Reviews for Wishing Charm
LilPurplFlwr chapter 1 . 11/1/2013
/takes a deep breath/

Disclaimer: I don’t have any clue what goes down in Star Ocean. I don’t think I ever even read yuri.

But I love your writing and therefore I hunkered down and kept faith that even though I knew nothing about the fandom or the characters, your writing would enthrall me anyhow.

Which, of course, IT DID. Why did I even doubt it?

As usual, even your writing from 5-6 years ago pwns most everything that I read or write. Can you STOP being so awesome?

But I suppose I better get serious and write a review. Let’s all keep in mind that I can’t review for shit, because I just am not thoughtful or analytical enough, and the last thing I know how to do is accurately translate my overwhelming feels into words.

Is it strange that I like the very short-cut scenes? I think this works well for you, because every sentence you write is so full of meaning and significance that if you went on for more than two paragraphs at a time, it would just be too overwhelming to read. It’s a relief that you only take things in short scenes, or else things would start feeling too dense and overworked.

In terms of characterization, I have no idea whether Clair or Nel are IC or OC, but the way you’ve written them makes them fit together well. Clair needs and worries and feels so intensely that it would only be logical for Nel to be… well, not. You always manage to find good personality pairings, so whatever you write always seems to make some sort of sense. Anyway, it’s still important to note that Nel obviously cares for Clair, but the world goes on, and Nel does what she knows is necessary to go with it without the needs and worries and feels, so if any of that made sense, I’m just reiterating that they match each other.

You know I love circles. Really, really like circles. And I love that you started with a routine morning scene, which is poignant and sets up the piece perfectly, and ended with another morning, which just emphasizes the cyclic passage of time and how even through progression of life's events, some things just don’t change or won’t change or can’t change and we’re just helpless to that and it’s SAD.

I hate you, Angst Queen. You’re too good. Stop it.