Reviews for The Wendy Corduroy Chronicles
Banana joe chapter 1 . 11/17/2016
It sucks thanks for ruining my perspective of gravity falls
ghost117239 chapter 2 . 3/16/2016
Sorry to bother, but is there a possibility of more chapters? That would be great! Keep up the good work
ghost117239 chapter 1 . 3/16/2016
Nevermind about the sequel, I found it XD. anyway, I'm about to read.
Guest chapter 2 . 1/17/2016
Brah it's been over two fucking years since you update come on don't leave us hanging
Just Simply Call Me Evan chapter 2 . 9/28/2015
Sam this is great.

And please stop call yourself a sadist...

Because i know that u are not...

You are a great guy,that makes other peoples happy with the stories u wrotes.

So please don't be a sadist...

~EvanDoesStuffs from Deviantart.
Insane Wise-man chapter 1 . 9/13/2014
I love this story, keep this way Sadi
Its good to read your fanfics
loyal follower chapter 2 . 9/13/2014
So Mabel wants Dipper for herself not because of romance but due to the fact that she is now the third wheel.
Mystic Fairy Tame chapter 2 . 8/22/2014
Cool. But what about if Wen comes back. Will a rip in time happen. I hate those things. It still my tablet last week
Sorrowxdarkness chapter 2 . 7/27/2014
Just what I was hoping inside scoop in Mabel's mind. So the chapter begins by backtracking a bit to when Mabel first come across (younger) Wendy. Now what I like about this chapter is what I was expecting/hoping for from Mabel in the first chapter. I like the inner mechanism that is Mabel's mind that demonstrated just how possessive she was of her Dipper and how she seems to not quite fancy the idea of sharing Dipper with someone else (especially when its Dipper's girlfriend). I hope you'll continue on with this story. I really to read more.

Oh, and I believe you have the tendency to use "drug" as the past tense of drag but in fact, the proper form for that would be "dragged".
Sorrowxdarkness chapter 1 . 7/27/2014
Finally! I didn't realize you started the sequel until I checked out your list of stories. For chapter 1 of "The Wendy Corduroy Chronicles", I was convinced of how Wendy handled the situation. Of course no one would believe on such a thing (especially without prior experience of the abnormalities), but still, if there was a hope to see Dipper, (younger) Wendy took it. Yes! Yes! That's what I was looking for (expecting/and even hoping for).

When she arrived to the future, and was awoken by Mabel, I like the sudden assumption that she created upon Mabel claiming possession of Dipper ("my Dipper"). Of course she would expect for the worse (at least for her at that moment) but still, hearing that she thought Mabel was Dipper's girlfriend was funny to say the least (this comment does not apply to your other story, "Forbidden").

I was also surprised that Mabel was rather obedient when Dipper requested some alone time with (younger) Wendy. I expected something, Mabel-ish. I don't know...curious about what was going on between -that- Wendy with her brother. She almost lost her brother as well as losing him for a good amount of time before they were reunited. I would have imagine her to be a bit more protective or cautious when it came with Dipper. Maybe I'll see more in chapter 2. Great chapter!
99griffon chapter 2 . 7/21/2014
99griffon chapter 1 . 7/21/2014
I wanna bowl with the gangsters, but oh well it's obvious I'm white and nerdy. Think I'm just to white and nerd, r-really white and nerdy!

Oh, is this, uh, not a good time? hehe.. Oh well!
redlinevcr chapter 2 . 12/30/2013
I liked it .

I can't wait to see what happens next.
redlinevcr chapter 2 . 12/29/2013

I liked it can't wait to see what the young WENDY

does be fore she goes back.
Am Sadi chapter 2 . 12/26/2013
I review myself... . Don't judge me
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