Reviews for Bloodlines
Arowen13 chapter 1 . 6/1/2018
I really like this! I'd like to see them find a story where though
they were apart as children, they grew closer as adults, and
one where they actually become oath brothers rather than enemies. :)
TakedaEmo120 chapter 1 . 3/8/2014
Ya knw, your fic reminds me of Lion King 2. Of Kiara and Kovu, how their families are supposed to be sworn enemies, yet both of the heirs to the family still managed to become friends. This looks quite promising, and I hope you're planning to write more. Good luck!
Changling chapter 1 . 11/13/2013
This could get very intresting. it kind of reminds me of Astrid Lindgren's Ronja the Robbers Daughter, with Ronja and Birk making friends even though there clans are enimies. I don't know if you know the story, but if you ever lack inpiration, i recommend that you check it out. there is one scene where Ronja's clan captures Birk and goes to negotiate with his farther for his freedom and Ronja jumps over the crack in the rock that separates them so that both clans have a prisoner from the other. of course they're both freed, but before Birk jumps back to his clan he and Ronja have this little scene where she touches a cut on his face from when he was capured and he pats her cheek and they smile at each other and just have this moment that really cements there friendship, and the first time i read a fic where Loki was raised i Jothunheim but they still become friends I just saw thiat scene so strongly in my head and now again when I read your first chapter, so I just had to get the suggestion out there. if you don't use it hope fully someone elae will, - i think the movie is on youtube. it's in swedish, but..- however if you could/would work that scene into your story without felling like your ruining something, you would make my year.
The Wayfaring Strangers chapter 1 . 11/12/2013
Yeah, your writing style is great, but remember, Thor isn't a total dummy, and Loki is younger than him, which should be readily apparent, because nine-year olds are SIGNIFICANTLY less mature than eleven year olds.

I'd like to see more. Also, I think Loki would be a bit more nervous... and I think he shouldn't have such a strong grasp on his magic yet. I especially liked the beginning. :)
Colander chapter 1 . 11/12/2013
Princess Unikitty chapter 1 . 11/12/2013
very cool idea for a story. keep it up.