Reviews for Nature Boy
JMaxi chapter 7 . 7/24/2016
Crossing my fingers and hoping that you'll update this sometime in the future! Love, love, love it so far!
Anon chapter 7 . 11/6/2015
I've just spent the afternoon reading this fic and I love it! Evie is great OC and I really hope she's going to be okay. The characterisation of everyone from SPR is on point too! The case is very interesting and I'm definitely curious about what's going to happen next - hopefully not more angst for Naru :(
Looking forward to the next update :)
chikasora chapter 7 . 9/21/2015
Wow...your story just wow. I laughed a lot, almost cry a few times, and trying to muffled my scream because noll and mai almost kissing scene. Why it didn't happen? Oh well, I'll be waiting for your next chapter, maybe they will be together. I hope. :))))
Until next time!
archangelBBQ chapter 7 . 8/16/2015
Another fantastic chapter from you - not that I could ever expect anything less. You never disappoint, truly, no matter how long the wait between chapter. It's worth it, always.

The initial scene between Naru and Gene - oh my goodness. This absolutely kills me. The way Gene is flippant and utterly blase and quietly devious and so very /dead/ and yet so lively at the same time - ugh, I don't know, it's just perfection. (And Naru ... this is just so heartbreaking. This poor child.)

The way you write Lin is really incredible, this strong foundation on which everyone seems to rest (whether they know this or not.) I also really love reading your interpretation of him because in some ways it lines up perfectly with how I think of him, but in other ways so tremendously different. It's really enjoyable. (I also really admire the way you write Ayako. I might've said this before, but I'll just say it again.)

THAT EMBRACE between Mai and Naru, holy shit, pardon the french but the way you wrote that embrace was just astounding. That whole scene is marvelous - bravo!

As usual, the past and present and lingering connections you illustrate between Evie, Lin and the twins is so incredibly intriguing. I'm not entirely sure what to think about Evie in these past few chapters, what Mai's instincts are warning her of and how nervous I should be. The case is so interesting and masterfully crafted, but it does take second stage in the face of everything else. The powers of an empath, her mysterious illness, the way she can be so fragile one moment and everything but the next - Evie is really a tremendous character. Definitely more than meets the eye. And the tattoo is really .. really ominous.

I'm always so in awe of your writing, your words. Thank /you/ for writing and sharing this story, and sticking with it (even though I'm sure there are a thousand other things you have to do.) (And always eager for more chapters of Prestidigitation!)
daughterXofXdarkness chapter 7 . 8/16/2015
Oh mah gawd. I'm in love with this story. No better way to put it. It's 4:00am and instead of sleeping, here I am, shamelessly binge reading this story. Props to you. Can't wait for the next chapter!
-Your friendly neighborhood reviewer,
AmyNChan chapter 7 . 8/15/2015
It took me two sittings to read this and I don't regret it one bit! I love this so much! You did really well with this and I'm glad that Naru isn't OOC or anything. This is great! Please keep up the amazing work!
DeathWillNotPrevail chapter 6 . 4/5/2015
He had a little sister and she told him what happened and now he's protecting the girls whose adoptive "fathers" feel/look like they will rape them! Or the little girls look like his sister!

GAH this story can't end yet! I wanna know if my prediction, see above, is right and I wanna know what happens between Mai and Naru! (They need a ship name! Maru, Nai, something!)

This is a really really good story and I love it! Stayed up till it was time for school reading it too. XD
D C JoKeR H S chapter 6 . 4/5/2015
More! Please! Now!
kalmaegi chapter 6 . 2/2/2015
/Connecting the line/ Yes, Noll. He's real. As real as a spirit can be in this realm.
Rebecca chapter 6 . 1/30/2015
This is so goood! I can't wait for the next installment! I need to know what happens, I needed to. :D
Don't Ask Alice chapter 6 . 10/22/2014
First off, what happened hen they snuck out into the pond?! If it's a good story, you should put it into Growing Up Ghostbusters! Anywhoo, fantastic as always! I'm very glad that we are such great friends so I don;t have to wait out your cliffhanger but DAMN. Making your readers wait this long is borderline cruel! Write during your break and update soon! It was fabulous, as always. I loved it... (shocker). Your writing style continues to mature, and I could honestly see you being a writer (if you aren't a world class opera singer that it). Anywhoo, it was great, update soon loveliest!
AssailantAngel chapter 6 . 8/24/2014
I can't wait for the next chapter! I'm really interested to know your story.
Naruisawesome chapter 6 . 8/22/2014
OMG! Poor Naru...*hugs even if he doesn't like it* and Emiko...*hugs* That must've been horrible... But I also wonder exactly what Mai meant too! And yaay! Gene!

Please update soon! :D
Ferb O. Oche chapter 6 . 8/19/2014
Wow.. After reading it twice, I can still feel these intense emotions this chapter managed to make me feel. Your delivery of the scenes are amazing. Now whenever I read other fanfics where Naru uses his psychometry, I will not help but imagine yours. I love reading Naru all scared and deflated after a vision haha! Kyaah! That NaruMai scene and Mai's protectiveness over Naru, so sweet!

I am definitely waiting for the next chapter! Yey! More stories from you in the future! Thank you!
archangelBBQ chapter 6 . 8/19/2014
This is astounding. I want to live inside your stories forever. I could just read and read and read and read. But until then...

I love the opening scene with Mai and Emiko. The way Mai deals with the child really illustrates how much she's matured. Though terrible circumstances, the way you write is really wonderful. (Also, I feel like many a writer would choose to have the spirit go after Mai and for her to experience the dream (myself not excluded), and I'm so grateful you didn't. Obviously, it couldn't have been Mai in this setting because of other things you have going on in the chapter, but.. still. This way is so much more powerful. Really superb.)

Watching Noll experience the vision and the aftermath... absolutely amazing, stupendously well done. I love how Lin struggles with watching it take hold of him, and the following scene at the base. The interactions between Mai and Naru.. really amazing. (ugh, I need to think of some other words to use, but amazing is all that comes to mind.) I love how Mai watches him and how the realization of what happened hits her. Their conversation in the hall and Naru taking her face in his hands when she's trying to comfort him...(!) I love her instincts to protect him, you've written it so beautifully. And the way he thanks her. So beautiful I could cry tears. Somehow, it feels like you've reversed the roles of Naru and Mai in this chapter, and I love it to bits. Mai is analytical, Naru is showing emotion. You've turned the regular expectations of the two on its head. It's very subtle.. however you've done it- it's fabulous.

I love the way you illustrate Mai's thought processes. And Lin.. yes, Lin is truly the most patient man in the world. I love imagining him settling into his "realm of tranquil detachment". Yes! That's him perfectly. Masako's interaction with (one of?) the spirit(s) is so very intriguing and unsettling. It is a bit disconcerting that the team is so clueless. Not only do you craft your characters perfectly, but the plot and intrigue of the mysterious case as well. I'm really looking forward to finding out what you have in store for us.

I do wish Mai would have interrogated (as you say) Evie before they retired, because I have a bit of a bad feeling about all of this. What is she hiding? I hope you'll explain to us soon what's going on with her (and before I forget to say, I love her nonchalance about talking about def not being pregnant). But those two scenes... I'm on the edge of my seat and tearing out my hair. I can't afford to lose any more! Also, NHC, you had better clarify pretty soon about what Mai means with her "it's not new to me either." (More hair being pulled out!) Too many bits and pieces for me to fret over. (but it's a good thing I 'spose.)

I love your cliffhanger! Noll struggling with his feelings and the dialogue he has with himself and then Gene is TOO TOO wonderful. (I am so excited for more Gene and Noll.) And I absolutely adore the final dreamlike scene with Evie and Gene. I know he's only thirteen... but I am totally in love with him. Or rather, it's more like I love him the way I imagine I would love my own child. Either way.. true love.

I seriously cannot get enough of your writing; after reading this I think I'm going to reread the first five parts and then this chapter all over again. I didn't see any words I didn't recognize... maybe next time around.
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