Reviews for The Modern Life of Gilbert Beilschmidt
Darkness envoy chapter 50 . 2/14/2019
Well, it's February 14th and I'm starting to feel like a person visiting an abandoned grave. I figured by some sheer luck you would see this but I guess not. lol update by the next millennia lol.
Darkness envoy chapter 1 . 4/20/2018
April 20th and still nothing, such a shame. I'll be back later to check again.
Darkness envoy chapter 50 . 1/1/2018
Wanted to let you know that people are still reading your story and I would appreciate it if you would continue. I think you did a great job so far so I hope you see this through to the end. If not, time skip to Prussia dying or put them together if you want to just get it over with.
Guest chapter 50 . 9/25/2015
This story is AWESOME! Much like Gilbert! Plz update again soon!
Me chapter 50 . 9/13/2015
Keiri12 chapter 49 . 9/3/2015
i absolutely adored this story~ Just finished going on an all nighter reading it. Some of my favorite things, were how Gil's past was portrayed and his dairy writing. To see him start to regress into the terrorizing Prussia when France almost spilled his secret and have his old friend actually fear it sent a shiver down my spine. And later on when he was drunk and talking to Italy about Frankenstein Ludwig, just to show how much it had hurt to lose his first brother and what rage he went through.

When it came to the Pru-Lil I enjoyed her adorableness, after all who couldn't3

Over all, I truly enjoyed the story in its entirety. It is a pleasant read with Prussia's interacts with everyone else. Although I do feel bad for Canada, poor thing was forgotten about during the first drinking party and Prussia forgot all about him when it came to movie night as well.

You got a favorited and followed from me, just in case the story continues to be written out but either way it was a lovely read.
Kornblume Cavalier chapter 47 . 2/27/2015
I'm so happy that you finally updated! It has been a while. I really enjoyed reading this and I hope to see more! But take your time awesome chapters can't be rushed.
LackingDelirium chapter 46 . 10/20/2014
Pruliech all the way! Pruliech all the way! Woop woop. Anyways, this is quite a nice story and I hope you continue, your writing has improved tenfold from the beginning.
Kintoki Kin chapter 45 . 10/8/2014
Oh Gilbert, Your heart has been beaten around and your friend is not really a friend but you still cover it. I love PruHun but I'm now preferring Liechtenstein. To see Hungary's reaction. Oh, you should make an extra or put it somewhere when Prussia cracked and become evil. Like when he threaten France and France slapped him. Everyone is so evil, no one really care about Prussia.
Oh, you should make on 1 chap, Prussia strict, organized and proper clothed go to a meeting to see everyone's reaction. To show that this is the real Prussia, the serious one. And not to underestimate him. Pleaseeeee make it! And make Prussia rule the world! KESESESESESE
Kintoki Kin chapter 38 . 10/8/2014
Really Hungary!? Roderich! Poor Prussia, why do you love her, she is too cruel! From now on my otp is pruliech. Hungary, I'm so disappointed in you...
WinterSpirit13 chapter 44 . 9/29/2014
Yay! Update! I liked the chapter! Its really late and I just wanted to finish this before going to bed, so... Yeah.
thanks for writing (even if it hasn't been constant, still) and I look forward to more!
WinterSpirit13 chapter 43 . 9/17/2014
I'm so glad this is being updated! I've loved this story
Incarceron chapter 42 . 6/30/2014
Have a good summer, we will be waiting!
CheshireKitKat chapter 40 . 6/16/2014
Haha! You go little Germany!
Anonymoose chapter 38 . 6/2/2014
The ending... rODERICH!? NOOOOO!
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