Reviews for The Fox Princess
Frwt chapter 12 . 10/24/2019
so what happen next? T_T
Namikaze chapter 12 . 9/10/2018
Cuando actualizas de nuevo y Sasuke se encontrara con los padres de Naruko
Cat Beats chapter 1 . 4/18/2018
I'm glad to see Russian folklore getting some love! I am taking a Russian folklore class so I have read so many of these. I really like the Frog Princess. The traditional name is actually Koschei the Deathless but I think it's not too important. Cool idea!
teardrop765 chapter 12 . 2/21/2018
OMG YAY HE GOT TO SEE HER AND GEAR HER VOICE. I'm so happy he's getting closer to her.
SasuNaru's Loyal Fangirl TDDUP chapter 11 . 12/19/2017
update please
teardrop765 chapter 11 . 7/27/2017
Yay you updated. My money is on his mother spirit
NarupokeeAurorafan chapter 10 . 7/18/2017
Poor Naru :( ! I hope he gets there in time ! Please update soon bye!
Akamehime456 chapter 10 . 7/13/2017
NOOOOOOOOO! Nonononono where is the next chapter huh? Oh no . why does always happens to me. Plz plz plz plz UPDATE ! Your story is incredible plz UPDATE !
teardrop765 chapter 10 . 10/13/2016
And same I'm moving to a country where they'll have less control over. Like Canada.
guest chapter 10 . 10/11/2016
Naruto is a guy and karin is irrelevant. Kill yourself, disgusting delusional pathetic fugly fucked up fatass virgin fag.
YummY-FrencH-65 chapter 9 . 11/22/2015
SexiiFoxii chapter 9 . 8/27/2015
I loved it but I think you should have updated / written more expecially since its been so long since you last updated but none of the less I really enjoyed it 3.
phantomlady13 chapter 9 . 8/22/2015
Oh nooo . . .
Foolish Sasuke !
Poor Naruto T.T
How come you trusted stranger's words ?
lumiere du soliel chapter 8 . 3/18/2015
How many chapters will this fic have?
SexiiFoxii chapter 8 . 2/10/2015
Omgg it was such a long time since you last updated what the hell have you been doing?! however I truly enjoy the story and I do wonder about sasuke. Is he about to do something bad to naruko? And I KNEW that kitsune was naruko and is also a princess! Anyway all in all its a great fanfic and you better update this week instead of a year or so!
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