Reviews for Victims of the Game
Otmilkshake chapter 3 . 12/31/2014
Oh my gog please please please please please start writeing again! I love this so so so so much!
Otmilkshake chapter 3 . 12/21/2014
Oh my gog please please please please please start writeing again! I love this so so so so much!
what the fuck chapter 3 . 8/22/2014
I really need to know if your ever going to continue this please its really good and i know the last update has been awhile but seriously the last chapter is fucking me over and it will continue to for awhile. please. update.
LoveToTheCucumber chapter 3 . 2/26/2014
Marco, who the hell would put a comma before a smiley XD?!

Daaamn, Bertolt, I think he was just being a pushover when going into that relationship with Reiner. No one stays in a serious relationship for a whole year with the opposite gender if they haven't yet figured out if they are gay or not?! Poor Reiner. I have a feeling it's gonna turn out that Berholt is gay anyway, but I think it would be a nice realistic twist if Berholt wasn't gay and had just gone along with it 'cause he was afraid Reiner wouldn't be his friend anymore. It would ass personality to his character as well.

Wait, what?! So Marco had been having an affair with Reiner while Reiner was with Berholt?! Wha... &U%&%)&... Okay, I'm not sure if I just don't have my facts straight or if this is what is actually happening. Reiner, you got your prize, don't fuck Marco when you have Berholt! - unless he's only fucking Marco when he and Berholt are on a "break." Then I get it... But if thy fucked when they were a couple. Jesus, I had higher thoughts about those two. And in that case, fuck Marco too. Poor Berholt D:!

I HATE when that happens xD You feel like you're wasting all your precious free-time when you realize you're actually just staring at the blurry letters xD

"Jean signs under his breath ..." - lol, you know what to do xD

Procrastination... a college major... I would have a ph.d.

Oh, poor, poor little Marco :( But it sounds like he knows that Hitch and Jean wants nothing more from sex from each other so he should just get over himself and remember that he's doing the exact same thing with Reiner. Of course it hurts 'cause he's in love with Jean and it's a reminder that Jean likes girls, but still... Be strong, little Marco!

This left me wondering if Marco is gonna tell Jean he's gay before he tells him that he likes him? I don't think people do it in this order very often so could be fun to see. To be honest, I don't think Jean wouldn't have noticed the signals. He should know his best friend well enough to guess that he's gay. Then again, there's a possibility that he's either: A - covering up the fact that he knows 'cause he's in love with him, but doesn't dare to tell him. Or B - he's kinda homophobic so he just pretends to himself that Marco never acts gay. Or something like that. Could be kinda sweet to see Marco trying to battle off Jean's lovers by letting everyone know he's with Reiner and by that make himself seem interesting and unreachable. Perhaps then Jean will open his eyes and realize that he likes Marco ;) At least I think it would be easier for him to realize if he at least found out Marco was gay. Any best friend finding out something like that would have a wandering mind for some time.

Anyway, I like the story so far and I think your vocabulary and sentence structure is nice. Easy to read, but in a good way. You didn't have too many mistakes in this or chapter 2, but you did have some that I'm sure you would catch if you read it through one more time :)

Hope these reviews inspire you in someway to keep writing. I really am looking forward to the next chapter :D
LoveToTheCucumber chapter 2 . 2/26/2014
First line - lol, off to a good start - was my first thought xD

Mein Gott, Jean sounds just like me and Marco sounds just like one of my friends who I lived together with for some time and I swear, we were just like that xD! I feel so sorry for Jean, hahah xD! Let us irresponsible people be! We don't want you making us do stuff!

Oh no, he didn't... Not the alarm clock! She did that too D:! God damn it, why do people do that D:

Marco is like a mom to Jean... I would move out the moment he told me I was gonna take a shower whether I liked it or not... If he had told me, "you stink!" I would have stayed 'cause that's how friends get their friends to shower xD

Oh God, Marco's mother remind me of my own - when it comes to her talking and talking and talking when all you wanna do is hand up. It's so annoying. Poor Marco xD

How the hell can Marco be so energetic in the morning? And morning classes are seriously the worst. You get used to uni's schedules so fast that when you have that one morning you actually have classes as if you were still in high school, it feels as if someone is trying to punish you D: And when I have late classes, I sure as held don't get up early to get things done. I do as Jean wishes to do - sleep!

Okay, I didn't really think it was weird for Connie to think that something had to be going on with Reiner and Marco when he kissed him... Until I read that he already knew he was gay. Now I'm thinking guys like Connie where more likely to think, "hey, that's how men who like men work. They are affectionate." Heck, even as a woman, I wouldn't put anything into it.

"So, you guy picks your majors yet?" - grammar.

If the horse had only grazed him, it doesn't seem right for him to be slumping against a wall?

Who the hell sends letters nowadays (or notes, whatever)? And what kind of man would keep them!?

Fuckie, fuckie time, I expect xD? Okay, I'm not really sure you would actually make Marco do that. Anyway, it's definitely a cliffhanger that leaves you wanting more!
LoveToTheCucumbe chapter 1 . 2/26/2014
Daamn, you actually updated :o Now I'm glad I send you that review - even if it wasn't that that drove you to get writing xD

Anyway, here's the review I promised
(I always review as I read and I'm honest and critical. If you can't handle critique, please, tell me right away so I won't waste my time. I only mean to help.)

Lol, he sure sounds like a typical teenager. You're doing a good job at portraying this. It's not too much. I'd even go as far as saying you could have made him rant even more about the things he hate without it dragging down the story.

I'm not a fan of brackets. Especially not when they are being overused. So far, I can see three sets and I haven't even scrolled down yet. May I suggest you use either commas or - - for interposed sentences? Most of the time, these sentences don't even need this special kind of attention. So always think twice about using brackets, commas or whatever. They ruin the flow of the writing.

You're mixing up past and present tense a lot from here on out.

I might just be nitpicky, but if Marco is supposed to look like he does in the anime, he doesn't have a round face. In fact, he has one of the longest faces there is - meaning the most oval one. His hair is way too short to frame his face and he only has freckles across his nose - which is not uncommon and therefore realistic as it is. I can't remember if his appearances during the next chapter or if you're just going with your own Marco entirely, either way, I just wanted to mention that the actual Marco looks nothing like that. I personally think it's fine when people add a little something of their own to the characters, but I prefer it when stick to the actual facts about their looks rather than describing them in an other way merely to make them sound more cute or romantic or something else.

I really like this description, "... feel a lot like kicking a puppy into traffic." It neatly sums up the feeling you get in this kind of situation. And we also get the idea that Jean is not a total asshole even if he is an angry teen.

"... Who can faintly feel the him shivering through his thin jacket ..." - delete "the."

Oh God, Marco is the kind of person I HATE being on the bus with xD It's so awkward when strangers make small talk like that. I envy the people who actually know how to keep this going.

Aaand Jean agrees with me. Thank you very much xD

Ugh, I hate being wet and having a wet stranger next to me are second on my list of wet things I hate xD

"... which was about a five-minute walk from here." Again, you're mixing up the tenses. I wanted to point this out in particular 'cause you mixed them up in the same sentence. It should be "there" instead of "here." Sounds better when the rest of the
sentence is in past tense.

Marco really is as gay as they come xD A little queen, ain't he? Being all chatty like an annoying woman.

Props to Jean for actually listening through that thing. I don't even listen to my friends when they start babbling (nor do I expect them to listen to me.) And Jean's a typical guy. Impressive xD But I understand why he would feel kinda of guilty. Still, he should be proud for listening xD

"... Jean quickly snatches his and Marco's sheets of paper up ..." it should be like this: "Jean had quickly snatched up his and Marco's sheets of paper." Keep the sentence in the same tense and down separate "snatch up" like that.

"Connie's gotten a few inches taller than since Jean last saw him." - "than the last time Jean saw him" - "Since Jean last saw him." Pick one, don't mix them up.

"... and for a split second, Jean hadn't recognize that it was him because his ..." May I suggest, "and for a split second, Jean didn't recognize him since his ..."
And I don't think anyone would say "over the summer." Just "over summer."

Uhm, you should try and rephrase this entire sentence. I'm sure you'll see what I mean when you read through it again, "Luckily for Jean, them seem to decide - etc.."

Lol, Marco, don't like the taste of your own medicine, nah ;)?

Wow... They make friends rather quickly, don't you think?

Pokemon?! Nooo, Marco, you are way too old to carry that around in all seriousness...

I can't figure out what the (?) is doing there?

The freckle thing was kind of a cheap shot, but I'll play along. Something gotta be the turning point anyway, right?

Okay, Marco babbles A LOT, but no need to be rude, Jean boy! xD

Okay, if everybody looks like Marco's father in that family, he's sure gotta have some strong genes xD!

Ymir just doesn't care, does she? Saying something like that in front of Marco's parents XD! and if I was Jean, I would start to suspect something. Why else would she talk shit like that the first time they met?

Marco's family sounds really great. I love it when people accept other's into their family like that.

Sweaty guy? Why you being mean to sweet Bertolt D:

After that, I would NEVER go to Jean's place again xD Fucking scary! Poor Marco.
and even poorer (lol) Jean. His dad's a fucking creep.

Aw, that's awfully sad. That they have to "settle" with each other just because they can't have the ones they actually love. But I think it's great they find comfort in each other and that they both seem to be okay with just being a reserve :/

I'm not sure I like the idea of Jean calling Marco in the middle of the night. and to tell him something like that?! I think Jean's character would be a bit too proud to do something like that. I'd say it actually seems more believable for someone like Jean to just leave the house... and then MAYBE go to Marco's house, using the excuse that he just couldn't sleep and then try to make Marco go with him somewhere to get his mind off things. And obviously Marco would ask him why and Jean wouldn't really answer, but Marco would still be able to figure out what was wrong. I know it's cliché, but it actually seems more realistic in this case.

I feel kinda sad. Poor Jean just want somebody to love him. Doesn't sound like he's the one sabotaging the relationships he's in (at least not on purpose) and yet he keeps ending up alone :(

"... Marco nearly chokes on the soda he'd been drinking ..." - that last part is not necessary. If he's choking on a soda, I bet most of us are able to figure out he was actually drinking one ;)

"... then you've done worse than lost him." - we get the point, but you should consider rephrasing it.

At least it should be easier for Jean to move on now that Mikasa is officially out of reach ;)

"Their friends are all they're" *there (the prom)

I think Jean's character is kinda blurry if you get me? You wouldn't think someone like him would go along with the dancing part. But I'll let it go.

So Jean can actually thank Ymir for once ;) At least she got him out of what could have turn into a rather embarrassing moment xD

Wow, Marco sure is a sentimental one. But I guess he's just trying to hint to Jean that he really likes him. Sadly, Jean's too thickheaded to get something like that.

Nice incorporation of Sina, Maria and Rose ;)

I really like how you chose to do this chapter - not going directly to their college years, but instead going through the most important events of they high school years, ending it with them going to college :)

There're LOTS of gay couples and it's a bit overwhelming. A nice thumb rule is that you should at least have a balanced amount of gay and straight couples in your story for it to be believable.

You're missing some commas here and there, some general written mistakes along with the mixing of the tenses. But it's nothing a thorough read through couldn't change

Overall, you did good on this chapter and if I remember correctly, you did even better on the next one - so looking forward to rereading that... I can't wait till I get to the new chapter :D
And I'm sorry that I took me some time to get this done. Took me days to finish this review -_-' Hope you'll keep updating!
Aeliia chapter 3 . 2/21/2014
Oh gosh. Why Jean why?! The part with Hitch was surprising but I liked it. I feel like it really adds character to Marco. Is Jean going to come to terms with his feelings anytime soon? I sure hope so.

This story is amazing, one of my favorite Jeanmarco stories out there. Please keep it up and update soon! :)
LoveToTheCucumber chapter 1 . 2/21/2014
Bro, why you no update :( I'm really sorry that I haven't review your story even though I already read it, but back when I first read it, I used my phone so it was kinda difficult. Anyway, I just wanted to try encourage you to go on by saying I love it so far and WHEN you're gonna start updating again, I'm definitely gonna read it trough again and review it properly :) There's just no point in reading it again if this is just another story that's never going to continue :/ anyway, hope you'll be back with more soon :D
LiberatedAndFree chapter 2 . 12/13/2013
Tamniin chapter 2 . 12/3/2013
Yay, the next chapter is finally here! I really enjoy this story, and and still can't get over the fact Marco called it "Memories with Horse Face"! I was trying to figure out what HF meant before that, and simply couldn't until it came up. Excited for the next one!
weirdo-has chapter 2 . 12/3/2013
Words cannot describe how much I love your writing.
starstarfairy chapter 2 . 12/3/2013
I'm terrible because my main reaction to this chapter was "no Marco, don't pick architecture, you don't know what you're getting into, you'll never sleep again and your fingers and cheerful disposition will be torn apart!" (I'm an architecture student myself lol. it's... not for the faint of heart)

ANYWAY all that aside I love this fic! Marco's family is adorable, I want them to adopt me. And your portrayal of Marco and Jean's relationship is super on-point so kudos for that! Though I'd like to see more of Armin, since apparently he and Marco are supposed to be good friends. Though that would open up the opportunity for Eren to appear as well, and Jean probably wouldn't be too happy about that...

Keep up the good work! Looking forward to the next chapter!
Guest chapter 1 . 12/1/2013
Cute. Are Marco and Reiner going to keep going?

Love it- keep it up!

Adorable Marco! Poor jean, and what a dad...
captainmeow-chan chapter 1 . 11/8/2013
This was really cute! Can't wait to see what you write next.
Alex chapter 1 . 11/6/2013
Oh my gosh I am loving this story so far I think you've done a really great job with the characterization of everyone and I've actually laughed out loud a few times while reading this! It's really great and I'm hoping to see more soon! Thanks for writing an amazing story!
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