Reviews for Final Fantasy: The Commando Project
Al-khalid chapter 4 . 7/8/2019
Just finished reading this. Damn good story, wish there was more of it.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/2/2017
Fuck this you shoul be writteing orouboros shippiden not this shit :(
HikariNiwa chapter 4 . 11/3/2016
Man, things are really heating up. Nice chapter.
e chapter 1 . 3/15/2014
stop sopa .gov/petition/stop-sopa-2014/q0Vkk0Zr
Falvern chapter 4 . 1/28/2014
An emotionally powerful chapter for our protagonist. Cloud lost just about everything he believed in in this chapter. All he has left is Shinra, and with Zack now AWOL, that leaves Cloud as its greatest asset. And with absolutely no one he can trust. It will be interesting to read how the story plays out from here.

You've done an amazing job with this story. It says a lot about your gift for writing when you can convincingly portray AVALANCHE as antagonists from Cloud's perspective. Well done.

I'm also interested in what plans you have in store for Marlene. The idea of Cloud taking care of her, with her becoming something of a lifeline for Cloud would be an interesting approach. Though I don't exactly expect fluff to occur in this fic, given listed under Adventure/Angst.

Regardless, I'm really looking forward to future chapters.
Kain Everguard chapter 3 . 1/16/2014
Cloud should adopt Marlene. He needs a new lifeline to the depressing way his life turned into.
Melfice-sama chapter 1 . 1/5/2014
Magnifique absolutley magnifique. This story kicks me right in the feels. Excellent characterisation, beliveable situations., It has all a true Final fantasy fan like me could wish for. I especially look forward to the continued breakdown of Cloud, I wonder how far it will go. It's a shame it has gotten as few reviews as it has. I hope more people will discover this excellent story.

With Regards, Melfice-sama
Kain Everguard chapter 4 . 1/4/2014
Okay, so I'm reminded of how cloud will now turn towards his comrades for support since zack and others have gone away.
Where does the Commando's loyalty lie? As Rufus takes over with his commanding of the world with fear instead of money like his father did, then the commandos might be sent to many more battlefields to enforce the fear, leading to many more confrontations with zack as they try to stop cloud's lack of morality...
Speaking of morality, even cloud has a speck of it considering his action with caring for Marlene and his offer to Tifa. So if cloud is forced to take actions that cracks his personal morality to a breaking point, he might have to leave shinra, after which if shinra is destroyed by a WEAPON, the general responsibility to protect the people will fall on Cloud.
Kain Everguard chapter 1 . 1/4/2014
I hope cloud becomes a good guy at the end...
n0mster chapter 4 . 1/3/2014
Hmm, another intriguing chapter, it's pretty angsty but that's to be expected given the genre you've placed this story in, I just hope that future plot developments aren't depressing, given that Cloud has just lost everything he's believed in this chapter. His meeting with Tifa went far from well, added to the breakdown in friendship between him and Zack, in addition to losing one of his Lieutenants who he admired and liked (and who appeared to have possibly more than platonic feelings towards Cloud).

His thought processes collapsing during the final meeting with Zack and Avalanche was a little unbelievable since he didn't seem all that interested in convincing Zack or asking why his best friend was so sure that Avalanche was not their enemy. This after knowing that Sephiroth, and not the group he was confronting, was the one responsible for the death of his first platoon as well as the Shinra president. Still, I can understand why you've set it up as such, even as I hope that things don't deteriorate too far from this point (though it's obvious that things are going to go downhill from here).

With the loss of their last sole Soldier, Ancient, not to mention Sephiroth, I'm definitely wondering if Cloud will finally be drafted to undergo SOLDIER, or whether Shinra has other plans for the obviously dangerous opponents running amok.

Definitely looking forward to your next update.
bakapervert chapter 4 . 1/3/2014
Thanks for the update. Poor Cloud, only matter of time till he snap. Or maybe he already is.
Heliosion chapter 4 . 1/3/2014
As usual a top tier story from a top notch author! As a beta and constantly allowed peaks into the progress of this masterpiece I only ask 'Why so few reviews guys?'
Qurvaceous chapter 3 . 1/3/2014
Never thought I'd live to see the day where I thought of Avalanche as the bad guys. This was really good, keep up the good work.
kazal15 chapter 3 . 12/25/2013
Wow, Cloud means serious business. I'm not even sure how I feel about all this, but I'm definitely looking forward to the next chapter.
kazal15 chapter 2 . 12/24/2013
Cloud guarding Aerith, Zack not showing up for the whole chapter, one of the SHM? Unexpected, but enjoyable. Good job, another marvelous chapter.
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