant future!)
NewEnglandMuggleGirl chapter 9 . 11/8/2013
Nice making Aria lie to Ezra, then revel she is A. The story is awesome, lease update soon.
ShadowsTakeAll chapter 8 . 11/8/2013
SLYTHERINS WILL NEVER GET THE HOUSE CUP. Actually I'm kind of part Slytherin (if you don't believe me, ask Runawaybaby555, she can vouch for that), so that'd be okay... but still. Hufflepuffs ftw.
This chapter was great. And I hope that me reviewing all my missed chapters makes up for not reviewing them earlier? Please don't hate me. D:
The ending of this was so perfect, I could picture them all doing that, being all terrified and then kind of going 'ohwait, something's not right here'. Now off I go to... the last chapter? Does it have to be? Can't you just kind of keep writing? One update a day until PLL comes back on air? That's not too much to ask, right? *gives you Spencer-puppy-dog eyes*
ShadowsTakeAll chapter 7 . 11/8/2013
So, I suck. I've been reading this but mostly on my iPod and I hate reviewing on there, but I'm FINALLY on my computer and so here I am.
Not that you needed to know that, but whatever.
I loved this chapter, of course. Especially the 'deep breaths' bit, that was cute (if only our dear little Vanderjesus had been the cause of Spencer's agitation).
Although I have to say, I think my favorite part of your story is the Disclaimers. Your version of PLL would definitely be amusing...
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