Reviews for Scarlet Love
Ree chapter 12 . 1/1/2006
Hey, just wanted to say that i really enjoyed reading this fanfics, and i thought it was really well written, good job! )

Shiva another long-lost reader chapter 12 . 6/17/2005
hey i've been reading ur story since you last updated pleeze update i love ur story please please please!

thank you
A long lost reader chapter 12 . 12/20/2004
HOLY CRAP! It's been like a bazillion years, give or take a few, since you've updated! Please! *begs* I just reread this story and I'd forgotten how great it was! PWEASSE! It was one of my favorite stories, and I have to know the ending! There are so few good fics out there any more...This one was perfect! You HAVE to update! *giddy with excitement* The plot is too thick for you not to! PLEASE!

Ahem, thank you.
trai maxwell chapter 12 . 11/2/2004
GAH! FINISH FINISH FINISH! I NED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS! i love the way your character goes so well with dilly-kun. he needs sum luvens! i would also like to take this chance to say UPDATE RESSURECTED BY BLOOD! hurry hurry hurry! *goes insane* ah, but to go insane you can't already BE INSANE! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH...*ehem* anyhow please update soon. there are few super good stories on here and yours is awsome! (one of the bast) please keep up the good work!

trai maxwell
Lieutenant Panda chapter 12 . 10/26/2004
hey! your still alive! (saw you updated a fic in July) please update scarlet love, i don't think ti's terrible at all! I love it! Dere sounds really cool and you portray dilandau very well without making him go way out of character. I like the part when she's outside his bedroom and then he catches her and they...kiss *covers face with hands and blushes!* GREAT STORY! The only problem with the story, however, is that the last time you updated was last year! ok so ya just make sure you update and ya i'll be the first one to read the story ok? OK ok well i better go read more fics before i die of boredom etc etc. Have fun at school, cause i'm not!
Sakuya1989 chapter 12 . 9/28/2004
hello. i really liked this fic a lot. i was a bit sceptical about reading it scince i don't support oc's in storis with other characters from other anime's and such. but i was wrong! i love the way you wrote this! i'll be waiting for the next chapter! keep going!

trai maxwell
Kimpatsu no Hoseki chapter 12 . 9/20/2004
is Joseline staying back 2? plz update more soon!
animefreak chapter 12 . 7/19/2004
This is such a good story! Please keep updating! I've read the whole thing 3 times already and i'm longing for chapter 12. It's been almost a year since you last updated!
Bellmandy chapter 12 . 3/24/2004
Omg! why aren't you updating? I love this story and me and my friends are dying for an update! More d/d action please! I hope you get the motivation to get you wrting again! tata~!
Selina chapter 2 . 12/13/2003
hey there sup sup?~~ i really like ur story..its so good~ u go gurl!~ ~ ~
dreamingofflyingaway chapter 12 . 10/27/2003
omg...! i luv it! i do! aiee! *eyes are squares from reading for soo long and late at night*

please keep reviewing!

la chapter 12 . 10/20/2003
Please continue I need to know what happens from the poem it seems that Dere dies. Why, what? Please continue!

Rani chapter 12 . 8/27/2003
Hey...ncie story...hmm probably one of my favourits involving dilly...u did a great job especially on expaining there feelings...but u can work on the surroundings...but it's still pretty good...hope to read the next chap soon...-...keep up the good work...*-*...
YingFa8 chapter 12 . 8/25/2003
Ur welcome for the reviewz!_ donno y u bother to thank me, since u deserve it all :) i check everytime im on if uve updated or not-n naturally, i review everytime therez a new chap:). this wuz one of my FAV chapz!-(more dilandau n dere-id put the accent, but my laptop doesnt hav the num. thangz, strange isnt it:S- fluffz!hehe:)lataz-n ill keep checkin for the next one!._0, xoxoxocherryxoxoxo p.s. jus wonderin-do u wear perfume? if so, wut brand do u use? me n my friendz r doin this survey thing for uh..somethin n i wuz jus wonderin. if u dont, then wut brand of shampoo do u use? -hope im not comin off too nosy or w/e...-...if u want me to mind my own business, ill be glad to..lolz-no hard feelingz(-.-)- hope im not commin off as the prissy type:s cuz i am so far from that u hav no idea- but then again, it IS the internet n everyone soundz diff on it ehh-i kno i do lolz. shyt im blabbin, LATEZ.(gotta pull myself away...)
YingFa8 chapter 11 . 8/18/2003
LUVED this chap! couldnt believe it when i found out u updated-)!~but thank god u did lolz-cant wait to see more of this 'joselin' character; she soundz real special (meaning another gurl-that-standz-next-to-her-man-n-is-bitchy-to-all-other-femalez-within-a-5-mile-radius-of-him/her...or did i get the wrong picture? lolz meh we'll soon find out)...till next time! xoxoxocherryxoxoxo p.s. hope there'll be more dere n dilandau scenez in future chapz.-cant wait!
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