Reviews for Falling with the Rain
isaiah0011 chapter 15 . 7/11/2014
Gersh dern cliffhangers they make me so mad!... but in a good way. Keep writing just don't leave me dangling here girl.
isaiah0011 chapter 13 . 7/11/2014
Ohhh snap, just read chapter 13, thing are heatin up
TrueLightHikari chapter 15 . 7/7/2014
Oh-ho more more x3
LindyLinn chapter 15 . 7/6/2014
The OTP feels, ARGH!

I hope it continues like this and everything is good :)
FiliKili chapter 14 . 6/22/2014
This is awesome! Please update as soon as you can!
LindyLinn chapter 14 . 5/17/2014
Poor Levi!

At least I now know the full story of Petra's death. I was confused until now :)

And I'm happy Levi feels something for Eren
Curly Fries or Onion Rings chapter 13 . 5/17/2014
Why am I so worried over the mess Eren just made spilling those cups rather than the situation :p
TrueLightHikari chapter 14 . 5/15/2014
Aww poor Levi D:
It's not your fault!
16craftytigers chapter 14 . 5/15/2014
*happy dances* I was so ecstatic when I saw the update! Sad chapter though but at least levi is showing emotion. That's what makes us human and let's others know too. .
Please update soon.
HikaruTheKid chapter 13 . 4/27/2014
This is such a wonderful story! Could you please tell me when you are going to post the next chapter so im not hopelessly coming here everyday to check for an update. I really love it so far, and I cant wait for the rest! Consider me as a new fan!
LindyLinn chapter 13 . 4/16/2014
TrueLightHikari chapter 13 . 4/2/2014
Wooot Go Eren take charge! x3
16craftytigers chapter 13 . 4/2/2014
Aww! Update soon please! I was extatic when I saw there was a new chapter posted! .
16craftytigers chapter 12 . 3/22/2014
Please update soon! This story is amazing! .
TrueLightHikari chapter 12 . 3/9/2014
Omg omg they finally kissed! w
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