Reviews for Friends
artemida'smoon chapter 1 . 9/8/2017
u do know America didn't really exist then, or if it did ( I don't know what year the series takes place) I doubt Vikings had any idea about it. And at seven kids can usually pronounce all the sounds of the alphabet. But I did like the idea, I mean it shows Hiccup as being exactly the type of person he grew up to be.
deleted142857 chapter 1 . 3/5/2016
I love this!
luvdragons chapter 1 . 11/10/2015
Great story! I love the books and have always wondered about this part! Will you make one about Camacazi?
The Little Chibi chapter 1 . 7/19/2014
Aaw, that's pretty cute. Though I don't understand how Speedifist could be African-American. I'm pretty sure America wasn't even believed to exist at the time, so there's no way anyone anywhere near Berk could be from America.
destinyowldreamer chapter 1 . 4/28/2014
I always wondered how they became friends
Thanks for writing this!
Princesscarebear chapter 1 . 2/1/2014
omg I love it
kitty.0 chapter 1 . 11/11/2013
That was too cute.
Read Please chapter 1 . 11/11/2013
I love the fact that even though Hiccup is little he already knows what it's like to stand up to bullies.
It's really cute how you made him so tough and them
'fislegs, cool."
I mean , how could you do that to me
overcome by hiccup feels
in the best way possible of course
Scribblefoxx chapter 1 . 11/10/2013
This is cute. :)
RazzlePazzleDooDot chapter 1 . 11/9/2013
I kinda miss the best friend relationship between these two with the movie version... :(
buuut both versions are pretty sweet. HEY did you know that you're up to 99 stories? Like, wow! One more and you're at three digits! I can't believe how much you write; you're really gifted.
Anyways. Laterrr :)
starlightwalking chapter 1 . 11/9/2013
Aww, that was sweet. I only saw a few problems- in the eleventh book (which hasn't come out in America yet, so maybe you haven't read it? I couldn't wait, so I ordered it from the UK :D), Snotlout mentions that he picked on Hiccup from a really early age because he couldn't stand that for three years, everyone looked at him to be the next Chief, and then Hiccup was born and ruined it all for him. And Speedifist wouldn't be called "African-American" because the Vikings didn't believe that America was a real place. Maybe just African?

Anyways, good writing! I hope you write more book stuff, I really like it, though your movie/show stories are good too. :D