Reviews for Crash
Guest chapter 1 . 11/25/2013
Bebedora chapter 1 . 11/16/2013
Huzzah! Great story!

I love your vulnerable, unhinged Kirk. Tarsus is a great vehicle so show a side of Jim that rarely gets to be seen-afraid, regretful, alone. Then, to add the delerium induced by awful memories into the mix:brilliant. McCoy handled the situation the best he could, even if that meant hurting (literally) the one he loved.

Bones is perfect here, as well. To be thrown into this situation where Kirk is incoherent and hurting himself and to have to diffuse a very volatile Jim's rampant emotions: you did it with the perfect balance of sympathy and "Southern Gruff."

Then, to add Khan into the picture, giving Jim an "out" (if you will) to have a reason to act so irrationally and lose himself, wonderful way to tie in the film.

Fantastic work, as always! Looking forward to more from you, girlie!

Magiccatprincess chapter 1 . 11/14/2013
A very nice portrayal of two very awesome characters!
Minecraft Guardiansaiyan chapter 1 . 11/13/2013
Well...I know your a Spirk but I am a McSpirk type of person...and this fic to me was a perfect McSpirk...cause I know Spock is happy that Bones makes Jim happy too...

More please!
kalina16 chapter 1 . 11/13/2013
Ooooohhh I love this! Very well-written and especially great characterization. I think you hit the nail on the head with Jim- he's not some pathetic mess, but he's not this perfect, invincible being either. He's human, a strong human, but still a human with his fallbacks, and that's what makes him such a great character. And you did a wonderful job of portraying that.
Plus, I really love Bones and Jim friendship XD.
Anyways, great story and lovely characterization, keep it up!